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A Hands-on Science Education Resource
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Animal adaptations - eyes and teeth
Animal adaptations for Primaries
Animal dung and the food web
Animal senses
Animals feeding in water
Animals moving in water
Animals sensing and responding to light
Asteroids and Comets
Balanced/unbalanced Forces
Balloon science
Beach Exploration and Studies
Bears and hibernation
Bike forces
Bird adaptations
Black bears: size, fur and food
Black Holes
Bones and the Skeletal System
Bread (and butter) with optional chemical reactions
Carbon cycle, fossil fuels and renewable energy
Carbon exchange between air and water
Carbon exchange between living things and the air
Carbon into shells and rocks
Carried by Water
Chemical reactions
Chemical reactions with baking soda
Chemistry activities selection
Chemistry of baking yeast cake
Chemistry of home made slimes
Chemistry of Living Things
Chemistry of plants and soil
Chickens, eggs and feathers
Circulatory System
Clam study: the shell, the internal anatomy and how they feed
Colour separation by chromatography
Colours in light
Combining solids and liquids: mixing and floating
Comic strip of the life of a deer
Crystals and crystal structure
Crystals and freezing
Crystals and rocks as a Natural Resource
Decomposers with a focus on worms
Density, buoyancy and pressure
DNA and evolution
DNA extraction from cheek cells
Dry ice activities
Dyes, natural and synthetic
Earth Science Collection
Earth, Sun and Moon Positions and their Effects
Electric circuits
Electric circuits and electrolysis
Electricity and magnetism
Energy forms and transformation
Energy from fossil fuels and renewable sources
Erosion and Weathering by Wind, Water (and Ice)
Evidence for evolution
Evolution by natural selection
Features and Needs of living things (animals)
Fins and Wings
Flight and Newton's Laws
Floating, sinking and buoyancy
Flower pollination by insects
Flying Things
Foam in foods
Food chains
Foods Chemistry
Force stations
Forces and energy in Sports and on the Playground
Forces at-a-distance
Forces in shapes and bridge structures
Forces in Space
Forces in toys
Forces: chains of forces and combining forces
Forces: magnetic force, water resistance and air resistance
Forensic science
Forensics: The Honey Mystery 1 (Hair Analysis)
Forensics: The Honey Mystery 2 (Ink chromatography)
Forensics: The Honey Mystery 3 (Fingerprinting)
Fossil records and Climate change
Freshwater pond study
Fur and Feathers
Garden harvest
Gas pressure
Hands and Feet
Hearing in animals
Heat and Rates of Reaction
Heat conduction
Heat Convection
Heat transfer and sources
Human physiology data collection
Insect adaptations
Keeping our Water Clean
Kidney function
Kingdoms of Life
Life Cycle of the chicken
Life cycles
Light colours from the sun
Light from Chemistry
Light stations
Looking closely at living and non-living things
Magnet stations
Magnet stations and more magnets/electromagnets
Making gases
Metamorphic animals
Milk spoiling and milk for making cheese
Mineral testing
Mixtures with a focus on colloids
Moon and Stars from Earth
Mountain landforms and their erosion
Newton's Laws
Oceans and Climate change
Our senses
Patterns in the playground or park
People and Plants
Physical and chemical changes
Physical changes in Buttered popcorn
Physical changes introduction
Plant colour chemistry and pH indicators
Plant Dyes
Plant parts
Planting a garden
Plants interacting with animals
Plants: vessels in plants
Playground forces and energy transformations
Properties of materials: sticky, stretchy, floating, long and strong
Respiratory and Circulatory Systems
Rock Cycle
Rock observation and testing
Seasonal Round of the Coast Salish
Sedimentary rock cycle: erosion, sedimentation, uplifting
Separating heterogeneous mixtures including Indigenous methods
Shadows from the sun
Simple machines
Simple machines using the weight of water
Snail study and habitat
Soil composition and soil erosion
Soil study
Sound activities outdoors
Sound: noise makers
Sour chemistry
Star spectra
States of Matter and State Changes
Static electricity
Structures and force challenges
Sustainable food sources, food chains and interdependence
Temperate rainforest ecosystem and the nitrogen cycle
The Moon
The Nervous System
The Particles of Matter
The Solar System
The Sun
The Sun for Primaries
Tropical Rainforest Plants: comparison with our native plants
Water and rain
Water cycle
Water flow, Ocean Currents and Connectedness
Weather - measuring weather
Weather - what causes it?
Weather and Seasons
Weather for Primaries
Weather phenomena
Weaving - plaiting, twining and basket-making
What do plants need to grow?
What lives in our local park or garden?
Wind energy - a sustainable energy source
Winter preparations by plants and animals
Wood bugs: investigate their needs to make a habitat