Summary Put in order cards of life stages of metamorphic animals. Science content Biology: Life Cycles (2) Science competencies (+ questioning + manipulation + others that are in every activity) Processing/analyzing: tabulating data (1 up) Evaluating: inferring (3 up) Lessons activity is in Metamorphic animals Materials cards of drawings of animals in different stages of their life cycle e.g. frog, butterfly, wasp, barnacle, starfish, jellyfish Procedure I am giving you animal life cycle cards. There are 4 different animals in your set, with four different stages of their life cycle. Try to place the cards into four separate life cycles on your mat, so the arrows link each stage in the life cycle - start with the egg and cycle through two stages to the adult. Some will be easy as you have seen them before, some you’ll have to guess. Don’t worry about getting it right, but look at the variety of life that goes through metamorphosis. Discussion: Barnacle is a crustacean, related to shrimp and crabs. Barnacle egg grows into a larva, which swims in the ocean. The larva develops into a cypris, which settles on a rock and metamorphoses to form the adult. Crustaceans: some release fertilised eggs into the water, others hold on to the eggs until they hatch incl. barnacles. Larva called nauplius. Jellyfish: Egg grows into a swimming larva, which attaches to a rock. Metamorphosis to form a polyp. Young jellyfish bud off. Eggs fertilized outside the parent. Larva called planula. Starfish/sea star: The eggs grow into a swimming larva, which attaches to a rock, goes through metamorphosis to form a juvenile starfish, which grows into an adult. Eggs fertilized outside the parent. Larva called bracholaria. Plankton Show plankton images e.g. from Show larvae image and find ones like barnacle and starfish larva. They are tiny and drift with the ocean currents. Plankton are food for other larger animals. The adults make many young so that some survive to the next stage. Attached documents Metamorphic life stages cards.pdf Metamorphic life stages mat.pdf Grades taught Gr 1 Gr 2