
Electric circuits and electrolysis

Free experimentation with wires, batteries, bulbs and salt solutions.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)

Show the students how to make the wires, then allow them to try making circuits (including short circuits) to light bulbs.
Then add the salted water to show bubbles being made at the electrodes.


Students were very interested in making a bulb-and-battery circuit, then dunking the bulb in a tub of salted water. They reported that the bulb glowed more brightly when immersed in the salted water.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5

Electrolysis with home made wires

Make circuits that include a salt solution, to generate gas at the electrodes.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Electricity (grade 6)

Add a couple of teaspoons of salt to a tub of water and stir to make a solution.
Using the home-made wires from the Electric circuits activity, tape one end of each wire to the batter and dip the other end of each wire into the salted solution.
Make sure the wires are not touching (which would make a short circuit that bypasses the salt solution). Watch for bubbles coming from the wires that are in the water (called electrodes).
The salted water allows electricity to pass, and bubbles of gas are produced at each terminal: hydrogen and chlorine. At one electrode hydrogen gas is produced as the H+ ions in water gain an electron from the electrode, join together to form H2 molecules. At the other electrode, chlorine gas is produced as Cl- ions give an electron to the electrode, join together and form Cl2 molecules. The amounts of chlorine are similar to the amount released by a bottle of bleach: too small to be harmful if not contained - do not let students enclose the gas or smell large amounts of it.


Can also try baking soda (O2, H2 and CO2 released so safer than salt), sugar, lemon juice, vinegar, Gatorade/sports drink or other kitchen chemicals, to see which allow current to pass and which do not. The students were not interested enough in this to try other solutions. (They were occupied with immersing a bulb-and-battery circuit in water.)

Collet the hydrogen gas over water, ad make a pop.

A higher voltate (9-12V) should allow electrolysis of water (into hydrogen and oxygen gases). 2H+(aq) + 2e− → H2(g) and 2H2O(l) → O2(g) + 4H+(aq) + 4e−

Electrolysis of salt solution or water produces OH- ions. Can the pH change of the solution be measured?

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5

Electric circuits with home-made wires and bulbs

Clip bulbs and wires from holiday light strings, or make wires from foil and masking tape. Students freely experiment with the lights, wires and batteries, using masking tape to connect them. Students learn how to set up an electric circuit and understand how electricity flows in a circuit. Also good for energy transformations.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Electricity (grade 6)
  • wires: either clipped from holiday light strings, or purchased wires, or home made wires from aluminium foil and masking tape (see below)
  • holiday light bulbs, clipped individually from the strand, and the wire ends stripped and twisted together (students can learn how to do this) Note: as wire ends get frayed, clip and twist again.
  • 1.5V batteries
  • masking tape
  • optional for making more bulbs: wire cutters and wire strippers

This is a good free play activity. See the Play-Debrief-Replay method of teaching in the resource.
Note: please read through about the short circuit possibility, and stop students before the battery and wire gets too hot.

Optional: if using homemade wires, make lengths of masking tape the width of the foil, and tape them next to each other to fill one side of the foil. Tear between the strips of tape, to make lengths of foil backed with tape. (See the 'Making home made wires' photos above.)

Show students their materials: battery, bulb, wires and tape.

Show students how to make circuits by taping wires and bulbs to their desk, making sure there is a good connection between the metals of each.
Optional for budding electricians: show students how to use wire cutters to clip bulbs from a holiday light string, strip the ends to expose the wires, then twist the wires together so that there are no single wires sticking out (thin single wires carrying all the current will heat up and possibly cause burns).
(For Ks show them how to build a simple circuit with two wires, a battery and a bulb, and allow all to succeed before adding more components.)

Start free play.
Note: watch for short circuits - if students bridge the ends of the battery with only a wire, there is no resistance in the circuit and more and more current will flow through the wire. This high current will make the wire and the battery heat up. Keep an eye out at all times and stop students from holding a short circuit configuration for more than a few seconds.

Once students have experimented for a while ask them to leave their materials, and gather to discuss what they find.
Discuss electricity concepts as students come up with them (see phenomena below).
Use circuit symbols to draw what the students describe.

Phenomena likely to come up, and terminology for them:
Short circuit When a battery is connected by a wire looping between both ends, with no bulb. The current can flow fast between the ends of the battery, until the wire and the battery gets hot. Do not let short circuits run for very long. (Buildings have circuit breakers to prevent short circuits from starting a fire.)
Lighting the bulb Students will find that they need to make a circle, containing a battery and a bulb to make the bulb light. Discuss that the electrons flow from one end of the battery (the negative) around the circuit and into the other end of the battery (the positive). If there is no circle, there will be no current and the bulb will not light. The incandescent bulb lights because as electrons squeeze through the thin filament inside the bulb, it heats up and gives off light (LED bulbs work differently). Students may experiment with number of batteries and numbers of bulbs. With incandescent bulbs they will light brighter and brighter as more batteries are added (+ end to - end in a row) until they eventually 'blow' (they do not actually shatter).
Blowing a bulb When enough batteries are connected (with the correct + and - orientation) they will blow a bulb (at least 7 batteries for my materials). When there is enough voltage, so much current is flowing through the filament of the bulb that it melts it, therefore breaking the circuit.
Series circuit A series circuit is when the battery and bulbs are all in a line, so that the electrons move through one component then the next. The energy (voltage) from the battery is divided between the bulbs, so the brightness of a bulb will depend on how many batteries and bulbs there are.
Switch Students will find that some bulbs go on and off as they move the wires around. A contact is not secure and so intermittently breaks the circuit. Real switches (e.g. light switches) break a circuit in a more controlled manner.
Parallel circuit When there is more than one path for the current to flow, most simply with two bulbs straddling one battery the energy from the battery splits and goes down both paths, before rejoining and returning to the battery. The brightness of the bulbs should be the same as when there is just one bulb, as each bulb will draw as much current as one alone when they are in parallel (unlike when they are in series).

Help students come up with new experiments to investigate more deeply (suggest students with similar questions work together).
If they have not already changed numbers of batteries and bulbs, encourage them to do so.
If they have not already made different shapes of circuits (series and parallel), encourage them to do so.


I am replacing the foil-and-tape wires with insulated wires cut from holiday light strands - the insulation means that wires can cross on students' desks without short circuiting. But with insulated wires they are less likely to spontaneously create parallel circuits.
I initially used clothes pegs to connect the wires and bulbs, but taping them together on a desk makes the circuit layout more clearly laid out, and makes bad connections less likely.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Baking soda and vinegar

Mixing baking soda and vinegar produces a gas (carbon dioxide). An basic acid-base reaction.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)
  • baking soda
  • vinegar
  • tub to contain the reaction
  • optional: molecule models of the reaction - need 2 Hs, one C and 3 Os per group

    Mix the baking soda and vinegar - this may be a familiar reaction to some. It makes bubbles of gas.
    Tell students the chemical reaction that produces the gas, or give students molecule models of the starting molecules and they figure out what the products are (tell them one product is water if necessary):
    HCO3 (baking soda, or base) + H (vinegar, or acid) -> H2O (water) + CO2 (carbon dioxide gas)

    The molecule models can be purchased (see resource), or made from modelling clay and toothpicks.

    This chemical reaction is endothermic - it absorbs heat, so feels cold. A temperature change is an indicator that a chemical reaction is happening.

    The baking soda and vinegar reaction is the basis of many science activities, including setting off rockets and making food.

    Grades taught
    Gr K
    Gr 1
    Gr 2
    Gr 3
    Gr 4
    Gr 5
    Gr 7

    Making gases

    Produce gas with different chemical reactions.
    Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
    Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)

    Explore some chemistry of making foams (and small explosions).

    First try acid-base reactions that make gases:
    1. Mix vinegar and baking soda to make carbon dioxide gas
    2. Add Alka seltza tablets to water
    Chemical reaction: HCO3 + H -> CO2 + H2O
    The Alka seltza reaction can be sealed in a film canister, to make the lid blow off as the gas pressure rises.
    (also see ideas in Chemical reactions with baking soda lesson)

    Then break down hydrogen peroxide to make gas:
    3. Elephant's toothpaste
    2H2O2 -> O2 + 2H2O

    Then make a fountain as gas rapidly comes out of solution.
    4. Coke and mentos activity

    Grades taught
    Gr K
    Gr 1
    Gr 3
    Gr 4
    Gr 5

    Elephant's toothpaste

    Make a foam as hydrogen peroxide rapidly splits into oxygen and water.
    Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
    Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)
    • hydrogen peroxide, either bottles available in a drug store (3%), or as oxygen bleach (chlorine free bleach)
    • dish soap
    • dried yeast
    • empty water bottle
    • tray to contain mess

      Add about a cup of hydrogen peroxide to the empty water bottle.
      Add a squirt of dish soap.
      Add a tablespoon of dried yeast.
      Swirl to shake, then set the bottle upright on the ground outside, or on on a tray if indoors (it will be messy).

      The bottle gets warm as the chemical reaction makes heat ("exothermic").
      Energy transformation: chemical energy to heat energy.

      The hydrogen peroxide is split into oxygen and water, catalysed by the yeast: 2H2O2 -> O2 + 2H2O. The oxygen gas makes tiny bubbles. Molecule models can be used to show this chemical reaction.
      The dish soap stabilizes the bubbles to make a foam - one end of the detergent molecule does not like water ("hydrophobic") so it inserts into the gas bubbles; the other end likes water ("hydrophilic") so sticks outside the bubbles into the surrounding water. The soap molecules surround the oxygen gas bubbles in this way and stablize them so that they last for a longer time - as a "foam".
      As the oxygen is continually made the foam squeezes out of the bottle like toothpaste...for an elephant!

      Foam is a kind of a mixture called a colloid - gas bubbles in a liquid.
      See attached file for other colloids.

      Science centre demonstration using a higher concentration of hydrogen peroxide:

      Attached documents
      Grades taught
      Gr K
      Gr 1
      Gr 2
      Gr 3
      Gr 4
      Gr 5
      Gr 7

      Mini baking soda rocket (film canister)

      Drop Alka seltzer in water to make gas. Seal the reaction in a film canister/small container to make an explosion (or make the same gas with baking soda and vinegar). The chemical reaction can be modelled.
      Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
      Physical Science: Force and Motion (grade 1)
      Physical Science: Forces and Simple Machines (grade 5)
      Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)
      • Alka seltzer tablet
      • water
      • film canister, or small similar container that seals well
      • molecule models (or modelling clay and toothpicks) to make an HCO3 molecule and an H atom (see image): 3 red oxygen atoms, 2 white hydrogen atoms, 1 carbon atom, 6 bonds

      Half fill the film canister with water, drop half an alka seltzer tablet in it, snap on the lid, turn upside down so the lid is placed on the ground, then stand back.
      As the carbon dioxide gas builds up in the film canister, the pressure is eventually too great, and the lid is pushed off, shooting the canister base into the air.

      The film canister can also be filled with baking soda and vinegar for the same effect (and cheaper).
      Place about 1/8 tspn baking soda in a piece of toilet tissue and twist closed (to make a head of baking soda and a tail of just tissue), place in the vinegar with tail down, cap the canister then turn over to place on the ground.

      Alka seltzer contains an acid and a base, which when dissolved in water, can combine to produce carbon dioxide gas and water.

      Optional: model the chemical reaction using modecule models.
      Give each student a model molecule of HCO3 and an H atom. These are the components of Alka seltzer/baking soda and vinegar.
      When the alka seltzer gets wet, these molecules combine and rearrange to make two new new molecules. When the baking soda and vinegar are mixed the molecules react to make two new molecules. Ask students to figure out what these new molecules are, giving them the hint that one of them is water.
      The products of the reaction are water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2).
      Carbon dioxide is a gas, and as more and more of it is made by the chemical reaction, the gas builds up in pressure until it blows the lid off the film canister.
      The gas escapes by shooting out of the bottom of the film canister. This force directed downwards propels the canister upwards. (Newton's Third Law of Motion: Every action results in an equal and opposite reaction.)


      I have found film canisters variable in how they seal, so the explosion is not reliable. Set off enough so that every student sees a good one.
      Dollar store little containers also not 100% reliable.
      Try small corks in a longer tube?

      Grades taught
      Gr K
      Gr 1
      Gr 2
      Gr 3
      Gr 4
      Gr 5
      Gr 6
      Gr 7

      Coke and mentos

      Drop mentos into coke to produce a fountain of foam.
      Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
      Physical Science: Properties of Matter (grade 2)
      Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)
      • diet coke, 2l bottle (diet is less sticky)
      • mentos, one packet of mint (the fruit flavour ones are coated and don't work)
      • narrow tube or card that can hold the mentos in a line, and a small card. alternatively a paper funnel

      Open the bottle of diet coke and place in an open space.
      Move the students back.
      Pour the mentos into the tube, so that they are all lined up and will fall out fast. Put a card over the top of the tube, and invert it over the coke bottle. Pull out the card and move back fast. (Alternatively, use a paper funnel to pour in the mentos - the faster you can get them in, the better.)

      A giant fountain of foam is produced.

      The mentos have a very bumpy surface that provides a place for bubbles of carbon dioxide to come out of solution. It does so rapidly, generating a mass of bubbles which stay around long enough to form a foam that geysers out of the bottle.

      Grades taught
      Gr K
      Gr 1
      Gr 3
      Gr 4
      Gr 5

      Balloon science

      Try a series of balloon activities that explore the science of force, sound and static electricity
      Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
      Physical Science: Force and Motion (grade 1)
      Physical Science: Light and Sound (grade 4)
      Physical Science: Electricity (grade 6)

      Try the activities, giving students time to explore on their own. Discuss the science.


      Pop balloons with a magnifier and the sun. Different coloured balloons pop at different rates.

      Grades taught
      Gr K
      Gr 1
      Gr 3
      Gr 4
      Gr 5

      Static electricity with a balloon

      Use a balloon to make static electricity. Optional: discuss as a force that acts at a distance.
      Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
      Physical Science: Force and Motion (grade 1)
      Physical Science: Electricity (grade 6)
      Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)
      • balloon
      • head of hair
      • empty tin can
      • steady, thin stream of water from a tap

      Inflate the balloon and tie it off.

      1. Rub it in your hair to make a charge difference between the balloon and your hair. (Electrons are transferred from your hair to the balloon.)
      Hold the balloon (negatively charged) just above your head so your hair (positively charged) will be attracted to it and stand up on end.

      2. Lay a tin can on the floor on its side. Rub the balloon in your hair to charge it, then hold it close to the tin can. The can will start to roll towards the balloon without touching it.
      The negatively charged balloon repels the electrons of the can so that a positive charge is near the balloon. The positive charge is attracted by the negative charge of the balloon.

      3. Bring the charged balloon near to a thin stream of water from a tap. The water will bend towards the balloon, as the charged molecules in the water are attracted to the negatively charged balloon.

      4. Experiment with what else the charged balloon will stick to: sweater and clothing, styrofoam, the wall...
      Set up as a free play activity where students investigate in their own way. They should take notes on what they find, to refer to when the group comes together to discuss what they found.

      Grades taught
      Gr K
      Gr 1
      Gr 2
      Gr 3
      Gr 4
      Gr 5