Lesson plan

Metamorphic animals

Sort life cycle stage cards, look at barnacles and wasp nest (both metamorphic animals)
Science content
Biology: Life Cycles (2)

All living things have life cycles.
Animals grow from an egg, through young stages (with different names), to an adult. (Draw out)
The adult makes eggs which grow and start the cycle again.
Some animals, like humans, look basically the same from young that grows from the egg until adult. The same body parts are in the body all the way through.
(Also fish, birds, reptiles, with some exceptions.)
Other animals look quite different at different stages of growth - the body parts change a lot.
They go through a process called Metamorphosis (write). Meta = change. Morph = form.
Animals that metamorphose look completely different in the young and adult stages.
At the time of metamorphosis, some parts of the body are assimilated back into the body, to provide
Some insects have partial (incomplete) metamorphosis when a nymph hatches out of the egg. It has no pupa stage. The lymph is like an adult but missing body parts e.g. wings the energy to make new body parts.
More than 80% of all animal species undergo metamorphosis.

More detail:
Some insects have partial (incomplete) metamorphosis when a nymph hatches out of the egg. It has no pupa stage. The lymph is like an adult but missing body parts e.g. wings

Animal life cycle cards

Wasp nest and barnacles
On the desks are real specimens
Draw what you see at each

Look at images of camouflaged insects e.g. https://www.bbcearth.com/news/8-creatures-that-are-masters-of-disguise and https://www.sciencefocus.com/nature/heres-looking-at-poo-the-weird-and-…
At many of the stages of an insect life cycle they are vulnerable to predators.
Look at how these insects have camouflaged themselves to hide from predators or scare them off. (They look like plants, large eyes and even bird poop!)

We looked at animals that go through metamorphosis.
The reason for spending all this energy on reorganizing the body?
The young and adult stages do not compete for resources.
The young and adult have different predators, enhancing overall survival.
Some animals time metamorphosis to when conditions are best for the next stage.
The different stages can evolve independently to specialize for their jobs e.g. adult evolves to be efficient at making eggs and dispersing them, while the young is all about feeding and growing quickly.

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2