Summary Bingo game to find and recognize common beach life. We were near Spanish Banks East concession at mid to low tide. Science content Biology: Classification of Living Things, Biodiversity (1, 3) Biology: Food Webs, Ecosystems, Biomes (3, 4) Lessons activity is in Beach Exploration and Studies Materials Beach life bingo cards: pictures of animals, plants and other objects found at the beach the activity is done at. Examples shown below. Ideally the cards vary a little from each other so different students are looking for different items. Procedure Students are instructed to search for the items on their bingo card within a designated area. Students call Bingo! when they have found all the items on their sheet. Attached documents srp_discovering_life_in_local_habitats_lesson_6_worksheet_bingo_board_lowres.pdf lesson_9_beach_bingo.pdf Grades taught Gr K Gr 1 Gr 2