
Water and rain

Explore how rain and water interact with plants, rocks and sand.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Earth and Space Science: Surroundings (grade K)
Earth and Space Science: Air, Water and Soil (grade 2)
Earth and Space Science: Weather (grade 4)
Earth and Space Science: Earth's Crust (grade 7)

It rains a lot in Vancouver. What happens to it?
Do a series of activities to find out how rain and water interact with plants, and what water does when it lands on the earth and interacts with rocks.

Plant leaves and water:
Water drops on leaves activity.

Plant roots and water:
Plants get their water through their roots. Root shapes activity.
Use cut flowers to show how water moves through a plant - colouring a white flower activity.

Rocks and water:
Rock weathering activity to show how rain and flowing water break rocks down.

Sand and water:
Soil erosion activity using sand, to show how rain and flowing water changes our landscape by wearing down mountains.


This lesson didn't really flow well for K-2 students, though they enjoyed the rock and water actvities.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2

Colours change through filters

Look through coloured plastics to filter out part of the spectrum, and observe how objects change colour.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Surroundings (grade K)
Physical Science: Light and Sound (grade 4)
  • coloured plastic sheets/acetate filters - red and blue work well. some materials need to be layered up to get the full effect
  • white paper and coloured pens
  • optional to see colour change large scale: white paper and coloured papers - red and green work well

Please note that in a class of students it is likely that one of them is at least partially colourblind (1 in 12 males are colourblind). As this is an activity distinguishing colours, these students will not be able to tell some colours apart and perceive some colours differently, although the activity will be no less interesting for them. The common red/green colour blindness means reds and greens (or colours containing reds and greens such as browns) look similar. More information at and

Ask students to look through coloured plastic sheets at different coloured objects, or to view drawings they make with coloured markers. Try outdoors.
Depending on the colour of the object/marker and the colour of the filter, different features will be highlighted and will "disappear".

The coloured plastic takes away (absorbs) some of the colours so only one colour reaches your eyes. e.g. a red sheet absorbs all colours except red, so everything has a red tinge. If something has no red in it, it will look black.

Step by step activity to understand the phenomenon:
Ask the students to put the red filter over their eyes. Then lay out coloured papers for them to look at (don't tell the students what colours they are). Ask what colours they appear through the filters. (The red paper will look red through the red plastic; the green paper will look black through the red plastic)
Ask the students to take the plastic away so they can see the true colours of the papers. It is a very striking effect.
Discuss: the paper only reflects some colours (that is why it appears a certain colour - the other colours are absorbed). If the plastic does not let the paper colours through, the paper will appear dark.

Notes for teachers on the complexity of this activity:
Objects and filters are usually not pure emitters of one colour, so other colours nearby in the spectrum also bleed through, hence changing the final colour observed. In other words, for coloured acetate and construction paper, both the papers and the filters will allow some other colours of light through other than the colour it appears i.e. green paper will reflect yellow and blue light as well as green (they are next door on the colour spectrum), and a blue filter will allow some green light to pass - hence through a blue filter, green paper appears green and red paper appears black.
Some blue items appear purple through the red filter. The red filter is not perfect - it passes some light of other wavelengths besides red. Purple is a mixture of red and blue light - it is a non-spectral colour (violet is a spectral colour next to blue). When objects emitting blue light are seen through our red filter, both red and blue light are perceived, which look purple.

Coloured filters for astronomy studies:
Astronomers use filters to look at images of stars and galaxies, to see the phenomena they are more interested in, while making other phenomena recede. Students can look at composite images of star nurseries, nebulae or galaxies, to see the cooler gas clouds (often imaged in red, so visible through the red filter) separated from the stars and higher energy wavelengths such as X rays (often imaged in blue, so visible through the blue filter).
See this image of the sun through different filters (some wavelengths invisible to the human eye), and the sun's features that are highlighted with each filter:…

Coloured filters for ocean animal camouflage:
Ask students to draw an undersea scene with coloured markers, making sure that they draw some brown or black seaweed or rocks, some red and black ocean animals, and some light blue or light-coloured ocean animals.
Ask them to look through a blue filter at their scene, which mimics the lighting in ocean water (red light does not penetrate beyond 100m deep, whereas blue light reaches deeper ocean water, making the scene blue-tinted). In the blue light, which fish colours appear dark, and which fish show up lighter?
Red-coloured fish will look dark, and look the same shade as black objects. Blue and lighter coloured animals show up more brightly and are easier to see.
Ocean animals exploit this phenomenon to hide from predators: in the mid-water regions of the ocean, where only blue light penetrates, many ocean animals are coloured red or black, so that they can camouflage against dark algae and rocks or just appear dark in the water.
Light colour penetration into water:…
Colours of ocean animals by depth:

Coloured filters for helping understand how other animals and some people see
Through the filters the world looks tinted and some colours look the same, and give a sense of how some animals or people with colourblindness have a different view of colours. The color vision of dogs is similar to a person with deuteranopia (red-green color blindness). Red, yellow and green are perceived as one hue. Blue and purple are perceived as a second hue. Cyan and magenta are perceived as a neutral hue (grey).


Idea for younger students: make a "dive" into the ocean by walking into a room with blue filter over eyes. Find fish taped to the wall.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Rainbow with a hose and the sun

Use a hose on a sunny day to split up the white light from the sun and make a rainbow.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Surroundings (grade K)
Physical Science: Light and Sound (grade 4)
  • hose with a fine spray attachment
  • a sunny day

Face with your back to the sun while holding the hose, and ask the students to stand near you.
Set the hose on a fine spray (or depending on the attachment, the raindrop-like spray might work better), and spray the hose in a direction that produces a rainbow. Students may need to move around a little until they find it.
Ask them to tell you what colours they see in the rainbow. All those colours are in sunlight, and the drops of water separate those colours out so we can see them.
Compare to a picture of a real rainbow. The large rainbows are made in just the same way as the one with the hose - with raindrops and sunlight - you just need to be facing away from the sun to see the rainbow.

Older students can discuss how the rainbow is made in detail: the white light of the sun is reflected from the curved inside edge of the raindrop, but different colours bounce back at different angles (refraction), so the colours of white light are separated out. More detailed explanation on many websites including…

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2

Light colours from the sun

Outdoors on a sunny day, make rainbows with prisms and a hose, or make a spectroscope with older students. Use coloured plastic to experiment with parts of the colour spectrum.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Earth and Space Science: Surroundings (grade K)
Earth and Space Science: Stars and Planets (grade 3)
Physical Science: Light and Sound (grade 4)
  • materials listed in the individual activities
  • a sunny day

Do all or some of these activities.

Lesson plan 1:

Take students outdoors.
We will use the sun to explore the colours of light.
Remind them not to look at the sun - it is so powerful it can burn your eyes.

The colours in light:
Ask students what colour the light from the sun is. They can see on a white sheet of paper that the light is white, not yellow.
Talk about the white light actually being a mixture of many different colours.

Activities to find the colours in sunlight:
Colours with a prism or CD, Make a rainbow with a hose.

Taking colours away:
Why are leaves green?
All the colours of sunlight go into the leaves. Only some of the colours come out (are reflected out) again. When any object has a colour e.g. your shirt, it is because it only reflects some of the colours. The other colours it keeps, or absorbs.

Activity to take away some colours and see how the world changes:
Coloured filters activity

Optional game:
Give students Diffraction gratings.
Ask them to play tag while holding them over their eyes, or to simply walk in a straight line! The world is separated into its colours, and it is hard to walk through a rainbow world.

Lesson plan 2:

Start indoors making the spectroscope and testing it out on different bulb types, before heading outside to use it with the sun.
Then run the Coloured filters activity, with plenty of free exploration and recording of observations. Group up to find patterns in observations.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3

Magnified images scavenger hunt

Students hunt for objects with close-up images for clues.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Life Science: Characteristics of Living Things (grade K)
Life Science: Diversity of Life (grade 6)
  • magnified images of objects/living things that students can find - see image/attachment for example, or students can make their own with iPads
  • pencils

Give each student a sheet of close-up images of things to hunt for, and a pencil.
Send them off to find what the images are part of.

Attached documents

The images on my game were (row by row, left to right) bluebell flower, wide grass blade, dandelion, leaf, lichen on bark, tree trunk, small paving tile, leaf.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2

Light stations

Students freely experiment at several stations with light and shadows and reflections. Discussion distills their discoveries into some principles of light.
  • materials in the activities
  • for indoor lesson: room that can be darkened a little (pitch black not necessary)
  • optional: flashlight, candle and light stick for a demonstration during discussion

  • for outdoor lesson: best with a full sun day, but cloudy day also possible
  • add sheets of white paper to show shadows shapes up well


Set up four activities as stations, which students move through.
Run the lesson using the Play-Debrief-Replay format (see resource).
Older students take notes/younger students remember what they discover about light at each station.
Discuss as a group what they find, and distill out the principles of light that they have discovered (see photos for examples).

Optional: at an appropriate point during class discussion, discuss and show that light can be made in different ways.
Flashlight: chemical energy in the battery is converted to electrical energy in the wires, to light energy (and heat energy if it is an incandescent bulb) in the bulb.
Candle: chemical energy (in the wax which is a fuel) to light and heat energy through a chemical reaction (a combustion reaction).
Light stick: chemical energy to light energy through a chemical reaction.
Sun: chemical reactions in the sun generate light. The sun's light energy is captured by plants.

Indoor lesson

Rainbows from light best in a dark alcove of the classroom, near an outlet. Students look at holiday lights of different colours through scratched plastic (which separates out their component colours).
If additional activity is needed at this station to balance out the timing of the four stations, add red/blue filters, red/blue marker pens and paper for students to try colours change through filters (or this can be its own station to replace one of the others below).
Big ideas that might emerge from students comments: Some objects are visible because they emit light. White light is made up of different colours. Colours we see can be made from mixtures of different light colours.
Additional big ideas with added filter activity: When colours are removed from a light mixture, new resultant colours are seen.

Shadow shapes best in a darker area of the classroom, possibly on the floor behind a desk if the windows are bright.
Big ideas: Light goes in straight lines. Shadows are the lack of light. Some objects are thin enough to pass light. Brightness is the amount of light energy.

Shadows and mirrors best in a darker area of the classroom, possibly on the floor behind a desk if the windows are bright.
Big ideas: Light goes in straight lines and can be reflected. Some surfaces reflect light, some do not. Some objects are visible because they reflect light that has arrived from somewhere else.

Mirror symmetry patterns in a brighter area of the classroom on grouped tables.
Big ideas: Light travels in straight lines. Light can be reflected multiple times. To see an object, light from it must come into our eyes.

Outdoor lesson, full sun day

Rainbows from light. Students look around them through scratched plastic (but not directly at the sun).
Big ideas that might emerge from students comments: Some objects are visible because they emit light. White light is made up of different colours. Colours we see can be made from mixtures of different light colours.
Coloured filters can also be added to the materials bin.

Shadow shapes. Students use the sun to make shadows onto large white sheets of paper laid on the ground.
Big ideas: Light goes in straight lines. Shadows are the lack of light. Some objects are thin enough to pass light. Brightness is the amount of light energy.

Shadows and mirrors. Students angle their mirror to bounce the sun's rays onto a sheet of white paper, displaying their pictures/writing.
Big ideas: Light goes in straight lines and can be reflected. Some surfaces reflect light, some do not. Some objects are visible because they reflect light that has arrived from somewhere else.

Mirror symmetry patterns in an area that students can use plant leaves and petals to make multiple reflections.
Big ideas: Light travels in straight lines. Light can be reflected multiple times. To see an object, light from it must come into our eyes.

Outdoor lesson, cloudy day

Rainbows from light. Students look around them through scratched plastic.
Big ideas that might emerge from students comments: Some objects are visible because they emit light. White light is made up of different colours. Colours we see can be made from mixtures of different light colours.

Coloured filters. Students look around them through different coloured filters.
Big ideas: Light is made up of different colours that can be separated. Colours we see are made from mixtures of different light colours.

Mirror maze and writing. Students draw through a maze or write while looking in a mirror.
Big ideas: Light goes in straight lines and can be reflected.

Mirror symmetry patterns in an area that students can use plant leaves and petals to make multiple reflections.
Big ideas: Light travels in straight lines. Light can be reflected multiple times. To see an object, light from it must come into our eyes.

If there is a gap in the clouds, pause all stations to make hand shadows together as a class with the full sun.
Big ideas: Light goes in straight lines. Shadows are the lack of light.

Attached documents
Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3

Gas collection over water

Collect gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) over water, then show how to test them with a glowing/lighted splint.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)
  • tray filled with water
  • water
  • glass bottle filled with water
  • reaction bottle with tube attached to lid
  • reactants: H2O2 and yeast to make oxygen; baking soda and vinegar to make CO2
  • splint
  • lighter

Collect oxygen over water.
Relight a glowing splint by lowering it into the tube of oxygen. Feel the exothermic reaction.

Collect CO2 over water - puts out a lighted splint.


Developed for The Chemistry of Gases and Pressure lesson

methane ignites - stir up from the bottom a pond. not toxic. when collects stays in the tube as lighter than air

Hydrogen peroxide chemistry

Test a variety of materials to see which ones can break down hydrogen peroxide, to make it bubble.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Life Science: Plant Growth and Changes (grade 3)
Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)
  • hydrogen peroxide: oxygen bleach ideal and not too expensive
  • squeeze bottles (e.g. dollar store glue bottles)
  • trays with small wells e.g. paint trays
  • materials to test e.g. yeast, soil, potato pieces, cloth smeared with dirt and potato juice "dirty cloth", tissue, plastic bag, clean cloth, baking soda
  • optional: molecule models

This activity investigates the chemistry of oxygen laundry bleach (show bottle). We'll look at a chemical reaction it undergoes, why it is environmentally safe, and the many ways that hydrogen peroxide is used in our world.

Hydrogen peroxide chemical reaction
Show the hydrogen peroxide molecule, H2O2. Tell students that molecule breaks down into water and a gas. Tell students they will figure out what this gas is.
Ask students to build two H2O2 molecules. Then tell them that as these break apart they will make two new molecules, one of which is water. Ask students to break apart the hydrogen peroxide molecules and use the atoms and bonds to build two water molecules (two H2O). They should then use all the remaining atoms and bonds, and fill all the holes in the atoms, to build the other molecule that is made in the chemical reaction.
They should make O2.
Hence the chemical reaction when hydrogen peroxide breaks apart is 2H2O2 -> 2H2O + O2.

Oxygen laundry bleach is environmentally safe because as it works, it breaks into only oxygen and water, which are in living things already. Whereas chlorine bleach (regular bleach) breaks down into molecules with chlorine in them, which are harmful to the environment. Oxygen bleach does not bleach coloured clothes to white if it is spilled on them, but it does remove dirt from clothes.

The chemical reaction happens on its own slowly in the bottle of hydrogen peroxide, but is sped up by other materials.

Hydrogen peroxide making bubbles with different materials
Hydrogen peroxide slowly breaks down on it’s own, but this decomposition is massively speed up with certain materials, called a catalyst.
Students will test different materials for speeding up H2O2 decomposition. Discuss how, if the materials breaks hydrogen peroxide down, they will see oxygen gas forming, as bubbles.

Set up a table of materials that students can gather in their tray to test. Also provide them with magnifiers so that they can look up close for bubbling. A range of materials that do and don't make bubbles is ideal:
yeast (lots of bubbles)
soil or potato (many bubbles)
pieces of dirty cloth smeared with potato juice and soil (some bubbles)
tissue or plastic bag or pieces of cloth (no bubbles).
Set up tables where students can add hydrogen peroxide to their materials, to look for bubbles, and where they can rinse their trays once they have used all the wells.
Hand out a tray and worksheet to each student.
Once students have used all the provided materials, they can look for more materials around the classroom to test:
pencil or eraser shavings, hair, moss or rocks from outside, dip their own finger in hydrogen peroxide.

Collect students results on the board.
Ask students to figure out a pattern of what breaks down hydrogen peroxide and what does not. Help them arrive at living things produce more bubbles and non-living things do not (hair is not living, but is a dead protein strand exuded by a living cell in the scalp).

Living things contain catalase, a molecule (an enzyme) that breaks down hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water.
The reason living things contain catalase is because living things produce hydrogen peroxide naturally all the time, through the chemical reactions happening in them. But hydrogen peroxide can be damaging to cells as it degrades into radicals before becoming the harmless oxygen and water. The radicals can attack DNA and proteins and membrane lipids, to kill cells. The catalase quickly converts hydrogen peroxide to oxygen and water, so the radicals do not hang around for too long to do damage.
Hence anything with living cells in it bubbles with H2O2.

Hydrogen peroxide uses in our world

The bombardier beetle uses hydrogen peroxide to make a hot irritating liquid that it squirts at predators.
In separate chambers in its abdomen, the beetle stores H2O2 and catalase enzyme, as well as a quinone molecule. On demand, it mixes the hydrogen peroxide and catalase to make pressurized oxygen and water hot gases. Hydroxyquinone is also catalysed to quinone, an irritant. The mixture of hot gases and liquid are ejected at the intruder.

Propellant in rockets and torpedoes.
Hydrogen peroxide can be catalysed to gaseous oxygen and water, to be used as a propellant.
Silver or platinum are catalysts which drive the reaction.
82% H2O2 used on Russian Soyuz rocket to drive the turbopumps on the boosters.

Antiseptic: hydrogen peroxide is toxic to cells, as the radicals made in its breakdown interfere with cellular machinery, so it can be used as an antiseptic to kill bacteria. It does also kill living skin cells, but if not used repeatedly can be used to efficiently kill bacteria in a wound, before allowing healthy cells to grow back.

Waste-water treatment processes to remove organic impurities.

Crime scene blood detection. H2O2 radicals made as the haem in blood cells catalyses the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide. The radicals can make a glowing molecule (luminol). A crime scene in sprayed with H2O2 and luminol reveals where the blood is, even if it is at very low concentrations. Detectives use a UV light to see the glowing luminol.

Hair bleach (Marilyn Munroe made the “bleach blonde” fashionable). H2O2 and melanin react, to make colourless melanin.

Glow sticks: H2O2 in glass tube, mixes with a chemical outside. Releases energy again as light. Additional dyes make other coloured glow sticks. Glow stick chemistry activity.


If molecule models have already been used by the students, it works better to have the hydrogen peroxide chemical reaction as a demonstration.
Other H2O2 catalysts: Decomposition is catalysed by various compounds, including most transition metals and their compounds e.g. manganese dioxide, silver, and platinum, Fe2+, Ti3+. Non-metallic catalysts include potassium iodide, which reacts particularly rapidly and forms the basis of the elephant toothpaste experiment.

Grades taught
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Soil composition and soil erosion

Free experimentation with soil. One station investigates the components of different soil types. The other station investigates how soil is moved by water.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Earth and Space Science: Air, Water and Soil (grade 2)
Earth and Space Science: Earth's Crust (grade 7)
Physical Science: Properties of Objects and Materials (grade K)

I used Wasserman's Play-Debrief-Replay model (see the New Teaching Elementary Science resource) for this lesson.

Set up two stations: soil sieving and soil erosion.
Students spend 20 minutes on one station, making notes on what they find, then switch to the other station.

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3

Erosion and Stream flow

Direct a stream of water over sand to see how the flow of water moves the sand particles and creates landforms. Watch the formation of a river valley and a delta. Can be run in student groups or as a demonstration.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Surroundings (grade K)
Earth and Space Science: Air, Water and Soil (grade 2)
Earth and Space Science: Earth's Crust (grade 7)
Physical Science: Properties of Objects and Materials (grade K)
  • large tray (I use an Ikea TROFAST Storage box)
  • play sand, enough to pile up at the end of the tray (I use a 1.75kg yogurt tub-full)
  • water to wet the sand before the lesson (I use 750ml)
  • optional: flat piece of wood to push the sand to the end of the tray (quicker and less messy than hands)
  • large jug of water (I use a 2.6L juice jug)
  • tubing (aquarium; about 70cm) weighted at one end with a ring of modelling clay
  • squeeze bottle to start water flow (the tip of the spout should fit inside the tubing
  • medium binder clip
  • small rocks to divert water flow
  • wood blocks or books to raise water jug
  • funnel to pour water back into the jugs for disposal outside (not down a sink)

or use sand and water outdoors, at the beach or in a playground sandbox


The Play-Debref-Replay method of science is a good format for this activity (see the resource) when student groups each have a set of materials.
As a demonstration, group discussion is aligned with what the activity shows each moment. Students can direct the teacher where to place rocks, and try to model other ideas students mention e.g. tsunami, landslide.

To set up activity: Pile the sand up at one end of the tray, and clip the binder clip to the edge of the tray. Set up the siphon system by submerging the weighted end of the tubing in the large jug of water, then pushing the other end of the tubing through the binder clip at the end of the tray, so that the end hangs over the top of the pile of the sand. Use a squeeze bottle with the air expelled to suck on the tubing and remove the air, to get the water flowing. The water flow slowly runs down the slope of sand.
(Another way to set up this activity is to simply allow students to pour water over a pile of sand. As the flow rate is faster, the more subtle erosion patterns will not be seen, but the sand is still washed down the slope demonstrating erosion.)

Ask that the students simply watch the water flow for a while. This will be tricky if they have their own materials - when the water flow has been started, try requiring that the students watch the flow without touching until they receive their first rock to place in its path. Then pass out rocks one by one, for students to place in the path of the water to change its course, or split the river in two.

Actions for the students to try that focus on the water flow (rather than moving sand around):
Can you make the stream split into two?
Can you find the bank of a stream is washing away as the stream takes a new course?
Can you make a waterfall?
If the sand is made of different coloured particles, how do they separate out?
Where is the sand that is washed downstream being deposited?

After 5 or so mins of water flow, the teacher will need to raise the siphon system up, placing a book or block under the jug, to keep the flow rate up, then again after another little while. The activity ends when the water flow stops.

Group discussion of what students found, during the activity if it is a demonstration, or after students have completed the activity:

  • The water flow makes channels in the sand. River valleys are formed the same way - the overlying soil, then the underlying rock are worn away by water (as well as ice and wind). Streams and rivers carve out our landscape to make valleys with mountains on either side, though over a much longer period of time than this activity. The process of sediment removal is called erosion.
  • Sand is deposited at the edge of the pool of water at the bottom of the sand hill. Sediment is moved where water flow is faster, and deposited where the flow is slower, so wide shallow bays (deltas) are formed where rivers meet the ocean. Show this image of the Horton River delta in the Northwest Territories:,-126.8071953,12934m/data=!3m1!1e3 (showing a classic delta shape: a triangle, and named after the greek letter delta; the old path of the river can also be clearly seen). As sediment builds up on ocean beds it is compressed by further layering and eventually forms sedimentary rocks.
  • The water flow can move the small sand particles but not the larger rocks. In the same way, small rock and soil particles are washed down rivers whereas large boulders remain, sometimes creating waterfalls. Students may notice sand particle colours separating as they are deposited - the differently-sized particles are carried and deposited at different rates.
  • Changing the direction of the stream by placing rocks in its path models a rockslide or human structures e.g. dams or dykes, which change the path of rivers.
  • Water will find a way down a mountainside, whether over, under or around rocks and other obstacles in its path. Flow of water underground forms cave systems. When we block the path of water with a dam, the stored water has energy, that can be converted to electrical energy as it falls over the turbines of a hydroelectric power station.
  • To include life sciences: streams and rivers bring life-essential water to animals and plants, bring food to animals that feed on aquatic life, move minerals around that are needed by living things, and provide habitats and homes for plants and animals.


If running this activity two classes back to back, pour the water out of each tray as they are collected, then raise one end with a block to drain water out of the high end of the sand. Pour off again once or twice, then it is somewhat dry enough for another run. Letting more water dry out from the sand is really best.

Would be nice to run this activity at the beach. Tested on a piece of plastic with play sand and a siphon from a tub of water. Need to test with beach sand.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6