
Glow stick chemistry

Use glow sticks to make light, discuss the chemistry of how the light is made, and use temperature to change the rate of the reaction.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Light and Sound (grade 4)
Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)
  • darkened room e.g. behind the curtains on the school stage
  • glow sticks, one per student
  • tub of iced water (about 5 centigrade)
  • tub of warm water, about 45 centigrade
  • thermometer

Explain that inside the plastic of the light stick is a glass rod. One chemical is inside the glass rod and another is outside. When you snap the glass rod by bending the light stick, the chemicals mix together, and the chemical reaction produces a new molecule that glows.
Turn the lights out, then ask students to snap their sticks all together. Ask students to look closely as the chemicals mix - they should be able to see a swirl of colour as the chemicals react and new coloured glowing molecules are made.
First photo shows the chemicals mixing and making light.
(Older students: the tube contains hydrogen peroxide, which mixes with a chemical outside the tube. Two chemical reactions result in the dye getting excited as it gains energy. It releases this energy again as light. Additional dyes make the glow sticks different colours. See Wikipedia entry for more details).

Ask students to find out how heat and cold affect the rate of the chemical reaction in their light sticks, by dipping the light sticks in the warm and iced water tubs.
They should have found that in the warm water the light stick glows more intensely. This is because the heat energy causes the molecules in the light stick to move around faster, hence collide more often and chemically react to make more glowing molecules.
The light stick dipped in cold water should become dim. Heat energy leaves the lights stick and moves into the cold water, hence the molecules in the light stick have less energy and move around less. The cooler molecules collide less frequently, so undergo fewer chemical reactions to make glowing molecules.
(Sometimes students see something different, possibly due to the intensity of the glow stick affecting the sensitivity of our eyes in the darkness. These are real results as they are what the students found, but during discussion focus on what the majority of the students found.)

Students can make bright and dark stripes along their glowstick by dipping in one tub, then dipping it not as far into the second tub.

Discuss how the chemicals are used up when it glows brighter, and how they can preserve their glow sticks by putting them in the freezer overnight to slow the chemical reaction down.


Don't make the hot water too hot. It will melt the plastic and the stick will leak. I have read that 50 centigrade is as high as you should go. On using dollar store glow sticks, I used hot water, and a couple of them leaked. Maybe the low quality product, maybe the water too hot.

Glow sticks can become a lesson themselves with other activities. Persistence of vision demonstrated by taping string to a glow stick and spinning it around - we see a circle of light. ??isas noticed a gap in the circle of light - can you measure the processing time from this??

Run a glow stick lesson as play-debrief-play. Provide students with hot/cold water, string, darkness... discussion to learn about light from their discoveries. Maybe include a song by a nerdy science band on light, to dance to with the light sticks...

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5

Candle chemistry (wax combustion)

Watch a candle burn, put it out by removing air. Model the chemistry of what makes it burn, and relate to fossil fuels. Also relight a candle from above the wick.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Light and Sound (grade 4)
Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)
  • candle in holder
  • lighter
  • vase, or other glass vessel that will fit over the candle and holder
  • optional: molecule models - one black carbon, 4 white hydrogens, 4 red oxygens and 8 grey bonds per set

Students can draw the candle while it is burning, to notice the different colours of the flame, the liquid wax below the wick etc.

State changes in the wax:
Solid to liquid to gas. The solid wax melts with the heat of the flame, and the wick draws the liquid wax up by capillary action. Once the wax is a gas it can burn.

Energy transformations with a candle:
Chemical energy of the candle wax is converted to light energy and heat energy.

Chemical reaction of a burning candle:
Place a jam jar over the candle - it burns for a while then goes out.
The wax needs oxygen from the air to burn. Also note that water condensation builds up on the inside of the glass.
Place differently-sized jars over identical burning candles, to see that the candle with the larger jar will burn longer (as there is more air in it).

The molecules in the candle wax and oxygen from the air combine and rearrange, and release heat and light as they do so.
Optional: use molecule models to show a simple version of the chemical reaction: CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O. Called combustion. The reaction product water is visible on the glass.
(Paraffin wax is actually longer chains of C and H atoms, called alkanes, with average 25 carbons. So the chemical reaction would be C25H52 + 38 O2 → 25 CO2 + 26 H2O. The generic chemical formula of wax is: C(n) H(2n+2). The wax combines with more molecules of O2, to release the same products.)
Cover identical candles with differently-sized jars at the same time. Ask students to predict which one uses up oxygen first. (Students need to estimate the relative volumes of the jars.)

Candle trick:
Once the flame of a larger candle has been lit, it can be blown out, then relit from a height above the wick. The wax vapour still in the air ignites, which then relights the wick. The flame must be quite big for this to work.

Additional information on flames:
The flame is a mixture of hot gases, primarily CO2, water vapour, oxygen and nitrogen.
The yellow colour of the flame is due to soot particles glowing because they are hot (black body radiation). Other colours in the flame are from transient reaction intermediates during combustion such as the Methylidyne radical (CH) and Diatomic carbon (C2). These molecules are excited, then emit blue and green visible light (spectral band emission).
Try burning copper sulphate or other chemicals to make other flame colours.

For more detailed chemistry of a candle burning see the ChemMatters issue on candle chemistry:


For a lesson on heat convection, only included covering candles with jars to show that they need air to burn.

Try the candle see saw.

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Light from Chemistry

Investigate different ways that light can be made from chemical reactions
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Physical Science: Light and Sound (grade 4)
Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)

Introduce chemistry if necessary. Chemistry can make light.

Candle activity: light and heat from a chemical reaction.

Move to a dark area e.g. behind the curtains on the stage.
Introduce activities: Some chemistry can make light but no heat. Called luminescence. A molecule is given extra energy, which it lets go of again by giving out light. It can be given the energy in different ways: a chemical reaction, from outside light, or from pressure. The three stations show three kinds of luminescence.
Stations to rotate through: glow sticks (chemiluminescence), luminescent candy (triboluminescence) and fluorescent pens/toys (fluoresence).

Added shadows activity for Halloween Light Science.


Good for Halloween science.
Add a sparkler at the end, and ask students which of the above chemical reactions it is most similar to (candle burning producing light and heat).

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5

CO2 acidifies water

Use a pH indicator to show that as CO2 is added to water the pH drops (the water acidifies). Discussion can be related to ocean acidification and climate change, the carbon cycle, or how the CO2 level in our blood triggers brain and heart responses to increase our breathing.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Life Science: Needs of Living Things (grade 1)
Life Science: Human Body (grade 5)
  • cup or tube half filled with tap water, one per student or small student group
  • pH indicator test drops that can distinguish between pH 7 and pH 6 e.g. fish tank pH testing drops
  • optional: straw for each student

Add a couple of drops of indicator dye to the water in the cup to measure the pH of the water. It should be around 7.
Add some carbon dioxide to the water from breath: either blow through a straw into the water, or blow into the tube and then shake the exhaled air into the water (repeat blowing into the tube and shaking as necessary), until the colour changes.
Read the new colour of the water on the pH chart - it will have dropped i.e. become more acidic, to about pH 6.

The acidification of the water is reversible: waft in fresh air and shake it into the water. This air has less CO2 than our breath, and slowly, as more air is wafted into the tube and shaken into the water, the pH of the water will return to neutral. It will take longer than acidifying the water in the first place.

Climate change and ocean acidification
The water in the tube absorbs the CO2 from your breath, just as the oceans absorb increased CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere. As the CO2 in the water increases, the pH of the water falls - it becomes more acidic.
As we increase the amount of CO2 in our atmosphere through emissions, we are acidifying our oceans.

Ocean has changed by 0.1pH unit, which is a 30% increase, since the industrial era.
Lakes are more variable because of the rock type they are in, but they are also becoming more acidic.
Many chemical reactions, including those that are essential for life, are sensitive to small pH changes. (In humans: blood pH must be 7.35 - 7.45. Blood pH drop of 0.2-0.3 causes seizures, comas even death.) A small change in seawater pH affects marine life, especially marine life with shells: corals, mussels, clams, oysters, urchins, zooplankton (tiny drifting animals). Their shells become fragile and they die.
A tiny change in acidity has a profound effect on ocean life, and so food chains.
See website:….
Luckily ocean acidification is reversible. So if we can reduce the CO2 in the air the ocean water pH will rise again.

A dramatic climate change and ocean acidification event happened during Earth's history, and is evident in ocean bed core samples.
The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maxiumum (PETM) was a major greenhouse warming event 55 million years ago, resulting from a massive carbon release into the atmosphere (likely methane as well as CO2) which acidified the oceans. Ocean bed core samples show that this increase in greenhouse gases led to a sudden decrease in shell deposits (e.g. Also image here or here) - the shells of ocean animals dissolved in the more acidic ocean water before reaching the ocean floor, and the core samples showed just red clay. The greenhouse gases we are currently releasing into the atmosphere are at a much greater rate than this previous greenhouse event, and will lead to a similar effect on ocean life. Life in the oceans is linked to all life on Earth, so if we affect ocean life by acidifying ocean water, there will be knock on effects to all life on Earth.
But, there is hope!
As the students waft fresh air into their tubes, the acidification of the water will reverse and it will return to pH 7.
This shows that ocean acidification is reversible. If we can lower our emissions to reduce the CO2 in the atmosphere, the oceans will recover.

Blood CO2 levels affect our brain and heart response
When you exert yourself you need more oxygen. You also release more CO2, which makes your blood more acidic. A part of the brain called the medulla oblongata measures the pH of the blood, so can determine how much CO2 is in the blood. Once the acidity gets to a certain level, the medulla oblongata signals your body to speed up breathing and to increase heart rate. Increased heart rate will increase O2 levels in the blood again and also remove the excess CO2 from the blood.
(You can use the cortex of your brain to override and slow down breathing by thinking about it.)


See ref for pH of interstitial fluid dropping on exercise:

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

The Nervous System

Look at a model or real brain, and find out some of the functions of brain parts.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Life Science: Needs of Living Things (grade 1)
Life Science: Animal Growth and Changes (grade 2)
Life Science: Human Body (grade 5)

Materials in the activities.

  • sheet of paper
  • small plastic tub that the paper crumples into

Convey the complexity of our brains:
There are 100 billion (11 zeros) neurons (wires) in our brain. (They are each 100th of a mm wide and between a mm and a metre long.)
Each of those neurons make about 10 thousand connections with other neurons - both through our senses and from places in the brain that summarize many inputs.
There is A LOT of computation - so much that we are even concious of what we are doing

Show students a model of a brain (see photo) or a diagram of a human brain in the skull.
Parts of it are for receiving messages from our environment - seeing and tasting and touching. A lot of our brain is for reasoning and critical thinking. We humans are really good at figuring stuff out.
Our brain is protected by the skull.

Show image of lamb/pig head with brain in (students may be able to guess what animal by the other features of the head).
Their brain is relatively small compared to ours, but the parts are the same.
If available, show real lamb/pig brain - just look to start.
It looks like one bug mush, but there are distinct parts that do distinct things.
The red is blood, which brings oxygen to the brain cells. The pink is the cell bodies of the neurons (which make chemical signals). The long parts of the neurons (the axons), where the electrical signals jump along very fast, look white when they are packed together.
The brain looks wrinkly as it is a sheet folded up.

Demonstrate how the brain is packed:
The brain is flat (show a sheet of paper), but your head is round (show a tub).
If it packs like this, it fits: crumple up the paper, and put it into the plastic tub.

The brain has very distinct parts. Show diagram of brain regions.
e.g. first image in…

Cerebellum and fine motor control
Point out cerebellum in the real or model brain or on the diagram. It controls fine movement.
With straight arms, slowly move your arms up and make your finger tips meet over your head.
You can make them touch without seeing them. Your cerebellum does this. (The big movements are made by another part of the brain, but the fine tuning is your cerebellum.) A person with a damaged cerebelllum cannot accurately make their fingers meet - their arms will move around a lot as they try and reach their target.
Now try it in front of you, so you can see your fingers meeting - it is a lot easier because you are now also getting input from the sensory part of your cortex, with messages from your eyes.

The wrinkly part is the cortex. It is the largest part of the brain. The wrinkles mean you can pack more surface area into the same space.
It has very distinct parts - show image of cortex regions.
Frontal lobe is for thinking, emotion, reasoning, memory. Other parts are for moving and sensing our environment - seeing, hearing, tasting, touching.
Compare the size of our cortex to other animals (look at diagrams of brains from different animals). Every animal has hind brain parts. Only mammals have a large cortex. Ours is especially large relative to the rest of our brain - we do a lot of reasoning. However our optic and olfactory areas are relatively small.

Motor cortex and touch test:
We’ll experiment with the neurons coming into the touch part of the cortex.
Touch test activity.

Now we will show a circuit of neurons at work, with another part of the brain the thalamus, involved:
Reaction time activity.
Eyes to visual cortex to thalamus to motor cortex through spinal cord to hand.

(The thalamus also regulates conciousness, sleep and alertness.)
(The Corpus callosum, arching above the thalamus, joins the halves of the brain.)

Hindbrain and breathing
Look at medulla oblongata (hindbrain) on lamb brain.
We will use our medulla oblongata/hindbrain: ask the students to follow what you do - jumping, running on the spot, jumping jacks etc for at least 2 mins. Then ask them to sit down and think about what their body is doing. Their heart is beating fast and they are breathing harder. They did not have to think about doing those things - their body just did it. The medulla oblongata reads the levels of CO2 in the blood, by measuring the pH of the blood.
Do the CO2 making water more acidic activity to show how CO2 changes the pH. When the pH of the blood falls, as it does when we excercise and increase the amount of CO2 in the blood, the medulla oblongata signals to speed up breathing and heart rate which will increase O2 levels in the blood again.

White and grey matter
Looked at parts of the brain. Can see the parts of the neurons too, by colour.
Show an image of a neuron, with cell body and axon.
Cut sheep brain to see white and pink parts.
White is (myelin of) axons, grey is cell bodies..
Electrical signals jump along the axons - very fast.
Cell bodies make chemicals and axons send the messages.

Touch the real brain (if available)
(Students that don't want to touch the brain can feel it through saran wrap.)
Feel the brain and discuss texture compared to meat - squishy, tacky etc.
The students' own brains feel like this!
Wash well with soap and water.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6

Brain dissection

Dissect a real lamb or pig brain and identify its parts.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Life Science: Needs of Living Things (grade 1)
Life Science: Animal Growth and Changes (grade 2)
Life Science: Human Body (grade 5)
  • lamb or pig brain from local butcher - cerebellum and hind brain still attached if possible (may need to buy the whole head and ask to have it sawn in half, then take the brain out)
  • tray to contain brain and blood
  • sharp penknife
  • soap and water for clean up

This activity is how to dissect the brain before a lesson.
Follow the description of the parts of the brain, and associated activities, in the brain lesson.

The brain will probably already be cut, with left and right sides separated.
If not, slice it in half.
Look at the parts: cortex, cerebellum, mid and hind brain, corpus callosum: see labelled image at

Discuss the functions of the parts:
cortex: thinking, reasoning, also optic, motor and olfactory areas.
cerebellum: fine motor control
mid and hind brain: basic processes such as breathing, heart rate, sleeping, waking etc
(See the Nervous System lesson plan for more details)

The intact brain can be stored in the fridge for days if covered in saran wrap to prevent drying out.

To see more cut the brain with a sharp penknife.
Cut parallel to the cut already made separating the left and right halves, but more lateral, to reveal the striatum and possibly the hippocampus.
Cut through part of the cortex to show the white and grey matter (the myelinated axons and the pinkish cell bodies).

Great images of a sheep brain dissection at:
More nice photos at:


Store the brain wrapped in saran wrap - it can also be lifted and moved on its wrap too.
I tried storing in water - no good as the brain swelled up.
I tried storing in salted water, the same concentration as cerebrospinal fluid (40g salt in 500ml water). The brain outside got mushy faster than simply wrapped in saran wrap, though it may have held its shape better. Stick with saran wrapping.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6

Rock observation and testing

Appreciate the beauty and variation in rocks. Identify minerals in rocks and through mineral tests.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Earth and Space Science: Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources (grade 5)
Earth and Space Science: Earth's Crust (grade 7)

Do a selection of the activities.

Explore a rock collection to notice the varied colours, patterns and textures in rocks and minerals.
Look very closely at granite to find the individual mineral grains in it.
Identify minerals with streak and hardness tests.
Break open geodes to find the mineral crystals inside.
If available, use a rock tumbler to initiate the (weeks long) process of polishing rocks. Tumbler and rough rocks available at Capilano Rock and Gem (see resource).


Wear mineral jewelry if possible. e.g. jade necklace, and show students rough jade to compare.

NYC after school programs did rock collection and geodes then sedimentary sand art.
Science clubs did granite minerals and mineral testing, then started rock tumbling, including amazonite.

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4

Mineral hardness and streak colour

Try some simple tests to show mineral hardness and streak colour.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources (grade 5)
Earth and Space Science: Earth's Crust (grade 7)
  • minerals to test, ranging in hardness/streak colour e.g. gypsum (2/white), calcite (3/white), bornite (3/black), copper (3/grey or pink), pyrite (6/black), hematite (6/brown), quartz (7/white or none)
  • stainless steel butter knife - second hand stores a good source as they get scratched up quickly
  • unglazed porcelein e.g. scraps from a You-paint pottery studio or tiles with unglazed backing

Rocks may be made up of one mineral, or a group of minerals whose crystals have grown together. To help identify a rock by the minerals in it, there are a variety of tests including test for hardness and streak colour.
1. Testing for hardness:
The Moh’s scale is a scale of relative minerals hardness from 1 (talc; very soft) to 10 (diamond; very hard). It is used to help categorise and identify minerals. The hardness of a mineral can be measured by how easily it is scratched, either by other minerals of known hardness or with calibrated tools.
Students use a steel butter knife blade (scratched by minerals more than 5 or 6) to test the hardness of minerals to help identify them (see attached example). Other common materials to test for hardness are: fingernail (2.5), copper penny (3-3.5), steel nail (5) , pocket knife (5.5), window glass (6), steel file (6.5).
2. Testing for streak colour:
The overall colour of a mineral may vary if it contains impurities or has an irregular crystal structure, whereas the powder of a mineral has a more consistent colour. Scraping a mineral across a “streak plate” (unglazed porcelain) produces a line of powdered mineral whose colour can help identify the mineral. (If the mineral is harder than the streak plate (~7 on Mohs’ scale) another crushing method must be used.)
Scrape the minerals across the porcelain to examine their streak colours and identify them (see attached example).

These tests can be used to investigate locally mined minerals and their products e.g. bornite is mined in BC for its copper content (native copper sources are rarer). Much copper is recycled.


I read that streak tiles can be cleaned with comet - test.

I found that native copper had a grey streak, though it is documented as copper red colour. Therefore I suspect that the "copper" I bought has traces of other minerals - iron?

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5

Granite minerals

Students look closely at black granite (granodiorite) from the beach and find out what minerals are in it. They can study it in the context of other beach rocks, the rock cycle, or crystals.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Earth's Crust (grade 7)
Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)
  • black granite (granodiorite), or other kind of common granite
  • optional: other beach rocks
  • flashlights/bike lights/white holiday lights
  • each of the minerals in granite - mica, feldspar, quartz
  • image of a cross section of the earth showing the liquid rocks inside, or rock cycle image including igneous rocks
  • optional: magnifiers
  • optional: pencil and paper for drawing
  • optional: samples of volcanic rock e.g. basalt, pumice, obsidian

Go on a beach walk to find granite, or bring it into the classroom. Students will have seen it frequently, but likely not have taken notice.
On Vancouver beaches, granite (an igneous rock made up of different minerals) is often in the form granodiorite (black granite), which is speckled black, white, and grey/pink. Other common Vancouver beach rocks: smooth black rocks are likely to be basalt (igneous rock, cooled lava), and flat rough light brown rocks are likely to be sandstone (sedimentary rock made up of different minerals). Smaller pieces of quartz (a mineral) may also be found - clear or yellowish and more shiny.

Younger students can sort granite from other rocks by its speckled appearance.
Students can draw the outline of their black granite, then choose one part of it to draw in detail. (A pencil is sufficient to show the blacks, greys and whites).

There are three minerals in black granite: mica, quartz and feldspar. They make up the patches of colour in the granite.
Ask students to name the colours they find, using their flashlights (and optionally magnifiers with older students, but note that rock will scratch any kind of magnifier). Then write up the colours, assembling them into the minerals they are likely to be:
black, gold, silver (mica)
white, grey-blue, purplish (quartz)
yellow, orange, pink, brown (feldspar)
Name the minerals for the students.

As they look further at their rocks, and try and find the largest crystals they can (the largest "grain size'), circulate with samples of black mica, quartz and feldspar. Students can shine their flashlights on the samples you bring to see their colour and shiny surfaces better.
Alternatively, display the minerals for the students to look at independently at a station (see photo).

More information on the minerals in granite:
Another form of mica is white.
Quartz can come in other colours and makes beautiful crystals - show amethyst if available.

(Optional: show other rocks where the minerals are distinguishable).

Discuss how the black granite was made.
The black granite we are holding was once deep inside the earth. It is so hot in there that the rocks have melted (called magma) and all the minerals are liquid (show picture of a cross section of the earth). Imagine how hot it needs to be to melt rocks! As magma slowly moves towards the surface again it cools down, and this granite was made when mica, feldspar and quartz organized into their individual crystals as they cooled.
Some magma comes to the surface fast, and erupts from volcanoes. Magma from volcanoes cools very fast to form igneous rock, but it has much smaller crystal grain sizes than igneous rock that cooled inside the earth. Show volcano rocks - basalt (common here), pumice and obsidian. Can see gas bubbles in them.


granodiorite and quartz diorite are beach rocks (check if these are black granite)

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7


Look at real seeds (outdoors or in) then design wind blown seeds using tissue paper, feathers and other materials. Build a model helicopter seed.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Life Science: Plant Growth and Changes (grade 3)

Discussion to introduce seeds. Ideas to bring up:
Fall is the time when many plants make seeds. Seeds have protective coatings that allow them to survive the colder winter. They commonly germinate into a plant when the warmer weather returns in the Spring.
Seeds are made to spread a plant to new places. The seeds are dispersed to new places where they have their own water and nutrients without competing with the parent plant.

Optional: Seed hunt activity outdoors.

Apple dissection (not flower).
Open apple. What are these? [Seeds.]
Seeds make a new plant.

I'll give you each a bean seed to loook at closely.
Seed study, both bean and dandelion.
Dandelion seed formation:…
Timelapse of dandelion seed formation:

When a seed is made by a plant, it is best if it lands in the soil away from the parent plant, so that it has its own space to grow.
Review ways that seeds disperse with images (see Resource book (How a Plant Grows).

You'll make your own models of seeds.
Wind blown seed design activity. You'll design seeds that can catch a wind - wings, parachute, or other structures that make the seed wide but light.
Helicopter seed models instead for Ks and lower primaries.


Assist Ks individially as necessary. Allow time for Ks and they will stay engaged.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 4
Gr 5