
Crystal shapes from building blocks

Use building toys to build simple 3D shapes from repeating units.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Materials and Structures (grade 3)
Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)
  • lego blocks, square and/or classic brick shapes
  • magnetic building toy
  • molecule models, or other ball and stick building toy

Tell students that as a crystal grows, the atoms add on in a regular way. Depending on the pattern that the organize in, different shaped crystals are made.
This activity uses building toys to show how a regular arrangement of smaller units can make some common crystal shapes.
When you build, make sure that you add the units in the same repeating pattern (show example).
See which crystal shapes you come up with.

Attached documents
Grades taught
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Black Holes

Model phenomena that help astronomers locate and find the mass of black holes.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Earth and Space Science: Stars and Planets (grade 3)

What are black holes?

They are part of the life cycle of stars.
Some stars, like our sun, will fizzle out when the hydrogen, then helium, fuel is all used up. Others become giant supernovas as the core collapses, and then form either a neutron star or a black hole.

Black holes have so much gravity that even light cannot escape them.
All matter has gravity. The more matter a body has, the more gravity it creates. You have more gravity than your pencil. The school building has more gravity than you. The earth has more gravity still, the sun more, and black holes the most. Black holes have so much gravity that even light cannot escape.
Black holes have so much gravity, not because they are large, but they have a LOT of matter packed together.
Black holes can, in theory, come in any size. The matter just has to be densely enough packed. Earth would be a black hole if it had a diameter of 2cm.

Our sun is one of 100 billion stars in our Milky Way galaxy. The Milky Way also has 100 million black holes, including a super massive black hole at the centre, called Sagittarius A*.
It is thought that black holes exist at the centre of every galaxy.

So if we can’t see black holes, how do we know they exist?
By how they affect the stars and dust clouds around them.

Students move through four stations to explore different phenomena around black holes, that allows us to study them.
They fill out the accompanying worksheet (attached below).

1. Orbits of stars around a black hole with the gravity well model. Set up the activity with the event horizon in the centre.
Astronomers look for stars that appear to be orbiting around “nothing.” Here is a drawing of the orbits of stars around Sagittarius A*:
Model stars orbiting a black hole, and experiment with orbit shapes and speeds.

2. Swirling gas around a black hole modelled with the tornado in a bottle activity.
One of the only features of a black hole you can see are the swirling clouds of stellar dust and gas around them, called accretion discs. See this image:
Long streamers of gas are pulled into the black hole, travelling faster as it gets closer to the black hole. As the matter accelerates into the black hole and heats up, it emits x-rays that radiate into space. We can detect these X-rays.
This activity models the rotating accretion disc with gas being pulled into the black hole.

3. Orbit speed around the black hole activity.
When astronomers find a star in orbit with an invisible companion, they can look at the size and speed of the orbit to figure out the size of the black hole. Students model two masses orbiting each other to observe relative orbit sizes and speeds.

4. Gravitational lensing model
A black hole’s gravity bends light, so that galaxies behind it form distorted images. They can be used to map where the black hole is. See this image of distorted galaxies:…
This activity models the appearance of light distorted by a black hole.

Attached documents

Lesson 7/7 at Strathcona.

Grades taught
Gr 6
Gr 7

Coupled orbits

Balance two masses on a stick and spin them around a balance point. Experiment with relative mass size to see how it changes orbit sizes and speeds. Relate to how astronomers find new astronomical objects.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Stars and Planets (grade 3)

For masses supported with a post (best set up):

  • chopsticks with strong (metal) pin glued into one end
  • mechanism to support the chopsticks in an upright position e.g. child's building toy
  • wide skewers with holes drilled every 0.5cm, to fit the pin on the chopstick
  • play dough (see recipe)
  • large white paper to lay under set up
  • flashlight to help visualize orbits

For masses supported by a string (easiest set up):

  • bamboo skewers
  • string
  • playdough (see recipe)

Students model two masses orbiting together. They represent the coupled orbits of two stars (a "binary star system"), or a star orbiting a black hole, or a planet orbiting a star. The movement - the orbit path and speed - of each mass depends on the relative sizes of each object.

Tell students that they will investigate coupled orbits, to discover how orbits and speeds vary with the masses, and then find out how astronomers study couple orbits to discover objects in the universe.

Give students the equipment, ask them to add masses to each end of the skewer. They should try both equal-sized masses, and unevenly-sized masses during their experimentation. They should then make sure the masses are balanced i.e. the skewer is horizontal.
For the masses supported by a post they should find the appropriate hole to put the pin through. For the masses supported by string they can slide the string along the skewer until the balance point is found.
Once the masses are balanced, they can be spun slowly around each other.
Students should note the path that each mass takes and the size of its orbit. For the mass on a post, a flashlight can be shone from a fixed point above the spinning masses, and the path of their shadows traced on the paper.
Students may also look at how fast each of the masses move, but the size of the orbit is the most important.

They should find that the masses both orbit around the balance point (a small mass does not orbit around a stationary large mass, but they both move around another point).
They should find that with unequal masses, the smaller mass has a larger orbit (and moves much faster) than the larger mass.

Astronomers study couple orbits to discover new objects in the universe. If they find a star in orbit with an invisible companion, they can measure the size and speed of the star's orbit to figure out the size of the invisible companion, and therefore what it might be.
If a star is discovered moving in a large orbit around "nothing", the invisible companion may be a (relatively massive) black hole. The black hole has a huge mass which moves very little, while the orbiting star moves in a large, fast orbit around it. The more massive the black hole, the larger and faster the orbit of the star. In the students' model, their large mass is the black hole and their small mass is the star.
If a star is found to be moving in a small orbit (which will be seen as a "wobble" back and forth), the invisible companion may be a (relatively small) exoplanet with a large orbit around the star, that is too small to see itself. In the students' model, their large mass is the star and their small mass is the exoplanet.
(The wobble of a far away star is measured by reading its Doppler shift as it moves away from and towards us.)

Note that with coupled orbits, both masses orbit around a separate balance point, or centre of mass, called a "barycentre". If one mass is a lot larger than the other the barycentre may be within the large object, but it will not be at its centre. The large mass will still make a (small) orbit itself. For simulations of coupled orbits see the gallery near the bottom of
More information on barycentres and discovering exoplanets:

Coupled orbits can have more than two objects - our solar system is the coupled orbits of the sun, the planets and other bodies that orbit the sun.
Technically, solar system objects, including Earth, are not orbiting the sun, but the sun and all the masses in the solar system orbit the barycentre of the solar system (which is sometimes outside the surface of the sun and sometimes near the centre of the sun). Try this link for the orbit path of the sun around the solar system barycentre:…

Astronomers are searching for "Planet 9" to explain the orbits of the trans-Neptunian objects (objects orbiting the sun beyond Neptune). The apparent location of the barycentre of the solar system cannot be explained by the known objects orbiting the sun, so astronomers are searching for another mass in orbit.
Try Wikipedia entry on Planet 9 for image:…
See NASA webpage on Planet 9 for more information:

One line summary: astronomers use the phenomenon of coupled orbits to discover black holes, exoplanets and new planets in our solar system.


Using the bar balanced on the pin is way way easier than the hanging balanced rod, especially when tracing out the orbits.
But good for showing where the balance point (barycentre) lies.

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Gravitational lensing model

Use the bottom of a wine glass to model gravitational lensing.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Stars and Planets (grade 3)
  • wine glass, ideally just the base
  • white paper and coloured pens
  • optional: paper with printed geometric designs (see attachment)
  • optional: other cut glass objects

Before the lesson:
Buy cheap wine glasses. Knock the base off them by tapping the stem just above the base with a metal file or other long, heavy object. Sand down the sharp edges.
Alternatively, use an intact wine glass, but be careful about breakages in the classroom.

Hand out wine glass base lenses, and optionally, other cut glass objects that bend light into interesting patterns.
Hand out paper with printed geometric designs (attachment), and coloured markers for students to make their own designs.
Ask students to move the lenses over the designs and notice how the lenses bend images.
Challenge them to specifically make a circle from a dot. If they need help: slide the wine glass base over the dot until the stem is directly above it, when the dot changes to an arc then a circle.

The wine glass base models how gravitational lensing works. When the wine glass lens is run over a dot, the light from the dot is bent by the lens, so our eyes above the wine class see a circle.
In the same way, astronomers use their telescopes to look for rings of light to discover dense masses in the universe, which can bend light around them. When light from a far away galaxy passes through a nearer black hole or cluster of galaxies, their immense gravity bends the light around them, so that the light that reaches our telescopes appears as an arc, or even a circle.
Try these webpages for images of gravitational lensing of light around black holes or galaxies:…

Gravitational lensing images provide information on several astronomical phenomena:
They can be used to map where black holes are.
They can be used to map the dark matter in the universe, which cannot be seen but has enough mass to bend light.
Dark energy existence has been supported by gravitational lensing images.
Cosmic microwave background radiation is also bent by gravitational lensing, so is studied this way.
Galaxy clusters can be weighed with from gravitational lensing images, as the amount of lensing depends on the mass.
Early universe galaxies can be seen and studied with gravitational lensing, which magnifies light images (lensing arc image).

Attached documents
Grades taught
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Tornado in a bottle

Swirl water between two soda bottles, to make a whirlpool between them. Use as a weather model of tornados or space model of gas clouds swirling around a black hole.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Stars and Planets (grade 3)
  • two 2 litre soda bottles
  • water
  • optional: small foam pieces, beads or other small floating bits
  • ideally, a "tornado bottle connector" to connect the bottles end to end - I got mine from Scienceworld in Vancouver (also available online)
  • optional but ideal: washers to prevent small leaks - I use garden hose washers

If tornado connectors unavailable, the materials below:

  • drill and bit to remove the centres of the soda bottle caps
  • hot glue gun
  • duct tape

If no tornado connector is available:
Drill out the centre of the caps, then hot glue them together face to face, without sealing over the hole. More hot glue and duct tape will be needed to minimize leaks from the bottles during the activity. Have a towel ready.

Fill one of the bottles with water two thirds full.
Add the optional floating bits.
Add the tornado connector, or the home-made connector, before screwing on the other bottle.

Turn the bottles upside down so that the water is in the upper bottle, hold the bottles tightly at the join and rotate in a large circle to initiate a tornado of water down into the lower bottle. The floating bits will help visualize the rotation of the water through the tornado.

This activity can be used to model several real phenomena including:
1. Black hole accretion discs: the cloud of gas and dust swirling around a black hole form a spinning "accretion disc". Long streamers of gas are pulled into the black hole by gravity, travelling faster as they are pulled in. Although a black hole itself is not visible, the accretion disc around it is.
2. Tornadoes, hurricanes and waterspouts - although note that these swirl upwards not downwards.


Home made version leaks a lot! Add a towel to hold join with.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 6
Gr 7

Star spectra

Make a spectroscope and learn how astronomers study star spectra. Hear the Doppler effect to help understand red shift. Use coloured filters to understand how filtering star light helps scientists.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Earth and Space Science: Stars and Planets (grade 3)

Starting discussion suggestion 1:
Ask students if they have looked up at the stars. From the city if you are lucky, you’ll see some stars. If you can get out away from the city, you might see enough that there are too many to count. If you can, show images of the sky from the city and outside the city.
Each star is a sun like ours, but much further away. The light from the sun left the sun 8 minutes ago. Light from the next nearest star (Alpha Centauri) takes more than 4 years to reach us - it is 4 "light years" away from us. The light reaching us from some stars has been travelling for billions of years.
So seeing the light from stars shows how they used to look.

Starting discussion suggestion 2:
We explore and understand our Solar System by sending probes up in rockets, then guided to their destination with gravity assist. But to explore beyond the Solar System and back into the origins of our Universe we can only gather and interpret the light from stars.

Continuation of the lesson:
Telescopes can collect the light from far away stars, and spectroscopes in them can split the light into its colours, like a rainbow. The pattern of a spectrum can tell us what a star is made of, how stars change as they age and how fast and in what direction they are moving.
Large telescopes on earth can collect a lot of light, but the Hubble telescope orbiting earth gives the best images as the atmosphere does not wobble the light coming in. Soon the James Webb Telescope will replace Hubble and bring in a whole other batch of images that will allow us to discover new things about our Universe and its origins.

Make a spectroscope and look at the spectra of various light sources, to see how spectra can vary and be used to predict what kind of light sources we are looking at. Then look at the sun's spectra (best on a bright cloudy day).

When we look at the stars, they all have a continuous spectrum, like our sun.
The colours within each spectrum indicates the type of star.
All star spectra have dark Fraunhofer lines in them, which are formed as the gases in the star absorb some of the light emitted by the core of the star.
The position of the Frunhofer lines tells us what gases are in the star's atmosphere - what elements (or simply, "chemicals") the stars are made of.

With intermediates only:
The Fraunhofer lines can also be used to determine whether a star is moving towards us or moving away from us, and how fast.
Ask students to listen to the Doppler effect to hear how the frequency of sound waves changes with a moving object.
In the same way, the frequency of light (or the colour) changes if the star is moving towards or away from us, and so by looking how blue-shifted or red-shifted the Fraunhofer lines are, the speed and direction of a star can be deduced:…

Continue lesson with all grades:
Use a hot bulb for students to detect another kind of light that is not visible: Infra Red (or heat).
Telescopes do not just detect visible light, but radiation of all wavelengths, including radio waves, microwaves, IR, UV and X-rays. The combination of all these wavelengths tells astronomers about cooler and hotter events in star birth, death and the life of galaxies. They get a tremendous amount of information, and then use filters to pick out the features that they want to study.
Use coloured filters to look at various composite images of nebulae, galaxies etc, to see how astronomers filter astronomical images to emphasize aspects of the image that they are studying.

Lesson for Kindergarteners:
Different kinds of light have different colours. Looked through scratched plastic to see the colours in different light sources, including sunlight.
When scientists look at stars they use tools that separate the colours to find out what the stars are made of. Different stars are different colours.
Coloured filters activity. How did your drawings change?
Scientists use filters to look at pictures of space to better see the part of the image they are interested in.


Lesson 6/7 at Strathcona.
Brock did suggestion 2: spectroscope with indoor bulbs, then the sun, then looked at images of star spectra.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7


Make a spectroscope with a DVD, and use it to look at the spectra of various light bulbs and the sun.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Stars and Planets (grade 3)
Physical Science: Light and Sound (grade 4)

spectroscope materials:

  • cereal box (alternatively, cardboard paper towel tube)
  • pencil and ruler
  • cutting blade
  • duct tape or masking tape
  • protractor
  • scissors
  • DVD, recordable works way better, especially for viewing the sun's spectrum
  • lights: incandescent, fluorescent, LED, holiday lights
  • space outdoors to look at bright clouds (do not look directly at the sun)

Assembling the spectroscope:

Flatten a cereal box.
Image 1:
Draw panels so that the cereal box can be folded into a square tube, using the folds already present (side panels of cereal box may become one or two sides of the spectroscope).
Score folding lines, on the outside of the fold (printed side of the box) all the way across the box. (The brown inside of the box will end up on the inside of the tube, as it is darker and will reflect less light.) Cut all the way through the cardboard when you reach the end tabs.
Cut end tabs at one end of the cereal box, so that they can fold down to close the end (the length depends on the size of the cereal box). Cut off one of the middle tabs, and on same panel, cut a hole (4-5.5cm from end and 1cm wide). This viewing hole is on “the top” of the spectroscope.
Cut the tabs at the other end of the cereal box, so that they fold in to make a narrow slit, 1mm wide, across the box.
Image 2: tabs folded to show the slit (this will be folded last in the assembly)
Fold the cardboard into a tube and tape the long side with duct tape or masking tape. It can be easier to put short pieces of tape in a couple of places first to align the edges before adding the long strip. Tape the flaps closed, leaving the top edge open near the viewing hole.
Image 3:
From the opening near the viewing hole, measure a 60 degree angle from the vertical, on both sides, and mark a line at this angle in pencil.
Image 4:
Cut slits 4cm long along this line. Alternatively, these slits can be cut in the cardboard ahead of time for the students.
Cut a DVD in half (or quarters with smaller cereal boxes) with sharp scissors (less likely that the layers will separate than trying to snap it). Insert the DVD piece into the 60 degree slit, making sure the recordable side (with the grooves) is up.
Check the spectrum is visible before taping the DVD in place: point the slit directly at a light source, then look through the hole at the reflection of the light off the DVD.

Using the spectroscope to look at different light sources:

The spectroscope separates the colours of light. They are seen as a "spectrum".
Students can look at various bulbs in the classroom to see what kinds of spectra they have. Or field trip: visit the local stores and look at their various lights through the spectroscope, to find out what kind they are (a supermarket has a god selection of lights with the fridges, displays and overhead lighting.
Primaries can look for different kinds of spectra (broken or continuous) and the colours (see primary worksheet attached). Intermediates can be challenged to find their own patterns in the spectra.

Expected results:
Viewing an incandescent or LED bulb with the spectroscope will show a continuous spectrum - the colours are all smeared together. Every wavelength of light is emitted by these bulbs. See image 8. LED bulbs of one colour will have continuous spectra within these colours.
A fluorescent bulb will show distinct lines of colour - a broken spectrum. The colour of the lines present depend on the gases inside the fluorescent bulb (often mercury and argon). The lines are made as the different gases emit light of certain wavelengths. See image 9.

Additional activity to show sodium emission line:
A candle will give a continuous spectrum. Throw a little salt in the candle and a yellow line will flare up. The sodium in the salt emits light of this yellow wavelength when it is excited (by the heat of the candle). As the sodium atoms lose energy again they emit it as light of this particular wavelength.

Viewing the sun's spectrum:
Take the students outside to view the sun's spectrum with their spectroscope. DO NOT allow students to look directly at the sun. Ideally they point at light clouds in the other direction from the sun, or the blue sky.
They will see that the sun's light makes a continuous spectrum, so emits all wavelengths of light.
If they are lucky they will see Fraunhofer lines - dark lines crossing the spectrum that are the result of gases in the sun (and also the earth's atmosphere) absorbing certain frequencies of light. Try links for images of Fraunhofer lines in sun's spectrum: or… Scientists look at the position of these dark lines to deduce what molecules our sun is made of. Ask students where they see the lines and tell them what molecules in the sun's atmosphere they are detecting.

Extension with Fraunhofer lines for older students:
The position of the dark lines tell astronomers what other stars are made of and what type of star they are looking at:
The lines also tell them how fast and in what direction the stars are moving, by how red-shifted the lines are. Red-shift image try…. See Doppler effect activity to model how red-shift works using sound.


Other spectroscope activities to try:

A spectroscope with half the diameter tube i.e. one side of cereal box makes two sides of the spectroscope. This model does not need the slit - cut the end flaps so that they make a small slit between them and this works fine. DO NOT look at the sun with this.

3 hrs to make one class of spectroscopes.

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Asteroids and Comets

Model crater formation by meteoroids then model the orbits of asteroids and comets around the sun.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Earth and Space Science: Stars and Planets (grade 3)

Aside from the planets, there are many other smaller bodies orbiting the sun.

The asteroids, small chunks of rock and metal orbiting the sun (mostly in the asteroid belt, between Mars and Jupiter) sometimes crash into planets and moons, dotting their surfaces with craters. (When they hit they are called meteoroids. Any remaining material after impact are called meteorites.)
The crater formation activity explores how craters are formed, and how their appearance can teach us about what planets are made of and their history.

The asteroids are thought to be the remains of an early planet that broke up.
Other bodies orbiting the sun include the dwarf planets and comets.
The gravity well activity models the orbits of these various objects.


Lesson 5/7 at Strathcona.

Grades taught
Gr 6
Gr 7

Gravity Well

Use a fabric sheet to model the affect of a central gravity well on orbiting objects.
Use for modelling the orbits of planets/meteorites/comets, or stars orbiting a black hole.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Stars and Planets (grade 3)

For each student group (4 or 5):

  • large circular hoop: tent poles work well, or try a hula hoop or 10 ft length of PEX piping
  • spandex fabric to stretch over hoop
  • 8 or better 16 binder clips - medium size for tent poles, large for piping
  • strong bag/glove with weight inside e.g. rolls of coins, or rocks
  • marble and small binder clip to hang bag and weight
  • marble for each student

This activity taken from Society of Physics Students outreach manual:…

Tell students they will be using the gravity well to model the shapes and speeds of orbiting objects. They release their marble so that it orbits the centre well of the fabric. The centre well models the gravity of the sun/a star/a black hole (depending on the emphasis of the lesson). Their marble may model a planet, dwarf planet, asteroid, comet orbiting a star. Or their marble can model a star orbiting a black hole.
(See below for comments on how this model is different from real astronomical objects in orbit.)

As students experiment, prompt them to notice the shapes of the orbits they make, and maybe also the speed of the marble at different distances from the well.

Discussion on orbit shapes
Ask students what shaped orbits they made, and compare their descriptions to orbit shapes of astronomical objects. Our familiar planets have a circular orbit, whereas comets and several trans-Neptunian dwarf planets have elliptical orbits.
Show images of various orbits (of planets, moons, dwarf planets, asteroids, Kuiper belt objects and comets), during experimentation or after.
Try this image for comet orbits:…
Try this page for images for orbits of dwarf planets in the solar system, to give a sense of how many objects orbit the sun: or do an image search of "orbit Eris Haumea Makemake").
Discussion on why objects orbit: they are continually "falling" towards the sun, or central gravity well, but as they are in forward motion, they never reach it, but instead curve around it.
Note on why our planets' have a circular orbit: maybe because they were formed from a spinning disc of debris, so all end up in the same plane. Also, if they were not circular, we would not be here to observe them! (Our distance from the sun would change a lot, making a challenge for life to survive.)

Kindergarteners and young primaries can draw the shapes they made with their marble: circle, elipse, long narrow elipse, star shape as the ellipses cycle round. Orbits in the galaxy are all these shapes.

Several marbles orbiting at once can represent the asteroid belt, with collisions that knock some of them out of orbit.

Using the gravity well to model stars orbiting a black hole
Stars orbit black holes, so astronomers look for stars that appear to be orbiting around "nothing", as evidence for the presence of a black hole. By mapping the locations of all objects in orbit, the location and size of the black hole can be calculated.
Show students an image of star orbits around a black hole. Try this image, or search images for "SgrA* orbits":
To modify the gravity well model to be more like the shape of the gravity well of a black hole, add a ring underneath to model the event horizon (the point past which nothing can escape from a black hole's gravity). See the last two photos.

Discussion about orbit speeds
Ask students to notice what happens to the speed of an orbit as the object approaches the gravity well of the sun, as astronomical objects behave the same. They speed up near the object they are orbiting, gaining kinetic energy. As they move outwards they lose speed, but gain another kind of energy - gravitational potential energy. (Similar to a ball been thrown in the air or a roller coaster ride.) Planets with large orbits spend most of their time far from the sun, where they are moving more slowly.
Our solar system is orbiting the centre of our Milky Way galaxy, with average velocity of 720,!
A black hole has an event horizon, past which the object cannot escape its gravity, however much energy it has.

Using the gravity well to model how the moon causes tides

Information on classes of objects that orbit the sun
Planets - now 8 planets, as Pluto is now classified as a dwarf planet. To be a planet, an object needs to 1. be massive enough to pull itself into a sphere under its own gravity 2. is not massive enough to cause thermonuclear fusion (like a star) and 3. has cleared its neighbouring region of smaller objects i.e. they are attracted by its gravity.
Dwarf planets - large enough to be spherical, but too small to clear their neighbourhood of smaller objects. There are many many dwarf planets orbiting the sun, and more are continuously being discovered. Examples: Ceres in the asteroid belt, Trans Neptunian objects (TNOs) such as Pluto, Eris, Makemake, Haumea.
Asteroids - small irregularly shaped objects made of rock, metal or a mixture of both, found in the asteroid belt. Image of main asteroid belt at:
Comets - snowballs of frozen gases, rock and dust the size of a small town. A comet warms up near the sun and develops a coma (atmosphere), a glowing head, hundreds of thousands of km across. It has two tails (which always point away from sun), one gas and one dust (which curves with sun’s gravity). Image of comet structure through its orbit:… Comets may have brought water and organic compounds (the building blocks of life) to Earth and other bodies in our solar system. There are billions of them. Image of some comet orbits at:… (Orbit times: Halley orbit is 76 years, Borrelly orbit is 7 years, Ikeya–Zhang orbit is 366 years and is the longest known orbital period.)

Differences between this gravity well and real orbiting objects
Ask older students for ideas in how their model is different from real orbiting objects at the end of this activity.
In this model, every marble inevitably loses energy to friction as it rubs against the cloth and falls into the gravity well. In the vacuum of space there is no friction, and orbit shapes are maintained, as long as there are no collisions.
Physicists use this kinds of model of gravity, though they would use mathematics to describe the shape of a gravity well, rather than a physical object. The more massive the body, the deeper and more extensive the gravity well associated with it. Black hole has a very deep well.


I use 10 rolls pennies in a glove/camping sac as a weight, with a small carabena to link to the small binder clip.

Try these suggestions from the sock link:
rolling a coin or washer on its edge - it should make a more comet-like orbit
two gravity wells to model a binary star system (2 feet apart suggested)
birth of the solar system modelled by throwing marbles onto FLAT (no gravity well) spandex
model the tides - a group of marbles in the centre of the fabric (no well), move a finger around the group by pushing on the fabric and notice how the group elongates on two sides, following the moon. these are the high tides, one on each side of the earth, and moving around the earth.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Crater formation

Model crater formation by dropping modelling clay or marbles into flour. Investigate how impact speed and direction affects crater size and shape. Compare the craters made to real crater images from the solar system.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Stars and Planets (grade 3)

For a small group of students:

  • metre stick
  • tray
  • flour, about 1kg
  • cinnamon, about 30g, in a shaker (10g per trial is used)
  • spoon
  • modelling clay ball (about 5g), or marble (though they roll away more easily)

Activity adapted from:, see also

Introduce the activity:
In the solar system, chunks of rock orbiting the sun, can collide with planets or moons.
(The asteroids, small chunks of rock and metal, are mostly concentrated in the asteroid belt, between Mars and Jupiter, but a collision between them sends an asteroid out of the asteroid belt where they might collide with planets or moons. Image of asteroids:
Impact craters, from when a "meteoroid" hits the surface, are the dominant geographic features on many solid Solar System objects. (Early in the history of our solar system, asteroid impacts were much more common. Now, many of these stray chunks of rock have been caught by the gravity of big planets.)

Shake a tray of flour back and forth so that the surface of the flour is relatively flat. Do not press the surface down - allow it to settle with its own weight.
Sprinkle cinnamon over the flour to make an even coat of brown over the flour.
Optionally ask students to make asteroid-shaped pieces with their modelling clay. (Show them shapes from here:
Allow students to drop the marble/clay ball from a height above the tray.

Name the parts of the crater that are formed (either in the introduction or while circulating around the classroom when students are working):
The floor of the crater (the bottom of the hole), the rim (the raised edges ringing the hole), ejecta (material projected out of the crater - it will look white in contrast to the brown cinnamon), rays (long lines extending away from the crater; a pattern made by the ejecta).
(See p.3 of Activity adapted from:

Ask students to try dropping the asteroid from different heights (therefore different impact speed), and to observe the difference in the crater pattern made.
Optional: ask students to measure the heights they are dropping from and to measure the diameter of the crater from rim to rim in each case. (Note that this data is messy and there is not a huge amount of difference between high and low drop heights, but it demonstrates graphing data, and how to draw lines of best fit. See worksheet attached.)

Ask students to try dropping their asteroid onto a tray that is angled, to model an asteroid impacting a planet surface at an angle.

Show students how to stir up the flour and cinnamon to make an even colour then reapply the cinnamon. They will need to do this when there are several craters in their tray, and it gets hard to see the patterns.

Discussion points:
1. Students should find that the crater diameter is always larger than the asteroid. When the surface of a real planet or moon is hit by a chunk of rock (more precisely called a meteoroid, or the "impactor"), the shock fractures the surface rock and makes a large cavity which is larger than the impactor. The impact sprays material ("ejecta") in all directions. (Any remaining rock pieces are called meteorites.) Asteroids hit the moon at an average of 20 kilometers per second, and make a crater 10 t0 20 times larger than the impacting object.
2. Point out to students that the marble/clay stays in the hole - for a real crater the impact rock has gone. It has shattered and been distributed with the ejecta. Or if the impact generates enough heat, the impactor melts or vapourizes.
3. Either through eye-ballng the difference in patterns, or by graphing data collected, the size of the crater and the average ray length increases with impact speed. (See graph of data - it is messy, but a line of best fit shows the trend.)
Show students an image of real craters and ask if theirs looked similar e.g. on Mercury: and on the Moon:…. Next time students see a full moon, they might be able to find the crater rays on it:…
Tell students that scientists work the other way around: they can figure out the speed of an impact by the size of the crater formed. They also look at other features that are made with the very high speeds of meteorites hitting moons and planets - sometimes craters have central uplifts and terraced walls that give more information about the impact and the rock on and under the surface of the planet.
4. If relevant, ask students what patterns they got from an angled impact, and compare to a real "oblique impact":
5. Show students a crater with different features - Rampart Craters on Mars ( There are no rays. Water or ice present under the impact site melted with the impact, then flowed away instead of being thrown away from the crater. This pattern of ejected material can be used as a way to identify areas with possible water or ice in the surface layers of a planet.

The number of craters on a surface can tell scientists about a planet:
Many craters indicate that there is no atmosphere to burn up the rocks as they come down. (e.g Mercury). It also may indicate that there are no plate tectonic movements or erosion turning over the planet’s surface. Earth and Venus have an atmosphere, which burns up rocks as they hit it (called "meteors" or "shooting stars"). Earth also has moving tectonic plates and erosion that recycle the rocks, so removing craters. (The craters on the Moon are good for studying crater formation, as the Moon has no atmosphere, plate tectonics, or moving water (which all erode a surface and erase all but the most recent impacts).

Attached documents

To simulate Rampart Craters: heat jellybeans, grapes or potato chunks (a microwave works well) and drop them into pans filled with applesauce or a slurpee-like, ice-water mixture.

Try blowing a ping pong ball through a paper towel tube into the flour - more force?

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7