
Shadow shapes

Makes shadow shapes with your hands, or with pieces of cloth. Either indoors with a flashlight or outdoors with the sun.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Surroundings (grade K)
Earth and Space Science: Daily and Seasonal Changes (grade 1)
Earth and Space Science: Stars and Planets (grade 3)
Earth and Space Science: Weather (grade 4)
Physical Science: Light and Sound (grade 4)
    For outside:
  • clear sunny day
  • flat area to project shadows on
  • optional: pieces of cloth with various sized holes
    For inside:
  • a room that is dim with the lights off
  • flashlights
  • white board e.g. foam core sheet, with supports/wall to stand it upright (using supports, both sides may be used)
  • wooden frames e.g. made from jumbo popsicle sticks and white glue
  • fabric pieces and lacy cloth with various sized holes
  • clothes pegs

Allow students to experiment freely with making shadow shapes with their hands and the cloth.
If you are indoors, show students how to pin the cloth tightly around the frame with the clothes pegs then use the free hand to shine the flashlight beam through it onto the board. They will also enjoy making shapes by adding frames together. They will need to work with a partner to make hand shadows, with one student holding the flashlight.
Optional: give them a printed sheet of hand shadows. There are many online e.g.
Students may also experiment with the angle they hold the shape at, and how as it turns the shadow changes shape.

Ask them to notice, and record on a worksheet if you like, where the light comes from and how the shadows are made.
Give them a challenge: make the shadows taller or shorter.

Discuss as a group what they found and guide students in understanding the principals of light they are discovering:
If an object blocks light, it will make a shadow in the same shape as the object. Shadows are the lack of light. Light travels in a straight line. Some objects are thin enough to allow some light to pass through them.
If the object is near the light source the shadow will be large, if it is far the shadow will be small. This can be explained by following the straight line of the light from the source, past the edge of the object to the projection wall. The angle between the edges of the object is much larger when it is close to the light source, so will end up following the line outwards to make a large shadow.

Students may have discovered moire patterns. If not, show them how to make them: lay two pieces of sheer cloth with very small holes over each other. Shine the light through them, and if necessary, move the cloth a little, to see new patterns of swirly dark lines which shift and change as the cloth moves. The last photo is an attempt to show this.

Some cultures make hand shadows a high art. There are many on you tube e.g
Guess the hand shadow animal:


Use this activity to demonstrate materials that are transparent (clear plexi or plastic), transluscent (frosted plexi, coloured plastic) and opaque (popsicle sticks, cloth). Translucent materials allow only some light to pass through so an object is blurry through it; it either absorbs some wavelengths to change the colour or scatters the light waves so an object looks blurry through it.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 5

Shadows from the sun

An outdoor lesson, exploring what shadows are and how they are formed. Make a sundial and look at sunspots.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Physical Science: Light and Sound (grade 4)
      a clear day with uninterrupted sun
    • materials listed in the activities

First set up the sundial activity, then return to it every half hour.

Do the other activities in turn.

Grades taught
Gr 2
Gr 3


Assemble a simple sundial, and watch its shadow move over the course of a lesson.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Surroundings (grade K)
Earth and Space Science: Daily and Seasonal Changes (grade 1)
Earth and Space Science: Stars and Planets (grade 3)
Earth and Space Science: Weather (grade 4)
Physical Science: Light and Sound (grade 4)
  • clear sunny day
  • EITHER long stick and bottle or container that will hold the stick upright
  • OR lamp post or sign post that casts a shadow over concrete
  • chalk, or other surface and writing implement

Find an open concrete area that shadows will not pass over during the course of the lesson, and that will not be disturbed by other students.
Set the stick upright in the bottle. (Alternatively use the shadow from a lamp post or sign post.)
Draw a line along the shadow of the stick (or around the end of the post) and mark the time on the drawing.

Every 30 mins (or down to 5 minutes with a longer lamp post), draw in the new position of the shadow and mark the time again.
Once they get a sense of how far it will move, students can be asked to start predicting where the shadow may fall after a certain amount of time. (No point in asking them to predict before they have some sense, as it will be wild guesses, making them feel successful or not for no reason.)

Observe how the shadow moves over time (it is surprisingly fast).

As the earth rotates the position of the sun in the sky changes, so the shadow rotates around the stick.
Hence the position of the shadow can tell us how much time has passed, therefore the time.
Over the next day or so, the time can be predicted from the position of the shadow.

The length of the shadow depends on how high the sun is in the sky and will change with the time of day and the seasons.

Note: this simple sundial with an upright stick will not work for telling the time over the course of the year. Precise sundials are at an angle, and have more complex readings for measuring time.


With a longer pole the top of the shadow will move further in a shorter amount of time. Try using a lamp post or basketball hoop.

Grades taught
Gr 2
Gr 3

Molecules moving in warm and cold water

Add food dye to warm or cold water, to observe the rate of mixing at different temperatures.
  • tap water, hot and cold. just boiled water is most effective for the hot.
  • clear-sided containers, heat proof to stand boiled water
  • drops of blue and yellow food dye, or just use one colour

Add hot water to one container, and cold water to another. Allow to sit for 30 seconds so that the water is not sloshing in the container.
Drip one drop of yellow food dye at one side of each container, and one drop of blue food colouring to the other side of each. (Alternatively, just a drop of blue in each.)
Watch how the food colouring mixes through each.
The blue and yellow will mix much faster to make a green colour in the glass of hot water. (With blue alone it will mix into the warmer water faster.) This is because the hot water has currents in it (as water evaporates from the surface). The food dye molecules get carried along by these currents.
The colder water has slower currents, so the food dye does not mix into the water as quickly.

Note that this is not diffusion, but showing the water currents in hot and cold water.


Video explaining why this activity is not diffusion:

Grades taught
Gr 4
Gr 5

Nitrogen Cycle with molecular modelling

Use molecule models to show a simplified version of the nitrogen cycle. This activity needs a reworking.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Air, Water and Soil (grade 2)
Life Science: Habitats and Communities (grade 4)
Life Science: Ecosystems (grade 7)
Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)

Molecule model kits - list will come when activity is tested


Start with the N2 molecule.
Then give students the atoms needed to move around the cycle.
Give them clues each step to aid in model building: they might make two identical molecules, or that they should make a water molecule first, then use the remaining atoms to make the molecule with nitrogen in from the remaining atoms and bonds.

At each step, explain how living things make and use the molecules:
Plants need nitrogen but are not able to use the nitrogen in the air. They rely on bacteria to catch it.
Bacteria in the soil, and some specialized bacteria that live in the roots of some plants can “fix” the N2 to make NH3 (and also NH4), which can be taken up by plants.
In the soil extra ammonia is converted to another molecule, nitrate, by bacteria when there is oxygen around.
Nitrate is converted to nitrogen gas again, by bacteria. More H is used.


Ammonification molecules last few pics - editing in process

Grades taught
Gr 6
Gr 7

Soil chemistry tests

Collect soil and test for pH, nitrogen and phosphorus. Relate to the chemistry of soils.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Air, Water and Soil (grade 2)
Life Science: Habitats and Communities (grade 4)
Life Science: Ecosystems (grade 7)
Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)
  • site or sites to collect soil from, ideally both garden and wild sites
  • pots or tubes to collect soil in
  • water
  • coffee filter papers
  • tubes to filter soil water into
  • soil testing kit for some or all of pH, nitrogen and phosphorus (available in garden stores)

Walk to collect soil from various sites around the school/neighbouring park. Add collection sites to a map.
Take soil from 10cm below surface to make sure the chemistry of the actual soil is measured.

Mix 1 part soil with 5 parts water. We added 5ml soil to a tube, then water to 30ml. Shake 1min, then settle 10 mins (allow to settle on walk back).

In class, filter the soil, by carefully pouring the water that is above the settled sediment through a coffee filter paper into a new tube.
Some soil samples will now be clear, some will not. Run again until they are as clear as they can be (so that colour tests are easier to see).

pH test
The first chemical test of our soil samples is for pH, which measures how acid something is. Soil does not get extremely acid, or extremely basic in the other direction, but it will vary enough to affect what can live in it.

Our instructions for testing: Add pH powder from capsule. Add 4ml of the liquid to tube. Shake 1 min. Record pH.
See the map image for the soil pH readings we got from around a school and neighbouring park.

Discussion of pH results:
What might affect how acidic or alkaline soil is?
Rainfall: Acid soils are most often found in areas of high rainfall. Excess rainfall leaches base (the opposite of an acid) from the soil. Additionally, rainwater has a slightly acidic pH of 5.7 due to a reaction with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that forms carbonic acid.
Weathering of minerals: rocks are broken up and washed into the soil, and affect its pH.
Plant root activity: plants release H+ ions from the root.
Acid rain: When atmospheric water reacts with sulfur and nitrogen compounds that result from industrial processes, the result can be the formation of sulfuric and nitric acid in rainwater. The amount of acidity that is deposited in rainwater is much less, on average, than that created through agricultural activities.
Fertilizer use: Ammonium (NH4+) fertilizers react in the soil in a process called nitrification to form nitrate (NO3−), and in the process release H+ ions.

Different plants are adapted for different amounts of acidity. Bogs are usually more acidic.
Potting soils are manufactured to be neutral so that a wider range of plants can grow in it.

NPK tests (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium)
Instructions with our soil test kit: Add N/P/K test powder from capsule. Add 4ml soil liquid. Shake 1 min. Allow colour to develop - about 10 mins.

While the colour is developing, look at the chemistry of one of these in the environment: nitrogen - do the "molecular modelling of the nitrogen cycle" activity.

Look at our tests
Our nitrogen results (pink) were very low - what does that mean? Not much nitrates. The nitrogen might be in other forms: nitrite or sequestered in the plants and animals.
(One of the potting soil tubs had higher nitrogen).
Nitrogen is needed for proteins, and chlorophyll, which makes the leaves green.
If plants turn yellow, they may need fertilizer.

Phosphorus was very low in woods, higher in one potting soil. Phosphorus has a whole other cycle. Needed in plants for photosynthesis.
We need it to make ATP, which carries energy.
In whole grains and nuts.

Potassium was higher everywhere. Whole other cycle. Needed in plants for photosynthesis; proteins.
We need it for our nerves to fire.
In potatoes, tomatoes.

Many other minerals needed by plants.
We eat the plants and get them too.

Grades taught
Gr 3
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Egg shell removal

Remove the shell from an egg with a chemical reaction
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)
  • egg
  • vinegar
  • mug or glass jar

Submerge an uncooked egg in vinegar, and place in a safe place on a counter or shelf.
Wait a few days to a week.
Look at periodically to follow the changes.

The shell will bubble as the vinegar reacts with the calcium carbonate in the shell, releasing carbon dioxide gas:
CaCO3 (calcium carbonate of the shell) + 2 CH3COOH (acetic acid of vinegar) -> Ca(CH3COO)2 + H2O (water) + CO2 (carbon dioxide gas)

The hard shell reacts away completely, leaving the egg surrounded just by the membranes. The egg is soft, but still intact.
The membranes prevent bacteria from reaching a developing chick inside the egg, and stop moisture from leaving too fast and allow air and other gases to pass.

Grades taught
Gr 3
Gr 5

Simple machines in a woodwork project

Build a project from wood, using a saw, hammer and nails, screws etc. Discuss how each tool is a simple machine.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Force and Motion (grade 1)
Physical Science: Forces and Simple Machines (grade 5)
  • pieces of wood
  • saws, hammer and nails, screws and screwdriver, other wood tools available

Students build a wooden project.
We built a perch for chickens.
As the pieces of wood are cut and attached together, discuss how each tool is a simple machine, and how it makes the job possible.

Saw is a wedge.
Hammer is a lever.
Nails are wedges.
Screw is an inclined plane.
Screw driver is a wheel and axle.

Grades taught
Gr 3
Gr 5

Keeping our Water Clean

Try various materials to filter dirty water, then simulate an oil clean up.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Earth and Space Science: Air, Water and Soil (grade 2)
Earth and Space Science: Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources (grade 5)

Do the activities in turn.

Grades taught
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5

Oil spill clean up simulation

Make an oil slick with oil and cocoa powder, then attempt to clean it with a string boom and cotton ball skimmers.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources (grade 5)
  • half jam jar of vegetable oil
  • 4 Tablespoons cocoa powder
  • shallow container of water
  • string pieces about 30cm long
  • cotton balls
  • liquid dish soap, diluted in water

On the BC coast, we hear a lot about oil pipelines and oil tankers. With increased oil tanker traffic in our bays and ocean there is an increased risk of oil spills.
The first activity will look at the effect of an oil spill, and how we attempt to clean it up.

I will give you oil to spill in your ocean. (Show students the simulated oil: cocoa powder mixed into the vegetable oil in the jar.)
Then you will use the materials to clean up as well as we can:
String models the booms that are dragged across the water to stop the oil from spreading and bring it together. Hard if there is wind on water.
Cotton balls are the skimmers that stick the oil to them and pull it out of the water.
Last step, which we will do when you have cleaned up as much as you can, is to add a dispersant (detergent).

Add oil to your ocean.
Your model is 100 billion (11 zeros) times smaller than the oil that was leaked into the Gulf of Mexico. (210 million US gal)
What is happening to the oil? It spreads out. The Gulf of Mexico spill (started in 2010) was a trillion (12 zeros) times larger area than your model. It is restricted in your container - but of course is not in the ocean so spreads further. See the Gulf oil spill at…
Notice that some of your oil sinks - bitumen behaves like this, making it almost impossible to clean up.

Now try clean up:
Loop the string around a patch of oil, to model how booms are spread around an oil spill. Try and contain the oil and pull it to one side of the container. It is somewhat effective, as are booms for real oil spills. Boom image link:…
The diesel spill in Bella Bella, BC was hard to contain as the weather was bad. Bella Bella image link:…
Then use the cotton balls to try and soak up the oil. For real oil spills skimmers are used, which similarly soak up oil into absorbent pads. How effective is this in your model? It is hard to be fully effective for a real oil spill. Skimmer image link:…
The last step is to add dispersant (or a detergent) to break up the oil droplets and disperse them. Add diluted dish soap to the remaining oil, to observe how it breaks the oil into smaller droplets. 2 million gallons of dispersant were used in the Gulf. Dispersant application image link:… Dispersants break up the oil, but it does not go away. Dispersants themselves are also harmful to wildlife.

Spilled oil can harm living things in several ways. Oil is a poisonous chemical which animals can be exposed to internally through ingestion or inhalation, or externally on skin and in eyes, causing organ damage and cancer. When oil coats feathers and fur it destroys their ability to keep animals warm. Dispersants reduce the impact of oil on shoreline habitats, but disperse oil into deeper ocean water where it has harmful effects on deep ocean wildlife.

Grades taught
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 7