Science content search
Select science content and click apply. For combining selections press Command (Mac) or Ctrl (PC).
Air cannon (with dry ice) (Activity)
Air pressure in a bottle (Activity)
Air pressure rocket (demonstration) (Activity)
Air resistance (Activity)
Anemometer (Activity)
Animal dung study (Activity)
Animal parts collection (Activity)
Antacid molecules (Activity)
Automaton - cardboard and foam machine (Activity)
Baby shells (Activity)
Baking powder chemistry (Activity)
Baking soda and vinegar (Activity)
Balance point on a stick or ruler (Activity)
Balancing balloon with hairdryer (Activity)
Balancing pole (Activity)
Balancing sculpture (Activity)
Balancing your body challenges (Activity)
Balloon noises (Activity)
Balloon rocket (Activity)
Balloon shrinking writing (Activity)
Balls for forces and energy transfer (Activity)
Barnacle observation (Activity)
Barometer (Activity)
Beach Life Bingo (Activity)
Bear fur study (Activity)
Bear prints (Activity)
Bears: how big is a black bear? (Activity)
Bee pheromone molecules (Activity)
Bees: honeycomb art (Activity)
Big Build (Activity)
Bird beak / animal eating style adaptations (Activity)
Bird feeder (Activity)
Bird flapping flip book (Activity)
Bird nest study (Activity)
Black snakes (Activity)
Blood vessels, pulse and heartbeat (Activity)
Blue sky red sunset colours (Activity)
Boat powered by surface tension (Activity)
Body structure molecules (Activity)
Bone slice puzzle and structure (Activity)
Borax crystals (Activity)
Brain dissection (Activity)
Bread (Activity)
Bread: test ingredients for making gas (Activity)
Bridge building challenge (Activity)
Bridge structures and forces (Activity)
Brownian motion - watching molecule movement (Activity)
Bubble art (Activity)
Bubble colour (Activity)
Bubble shapes - square bubble in a cube (Activity)
Bubble shapes in a tray (Activity)
Bubble shapes with pipecleaners (Activity)
Bubbles - giant bubbles (Activity)
Bubbles - make bubble mix and bubble blowers (Activity)
Build an antacid molecule (Activity)
Build fins and wings (Activity)
Build smelly molecules (Activity)
Butter (Activity)
Butter molecules (Activity)
Camouflage challenge (Activity)
Candle convection pinwheel (Activity)
Candle see saw (Activity)
Car colour data collection and graphing (Activity)
Carbonate acid test (Activity)
Carbonate precipitation (Activity)
Cartesian diver (Activity)
Catapult - open wooden frame (Activity)
Catapult - torsion (Activity)
Catapult from popsicle sticks (Activity)
Catapult from tin can / poster tube (Activity)
Cheek cells (Activity)
Cheese (Activity)
Chemistry of bacteria in cake (Activity)
Chromatography with coloured candy (Activity)
Chromatography with coloured marker pens (Activity)
Chromatography with leaf colours (Activity)
Clam basket weaving model (Activity)
Clam dissection (or mussel) (Activity)
Clams - filter feeding model (Activity)
Clams - looking at the shell (Activity)
Cloud in a bottle (Activity)
Clouds, tornado and vortices with dry ice (Activity)
CO2 acidifies water (Activity)
Coin game (Activity)
Coke and mentos (Activity)
Colour mixing and masking (Activity)
Colour reversal illusions (Activity)
Coloured lights make objects change colour (Activity)
Coloured shadows (Activity)
Colours change through filters (Activity)
Combustion of a ping pong ball (Activity)
Combustion of ethanol in a jug (Activity)
Combustion shooter (Activity)
Compass (Activity)
Coupled orbits (Activity)
Crater formation (Activity)
Crystal shapes from building blocks (Activity)
Cup tower challenge (Activity)
Dancing magnets (Activity)
Dancing raisins (Activity)
Decomposer and soil animals hunt outdoors (Activity)
Decomposing foods (Activity)
Deer skeleton (Activity)
DNA (Activity)
DNA code puzzle (Activity)
DNA for a school assembly (Activity)
DNA necklace with letters (Activity)
Doppler effect (Activity)
Dry ice bubbles (Activity)
Dry ice in water (Activity)
Dry ice squealing and vibrating (Activity)
Earth and Moon's orbit to scale (Activity)
Edible slime (Flubber) (Activity)
Egg into bottle (Activity)
Egg shell removal (Activity)
Egg structure study (Activity)
Elastic and rigid properties of materials (Activity)
Elastic band stretch (Activity)
Electric circuit steady hand game (Activity)
Electric circuit to light a bulb (Activity)
Electricity - morse code (Activity)
Electricity - test for conductance (Activity)
Electrolysis with home made wires (Activity)
Electromagnet (Activity)
Elephant's toothpaste (Activity)
Energy input and output in devices (Activity)
Epsom salt crystal painting (Activity)
Erosion and Stream flow (Activity)
Extracting dyes from plants (Activity)
Eye dissection (Activity)
Eye study (Activity)
Eyes in predators and prey (Activity)
Eyes: blind spot (Activity)
Fat test for keeping warm (Activity)
Feather study (Activity)
Feet and claws for digging and grabbing (Activity)
Filtering Water (Activity)
Fingerprinting (Activity)
Fish feeding methods model (Activity)
Fish trap model (Activity)
Flame colour (Activity)
Flower colours (Activity)
Flower or apple dissection (Activity)
Fluorescent toys (Activity)
Foam molecules (Activity)
Food web model (Activity)
Forces and energy on the Playground (Activity)
Forces in playdough (Activity)
Fossil collection (Activity)
Friction challenge: move the teacher (Activity)
Friction in shoes (Activity)
Friction on a bike (Activity)
Friction on a sledding hill (Activity)
Friction: sliding blocks down ramps (Activity)
Frost and dew (Activity)
Fruit and vegetable indicator dyes (Activity)
Fruit and vegetable search in art (Activity)
Fruit ripening smells (Activity)
Fur for keeping warm (Activity)
Garden journal (Activity)
Garden Scavenger hunt and Bingo game (Activity)
Gas collection over water (Activity)
Gazpacho soup / veggie smoothie (Activity)
Glockenspiel notes (Activity)
Glow stick chemistry (Activity)
Glue (Activity)
Granite minerals (Activity)
Gravitational lensing model (Activity)
Gravity Assist Model (Activity)
Gravity Well (Activity)
Habitat survey and food web (Activity)
Hair Analysis (Activity)
Hearing through our bones (Activity)
Heart dissection (Activity)
Heat and insulation in lunch bags (Activity)
Heat conduction in a metal rod (Activity)
Heat conduction in different materials (Activity)
Heat convection demonstration (Activity)
Heat melting ice cubes (Activity)
Heat radiation lamp (Activity)
Heat sensitive sheets (Activity)
Heat sources (Activity)
Heat: What materials feel warm and cold? (Activity)
Heating land and water (Activity)
Helicopter and launcher (Activity)
Herb necklace (Activity)
Hoopster (Activity)
Household levers (Activity)
Hummer (Activity)
Hydrogen peroxide chemistry (Activity)
Ice cream (Activity)
Inclined planes, wedges and screws (Activity)
Insect eye lens (Activity)
Insects on flowers Bingo game (Activity)
Invisible ink (Activity)
Jumping stick (Activity)
Kaleidoscope (Activity)
Kidney sorting mechanisms (Activity)
Kingdoms of Life hunt (Activity)
Landform models (Activity)
Laser beam in a stream of water (Activity)
Laser beam in a tank of water (Activity)
Lasers and mirrors (Activity)
Laughing cup noise maker (Activity)
Leaf growth patterns (Activity)
Leg bone puzzle (Activity)
Leg dissection (chicken) (Activity)
Lego evolution (Activity)
Lemon battery (Activity)
Lenses bend light (Activity)
Lenses: magnify and invert an image (Activity)
Lever for lifting (heavy) things (Activity)
Lever free experimentation (Activity)
Lever projecting a ball (Activity)
Levers: how bats and racquets work (Activity)
Levers: measuring forces (Activity)
Levitating magnets (Activity)
Live fish observation (Activity)
Luminescent candy (Activity)
Lung model (Activity)
Magnetic Field Patterns in oil (Activity)
Magnetic fishing game (Activity)
Magnetic force field patterns (Activity)
Magnetic force through materials (Activity)
Magnetic race track (Activity)
Magnetic sculpture (Activity)
Magnetite in beach sand (Activity)
Magnets: paper clip bridge (Activity)
Magnets: what sticks to them? (Activity)
Magnified images scavenger hunt (Activity)
Magnifiers and Microscopes (Activity)
Magnifiers and sun makes fire (Activity)
Marble collisions (Activity)
Mason bees (Activity)
Matching flowers with insects they attract (Activity)
Measuring and estimating plant height (Activity)
Meringue (Activity)
Metamorphic animals Life cycle cards (Activity)
Milk and soap painting (Activity)
Milkshake: foam in food (Activity)
Mineral hardness and streak colour (Activity)
Mineral lustre (Activity)
Mini baking soda rocket (film canister) (Activity)
Mirror maze and writing (Activity)
Mirror multiple reflections challenges (Activity)
Mirror symmetry patterns (Activity)
Mirror writing making shadows (Activity)
Mirrors for looking round corners (Activity)
Mobile (Activity)
Mobius strips (Activity)
Modeling Clay (Activity)
Molecular modelling of combustion of ethanol (Activity)
Molecular modelling of urea formation (Activity)
Molecule modelling free play (Activity)
Molecules moving in warm and cold water (Activity)
Moon Phases Model (Activity)
Moon phases model (desktop version) (Activity)
Moon phases puzzle (Activity)
Moon regolith (Activity)
Motor (hand-wound) (Activity)
Motor free play (Activity)
Muscle contractions in your body (Activity)
Muscle structure magnified (Activity)
Native Plant Scavenger hunt, iSpy or Bingo (Activity)
Natural selection game (Activity)
Nitrogen cycle through salmon to trees (Activity)
Nitrogen Cycle with molecular modelling (Activity)
Noise pollution game (Activity)
Nurse Log Study (Activity)
Nutrients in animal feed (Activity)
Oat seed bars (Activity)
Ocean sediment cores (Activity)
Oil and water floating experiment (Activity)
Oil spill clean up simulation (Activity)
Oobleck (Activity)
Opposable thumbs (Activity)
Paper airplanes (Activity)
Paper marbling (Activity)
Paper tower challenge (Activity)
Patterns in object and number sequences (Activity)
Pendulum drawing board (Activity)
Perfume making (Activity)
Pet cat demonstration (Activity)
Petal number counting and graphing (Activity)
Pin and ring game (Activity)
Pinball machine (Activity)
Pinwheel (Activity)
Plant bud hunt (Activity)
Plant growth in a sealed jar (Activity)
Plant parts that we eat (Activity)
Plant smell matches and their molecules (Activity)
Plant vessels in flowers visualized (Activity)
Plant xylem vessels under the microscope (Activity)
Planting (Activity)
Plasma Ball (Activity)
Playdough (Activity)
Pollen collection (Activity)
Pond dipping (Activity)
Popcorn (Activity)
Posting game (Activity)
Printing with leaves (Activity)
Projectiles free play (Activity)
Pulley free play (Activity)
Pulleys and water bottle to feel the forces (Activity)
Pulleys to lift a person or heavy load (Activity)
Pulleys to pull each other together (Activity)
Rain gauge (Activity)
Rain gauge model - tipping bucket (Activity)
Rainbow with a hose and the sun (Activity)
Rainbow with water and flashlight (Activity)
Reaction time (Activity)
Red cabbage dye (and pH indicator) (Activity)
Rock collection (Activity)
Rock colours (Activity)
Rock cycle crayon model (Activity)
Rock tumbler (Activity)
Rocket powered by baking soda and vinegar (Activity)
Rocks: geodes (Activity)
Roller coaster (Activity)
Root growth visualized (Activity)
Root shapes (Activity)
Sand (or mud) study (Activity)
Saxophone (Activity)
Scone chemistry (Activity)
Scribbling machine (Activity)
Seasons model (Activity)
Seaweed study (Activity)
Sedimentary sand art (Activity)
Seed diversity and classification (Activity)
Seed germination and gravity (Activity)
Seed germination requirements (Activity)
Seed helicopter paper model (Activity)
Seed study (Activity)
Separating a heterogeneous mixture (Activity)
Shadow shapes (Activity)
Shapes in structures (Activity)
Shining pennies (Activity)
Shooter (Activity)
Simple machines in a woodwork project (Activity)
Simple machines on a bike (Activity)
Skeleton comparisons (Activity)
Skull comparisons (Activity)
Slime and Silly putty recipes (Activity)
Smell pairs: herbs and plants (Activity)
Smells in the air demonstration (Activity)
Smelly paintings (Activity)
Snail close observation (Activity)
Snail habitat (Activity)
Soda drink (Activity)
Soil chemistry tests (Activity)
Soil habitat study (Activity)
Soil sedimentation test (Activity)
Soil sieving (Activity)
Solar panel (Activity)
Solar System to scale (Activity)
Sound frequency detection (Activity)
Sound sandwich (Activity)
Sound through string (Activity)
Sound vibration model (Activity)
Sound with a ruler (Activity)
Sounds in a box (Activity)
Sour candy chemistry (Activity)
Sour food chemistry (Activity)
Speaker (Activity)
Spectroscope (Activity)
Spider camouflage (Activity)
Spider web - preserve a real web (Activity)
Spider web shapes (Activity)
Spinning chair (Activity)
Spirograph modeling orbit precession (Activity)
Star constellation model (Activity)
States of matter (and temperature) in Water (Activity)
States of Matter Scavenger Hunt (Activity)
States of matter: acting them out (Activity)
Static electricity with a balloon (Activity)
Static electricity: jumping rice crispies (Activity)
Static electricity: light a bulb (Activity)
Stomp rocket (Activity)
Stream Chemistry (Activity)
String telephone (Activity)
Structure from triangles (Activity)
Sugar crystals (Activity)
Sun print (Activity)
Sun spot observation (Activity)
Sun's angle on earth (Activity)
Sundial (Activity)
Surface tension with paperclips (Activity)
Taste bud observation (Activity)
Taste tests for the five basic tastes (Activity)
Teeth in herbivores, carnivores and us (Activity)
Temperate rainforest plant features (Activity)
Temperature measurement (Activity)
Temperature measurements in a pond (Activity)
Temperature sensing (Activity)
Tides model (Activity)
Tornado in a bottle (Activity)
Touch sensitivity (Activity)
Turbulence visualized (Activity)
Twining (Activity)
UV flower pattern matching game (Activity)
Visual deprivation walk (Activity)
Wasp nest study (Activity)
Water cycle bracelet (Activity)
Water cycle model (Activity)
Water filter molecules (Activity)
Water pH test (Activity)
Water resistance (Activity)
Water wheel (Activity)
Weathering rocks (Activity)
Weathering scavenger hunt (Activity)
Wheel and forces (Activity)
Wind erosion (Activity)
Wind spinner free experimentation (Activity)
Wind turbine (Activity)
Wind vane (Activity)
Wind-blown seed models (Activity)
Wood bug classroom habitat (Activity)
Wood bugs: close observation (Activity)
Wood bugs: what do they like to eat? (Activity)
Wood bugs: where do they like to live? (Activity)
Worms: close observation (Activity)
Worms: indoor compost bin (Activity)
Yeast eats sugar and makes gas (Activity)
Animal adaptations - eyes and teeth (Lesson plan)
Animal adaptations for Primaries (Lesson plan)
Animal dung and the food web (Lesson plan)
Animal senses (Lesson plan)
Animals feeding in water (Lesson plan)
Animals moving in water (Lesson plan)
Animals sensing and responding to light (Lesson plan)
Asteroids and Comets (Lesson plan)
Balanced/unbalanced Forces (Lesson plan)
Balloon science (Lesson plan)
Beach Exploration and Studies (Lesson plan)
Bears and hibernation (Lesson plan)
Bees (Lesson plan)
Bike forces (Lesson plan)
Biodiversity (Lesson plan)
Biomes (Lesson plan)
Bird adaptations (Lesson plan)
Black bears: size, fur and food (Lesson plan)
Black Holes (Lesson plan)
Bones and the Skeletal System (Lesson plan)
Bread (and butter) with optional chemical reactions (Lesson plan)
Bridges (Lesson plan)
Bubbles (Lesson plan)
Carbon cycle, fossil fuels and renewable energy (Lesson plan)
Carbon exchange between air and water (Lesson plan)
Carbon exchange between living things and the air (Lesson plan)
Carbon into shells and rocks (Lesson plan)
Carried by Water (Lesson plan)
Chemical reactions (Lesson plan)
Chemical reactions with baking soda (Lesson plan)
Chemistry activities selection (Lesson plan)
Chemistry of baking yeast cake (Lesson plan)
Chemistry of home made slimes (Lesson plan)
Chemistry of Living Things (Lesson plan)
Chemistry of plants and soil (Lesson plan)
Chickens, eggs and feathers (Lesson plan)
Circulatory System (Lesson plan)
Classification (Lesson plan)
Colour separation by chromatography (Lesson plan)
Colours in light (Lesson plan)
Combining solids and liquids: mixing and floating (Lesson plan)
Combustion (Lesson plan)
Comic strip of the life of a deer (Lesson plan)
Crystals and crystal structure (Lesson plan)
Crystals and freezing (Lesson plan)
Crystals and rocks as a Natural Resource (Lesson plan)
Decomposers with a focus on worms (Lesson plan)
Density, buoyancy and pressure (Lesson plan)
DNA and evolution (Lesson plan)
DNA extraction from cheek cells (Lesson plan)
Dry ice activities (Lesson plan)
Dyes, natural and synthetic (Lesson plan)
Earth Science Collection (Lesson plan)
Earth, Sun and Moon Positions and their Effects (Lesson plan)
Electric circuits (Lesson plan)
Electric circuits and electrolysis (Lesson plan)
Electricity and magnetism (Lesson plan)
Electromagnets (Lesson plan)
Energy forms and transformation (Lesson plan)
Energy from fossil fuels and renewable sources (Lesson plan)
Erosion and Weathering by Wind, Water (and Ice) (Lesson plan)
Evidence for evolution (Lesson plan)
Evolution by natural selection (Lesson plan)
Eyes (Lesson plan)
Features and Needs of living things (animals) (Lesson plan)
Fins and Wings (Lesson plan)
Flight and Newton's Laws (Lesson plan)
Floating, sinking and buoyancy (Lesson plan)
Flower pollination by insects (Lesson plan)
Flying Things (Lesson plan)
Foam in foods (Lesson plan)
Foams (Lesson plan)
Food chains (Lesson plan)
Foods Chemistry (Lesson plan)
Force stations (Lesson plan)
Forces and energy in Sports and on the Playground (Lesson plan)
Forces at-a-distance (Lesson plan)
Forces in shapes and bridge structures (Lesson plan)
Forces in Space (Lesson plan)
Forces in toys (Lesson plan)
Forces: chains of forces and combining forces (Lesson plan)
Forensic science (Lesson plan)
Forensics: The Honey Mystery 1 (Hair Analysis) (Lesson plan)
Forensics: The Honey Mystery 2 (Ink chromatography) (Lesson plan)
Forensics: The Honey Mystery 3 (Fingerprinting) (Lesson plan)
Fossil records and Climate change (Lesson plan)
Fossils (Lesson plan)
Freshwater pond study (Lesson plan)
Friction (Lesson plan)
Fur and Feathers (Lesson plan)
Garden harvest (Lesson plan)
Gas pressure (Lesson plan)
Germination (Lesson plan)
Hands and Feet (Lesson plan)
Hearing in animals (Lesson plan)
Heat and Rates of Reaction (Lesson plan)
Heat conduction (Lesson plan)
Heat Convection (Lesson plan)
Heat transfer and sources (Lesson plan)
Herbs (Lesson plan)
Human physiology data collection (Lesson plan)
Insect adaptations (Lesson plan)
Invertebrates (Lesson plan)
Keeping our Water Clean (Lesson plan)
Kidney function (Lesson plan)
Kingdoms of Life (Lesson plan)
Lasers (Lesson plan)
Levers (Lesson plan)
Life Cycle of the chicken (Lesson plan)
Life cycles (Lesson plan)
Light colours from the sun (Lesson plan)
Light from Chemistry (Lesson plan)
Light stations (Lesson plan)
Looking closely at living and non-living things (Lesson plan)
Magnet stations (Lesson plan)
Magnet stations and more magnets/electromagnets (Lesson plan)
Making gases (Lesson plan)
Metamorphic animals (Lesson plan)
Milk spoiling and milk for making cheese (Lesson plan)
Mineral testing (Lesson plan)
Mirrors (Lesson plan)
Mixtures with a focus on colloids (Lesson plan)
Moon and Stars from Earth (Lesson plan)
Motors (Lesson plan)
Mountain landforms and their erosion (Lesson plan)
Newton's Laws (Lesson plan)
Oceans and Climate change (Lesson plan)
Our senses (Lesson plan)
Patterns in the playground or park (Lesson plan)
People and Plants (Lesson plan)
Physical and chemical changes (Lesson plan)
Physical changes in Buttered popcorn (Lesson plan)
Physical changes introduction (Lesson plan)
Plant colour chemistry and pH indicators (Lesson plan)
Plant Dyes (Lesson plan)
Plant parts (Lesson plan)
Planting a garden (Lesson plan)
Plants interacting with animals (Lesson plan)
Plants: vessels in plants (Lesson plan)
Playground forces and energy transformations (Lesson plan)
Pulleys (Lesson plan)
Pumpkins (Lesson plan)
Respiratory and Circulatory Systems (Lesson plan)
Rock Cycle (Lesson plan)
Rock observation and testing (Lesson plan)
Rockets (Lesson plan)
Seasonal Round of the Coast Salish (Lesson plan)
Seeds (Lesson plan)
Shadows from the sun (Lesson plan)
Simple machines (Lesson plan)
Simple machines using the weight of water (Lesson plan)
Smells (Lesson plan)
Snail study and habitat (Lesson plan)
Soil composition and soil erosion (Lesson plan)
Soil study (Lesson plan)
Solutions (Lesson plan)
Sound (Lesson plan)
Sound activities outdoors (Lesson plan)
Sound: noise makers (Lesson plan)
Sour chemistry (Lesson plan)
Star spectra (Lesson plan)
States of Matter and State Changes (Lesson plan)
Static electricity (Lesson plan)
Structures and force challenges (Lesson plan)
Temperate rainforest ecosystem and the nitrogen cycle (Lesson plan)
The Moon (Lesson plan)
The Nervous System (Lesson plan)
The Particles of Matter (Lesson plan)
The Solar System (Lesson plan)
The Sun (Lesson plan)
The Sun for Primaries (Lesson plan)
Wasps (Lesson plan)
Water and rain (Lesson plan)
Water cycle (Lesson plan)
Water flow, Ocean Currents and Connectedness (Lesson plan)
Weather - measuring weather (Lesson plan)
Weather - what causes it? (Lesson plan)
Weather and Seasons (Lesson plan)
Weather for Primaries (Lesson plan)
Weather phenomena (Lesson plan)
Weathering (Lesson plan)
Weaving - plaiting, twining and basket-making (Lesson plan)
Whales (Lesson plan)
What do plants need to grow? (Lesson plan)
What lives in our local park or garden? (Lesson plan)
Wind energy - a sustainable energy source (Lesson plan)
Wings (Lesson plan)
Winter preparations by plants and animals (Lesson plan)
Wood bugs: investigate their needs to make a habitat (Lesson plan)