Lesson plan

Sound: noise makers

Make noise makers and figure out how their sounds are made.
Science content
Biology: Sensing, Organ Systems (4, 5, 6)
Physics: Light and Sound (1)
Activities in this lesson
  • rubber band for each pair of students
  • materials in the activities

Optional introduction of materials and how they make noise (alternatively let students figure it out):
Give a rubber band to each pair of students.
Ask one student of each pair to stretch it between their hands, and the other to pluck it. Both students watch carefully.
Students are asked what they notice as it is plucked: a sound/the band vibrating back and forth.
Sound starts as something vibrating, which vibrates the molecules in the air, which vibrates our ear drum. The vibration is transferred to our inner ear, where it is converted to an electrical signal which is perceived as sound in our brain.

When we talk it also starts as a vibration. Students can feel their throat as they sing a note. The vibration of the throat makes the air in our throat vibrate. This vibration transfers through the air, which we hear as a sound.

Make each noise maker.
Discuss how they each make their sounds.

Students can experiment with modifying them e.g. move the popsicle stick in the sound sandwich, change the rubber band or bend the card on the hummer.

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4