
Fossil records and Climate change

Find out how fossils are discovered, and how we read them to show past climate change events. Show how oceans are acidified by increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Materials in the activities


Do the sedimentary uplifting with fossil discovery activity to show how fossils are made and how they are revealed.

Sedimentary rocks shows us what animals were alive on Earth at what time.
The chemistry of the rock layers also show us how the Earth’s atmosphere and climate changed through time.
As well as studying sedimentary rocks on land, the sediment layers at the bottom of the ocean reveal Earth’s history back 65 million years (the animals alive through that time as well as the climate).

Show students ocean sediment core samples from the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), show how the change of CO2 in the atmosphere changed the ocean, acidifying it so that shells were dissolved before they were deposited on the ocean bed.

The CO2 in the air determines how acid our oceans are.
Do the CO2 acidifies water activity to show how this works.

Stress to students that the acidification of the oceans is reversible. As we lower the CO2 in the atmosphere through emission reduction, the oceans will recover.

Grades taught
Gr 6
Gr 7

Earth and Moon's orbit to scale

Use an exercise ball as a Sun, then make the Earth and Moon from modelling clay to scale. Space the objects to scale across the school grounds and show how they orbit each other.
  • exercise ball, or other large sphere with a diameter about 60cm (circumference about 185cm)
  • modelling clay in green, blue, brown and white
  • ruler showing 15cm
  • large area where 63 metres can be paced out in a straight line

Before class, find an outdoor route extending in a straight line 63m long, from where the model Sun will be (the exercise ball), to where the model Earth and Moon will be. If a gravel field is used, an orbit path can also be traced on its surface.

In the classroom, show students the Sun (exercise ball), and tell them that if the Sun is this large, Earth is only 5.5 mm wide, and the Moon is only 1.5mm wide!
Distribute the rulers, Earth/Moon images and modelling clay to student pairs. Ask each group to make a model Earth (5.5mm in diameter) and Moon (1.5mm in diameter) from the modelling clay, using the image to guide their colour choice. Students will likely make them too large to start - prompt them to keep removing clay until they are the correct size. Invite students to bring their model Earth and Moon next to the model Sun (exercise ball) to demonstrate how much smaller our Earth is than the Sun. Emphasize that in the classroom, using these model sizes, we cannot place them at the correct distances from each other to show how far apart they are on this scale.
Take the students outside with the model Sun, Earth and Moons, as well as a metre stick/tape measure.
Place the Sun (exercise ball) on the ground, and tell students that, to scale, the Earth and Moon will be 63 metres away from this Sun! Lay down a metre rule/tape measure, so that students can roughly gauge how long their stride needs to be to pace a metre. Then as a class, pace 63m from the Sun. Place one of the Earths at this spot. Look back at the Sun to see how far away it is and how much empty space there is between the Earth and the Sun.
Then place one of the Moons 15cm from the Earth. Indicate how the Moon orbits in a circle around the Earth, one orbit taking one month. At the same time, the Earth is orbiting the Sun, moving on a path always the same distance from the Sun, taking one year to orbit around the Sun..

Object Scaled diameter Scaled distance
Sun 60cm (exercise ball)
Earth 5.5mm 63m from the Sun
Moon 1.5mm 15cm from the Earth

See this webpage for calculating Sun-Earth-Moon scaled diameters and distances apart:

Optionally, trace out the orbit of the Earth in the gravel (or make a chalk line), walking around the model Sun but always staying 63m (or thereabouts) from it. Tell students that a season passes as the route takes you ¼ of the way around the Sun (then another season if you able to walk ½ way around the Sun). Complete as much of the orbit as possible.
Before heading back to the classroom, use the model to emphasize how far away the Sun and Earth are, and in turn how far the Earth and Moon are from each other, and how much empty space there is in-between.

As an alternative to placing one Earth and Moon, place the Sun, then ask students to pace 63m away, all in different directions, taking their model Earth and Moon. When the students each reach their spot 63m away, tell them to place their Earth. Then place their Moon, 15cm from their Earth. Each of the Earths show a different part of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. Walk between the student groups, tracing a path if possible, to show the orbit of the Earth around the Sun. Tell students that while the Earth orbits the Sun, the Moon is also orbiting the Earth.


If rain prevents going outdoors, scale down further:
Sun diameter 5cm (ball)
Earth 0.5mm diameter (from clay), 5m from the sun
Moon 0.1mm diameter (from clay), 1.5cm from Earth
The students can all rotate around the Sun

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4

Evidence for evolution

Show how fossil discovery, comparison of living things on different land masses, and the artificial selection of crops and animals, provide evidence for evolution by natural selection.

We know that evolution is true and happens by natural selection from many different pieces of evidence.

1. We find fossils which show us that living things have gradually changed over long periods of time.
Do the sedimentary uplifting activity to show how fossils are formed and discovered.
By measuring the age of rock layers that fossils are found in, we can determine when each of the fossils was alive. The fossils we have discovered show a gradual change of how living things look through time, over millions of years.
Fossils have shown how life moved onto land (for example, the Tetrapods) and how whales evolved from land mammals. As more and more fossils have been discovered, intermediate life forms between groups of living things (previously called "missing links") have filled in more and more gaps in the evolutionary history of living things, for example, Archaeopteryx is an intermediate between dinosaurs and birds, and Tiktaalik (found in Nunavut) is an intermediate between fish and Tetrapods.

2. We find that as living things become separated, by being on an island for example, or when the continents were formed, living things that are separated from each other start to look different over time.
Show this with the lego evolution activity.
We see this in both fossils and living things that are alive today.
Many islands have plants and animals that do not live anywhere else e.g. Madagascar, Australia and the Galapagos. They have been separated from the mainland long enough for their own populations to evolve in their unique environment.
On different continents different animals all eat ants (armadillos in North America, anteaters in South America, aardvarks and pangolins in Africa, echidnas in Australia). They have evolved separately as they are on different continents, but all have evolved features that allow them to eat ants.
This evidence shows that natural selection, in different environments, leads to different features evolving.

3. We know that human beings have selected for plants and animals to look certain ways ("artificial selection").
Show students images of all the vegetables that we have made from the wild mustard plant (Brassica), and all the dog breeds we have made from the wild wolf.
We made these vegetables and dogs (and many other plants and animals with certain features) by breeding together individuals with the most prominent features that we like. Their offspring are then again chosen for those with the most desirable feature and bred together. Over several generations, the selected features become more and more prominent, as the DNA sequences responsible for these features are selected for.
Artificial selection shows that there is variation in individuals, and that certain features can be selected for.
Similarly, in nature, the variation is also present, but is is the natural environment that does the selecting - hence it is called "natural selection": living things with features that are more able to survive in the environment become more common in the population.

4. We know that all living things are related by looking at their DNA sequences as well as their embryonic forms.
There are common DNA sequences and developmental stages between living things. More closely-related individuals have more DNA sequences and embryology in common. Through comparisons, we can build up an evolutionary tree of all life on Earth. We are related to every living thing on Earth.

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Lego evolution

Students all start with the same lego animal, and are given extra lego pieces to replace parts of the animal (a "mutation"). Animals made by different students "evolve" different features, diverging more and more with each mutation. The original lego ancestor evolves into a diverse family of lego animals.
  • lego pieces to build an identical animal for pairs of students in the class
  • lego pieces to add on to the animals, similar but not always identical shapes for each pair of students
  • cut out of Pangea, for example from this activity

Prepare before the class:
Build lego animal for each student pair. See photo for an example, but any simple creature will work. Make a collection of separate lego pieces to hand to students to replace parts of their lego animal - the pieces do not need to be identical for each student pair (as different DNA mutations can result in different physical changes in an animal.)
Cut out Pangea pieces from…

Introduce the activity:
Ask students to sit in a large circle, next to a student that they will partner with for this activity.
Assemble the Pangea puzzle and place identical lego animals on different parts of the landmass.
Show students the animals on the landmass, called Pangea, in a population (group).
Tell them that over millions of years, the landmass separated into different continents - demonstrate the land masses separating into our familiar continents. The animals move with their landmass. Tell students that once the animals are separated they start to evolve separately from each other. This activity models how that happens.
(Note that, in reality, it is large populations of animals that are separated and evolve as a group, not single animals. But to convey how random small changes lead to different evolutionary paths, this simplification with single animals is suitable for Elementary students.)

Students model evolutionary change:
Tell students that with their partner, they will be an island with their own lego animal - hand out the lego animals to each student pair.
If students are sitting in a large circle next to their partner, it makes it easier for later steps.
Over time these lego animals have changes to their DNA (called mutations) which might make them look a little different.
Tell students that for the first mutation, one of the students in the pair should take off a piece from their animal. Hand a new lego piece to their partner, who should add it in any place on the lego animal that they like.
(By asking one student to remove a piece and another to replace it with another piece, we are trying to remove as much of the "design" and "thinking ahead" of new animals as possible - evolution does not plan or think ahead - it is a blind process.)
Then students can switch roles with the next lego piece you give them: one of them removes a piece of lego from the animal and their partner adds on the new piece of lego where they like.
After a couple of mutation events, ask students to place their animal towards the centre of the circle, so that everyone can see all animals. Comment that even after only a couple of mutations, the animals living on different islands are already starting to look different from each other.
Then continue with mutation events, each time giving all the student pairs similar, but not necessarily identical, lego pieces. Some of the mutations can effect both sides of the body, so students can be asked to remove two legs and give them two new identical lego pieces to replace them (maybe as wings or other appendages).

If appropriate for the age, stress that in reality not every DNA mutation results in a physical change to an animal's body. We are speeding up evolution in this activity, making every mutation cause a physical change.
In addition, if appropriate for the age, tell the students that, in reality, the only changes that are retained are the ones that allow the animal to survive better in their environment. If there is no survival advantage the mutation might not stay. (There are other mechanism that also account for mutation persistence, such as genetic drift, but these are beyond Elementary level evolution.)

Optional addition to a round of mutations:
Tell each student pair an environmental event that happens on their island e.g. flooding, or a cold period. They should make adaptations on their animal that will help it survive this environmental shift. (Again, evolution does not plan like this - in reality, the mutations that make survival more likely will be the mutations that persist.)

Once the mutations (lego replacement pieces) have all been used, stop the activity, and ask student pairs to each show and explain to the class the adaptations that their animal now has and how they help it survive in their environment.
Add real life examples to the conversation as and if these adaptations are showcased:
The evolution of wings from legs occurred with the evolution of birds, about 150 million years ago (Mya), with Archaeopteryx as the intermediate fossil. Wings also evolved in Pterosaurs (flying dinosaurs) 225 Mya, in bats (60 Mya) and in insects (400 Mya) - so flight evolved four independent times through evolution.
The evolution of legs into fins and also tails into a flippers happened when whales evolved from land animals, about 50 million years ago. (Hippos are the closest living land animal relatives of whales.)
(Another major evolutionary event which will likely not be demonstrated with the lego animals, is when life moved onto land: tetrapods (animals that walk on land) evolved from fish, with fins evolving into legs, about 390 million years ago. The discovery of the Tiktaalik in Nunavut was some excellent science that looked for and found the missing link fossil.)

Wrap up and summarize:
In the same way that your lego creatures evolved different features on each of your islands, living things have evolved along separate evolutionary paths from a common relative, when they were separated on different islands or continents. On the separated islands, the different populations respond to different evolutionary pressures (e.g. different climate) which result in the evolution of features that allow survival in each environment.
The longer a population has been separated, the more different it will look from its relatives on another land mass. We find these changes in both fossils and living things that are alive today.
By studying where different animals are found on Earth and the fossils found in each landmass, scientists construct an evolutionary tree of all living things.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Glockenspiel notes

Use individual glockenspiel keys (xylophone if they are wooden) to understand what sound is and how the length correlates with the note.
  • glockenspiel keys of different lengths, ideally one per student
  • mallets - can be cheaply made from chopsticks and elastic bands

To obtain the glockenspiel keys (which are expensive), music teachers replace their collection as the pads wear out.
Old glockenspiel keys that have lost their pads can be repaired: obtain sticky felt pads made to go under the base of chair legs, and cut them to size to replace the glockenspiel pads. To make a cheap mallet, tightly wrap a thick elastic band around the wide end of a chopstick.

Hand out glockenspiel keys and mallets to the students.
Ask students to compare their note to their neighbour - help them hear the higher and lower notes (which can be tricky for a novice ear).
Students may need to be spaced out to hear their own sounds over the rest of the class.
Then ask students if the longer glockenspiel note is lower or higher than the shorter glockenspiel note. Once all students have arrived at a conclusion summarize what they find: the Longer note makes the Lower sound (both start with L).

Relate the glockenspiel length and note change to other instruments:
On a ukelele or guitar or violin, a longer string makes a lower note than when the string is made shorter by placing the finger on it.
Note that the size and tension of the string also makes a difference to the note made, so this comparison should only be made using a single string.
For wind instruments, the longer larger instruments make lower notes than the shorter smaller instruments.
On a piano, the lower notes are made by longer strings.

Discuss how the glockenspiel notes make a sound:
When the bar is hit by the mallet it starts the bar vibrating.
The vibrating bar makes the air molecules around it vibrate. The vibrations travel outwards from the bar until they reach our ears. The vibrating air molecules makes our ear drums vibrate, so that we can then perceive the sound.

Students can visualize the vibrations of the glockenspiel bar by placing small rocks on the bar. (Note: this will chip any paint on the bar.) When they hit the bar with the mallet the rocks bounce up and down. The rocks continue to bounce as the note (and vibrations) linger after the first hit.

Grades taught
Gr 1

Laughing cup noise maker

Make a simple sound toy, that makes a loud screeching sound (best outdoors).
  • cups (paper/plastic) of various sizes (plastic are most robust for vigorous use)
  • paper clips
  • straightened paper clip to make holes in the cups; also a flame to heat the paper clip if cups are plastic
  • string, about 30cm lengths
  • small rocks or pony beads, to place in cup and show vibration
  • optional: large rope to demonstrate how to tie a knot

This activity adapted from Exploratorium Cuica activity:
It is very loud, so best outdoors.

Prepare the cups for the students:
Use the straightened paper clip to make a hole in the bottom of each cup. The hole should be easily wide enough to thread the string through. If the cups are plastic, heat up the paper clip to push it through the plastic without breaking it. (Plastic cups recommended for longer-lasting noise makers.)

Give each student a cup with a hole in it, a length of string, a paperclip.
Demonstrate how to thread the string through the hole into the cup, then knot the end of the string around the paperclip to hold the string in the cup. If necessary, use large rope to model how to tie the knot.

The students hold the cup in one hand and run their fingers of the other hand down the string, pinching the string between their thumb and pointer finger.
They can first try with a dry string, to make sure they all have the motion correct, and to contrast the (lack of) sound made with the next step.
Then they dip their fingers in water, before running them down the string again. A loud squawking sound is made.

Students can put a small rock or bead in their cup and watch it as they make the sound. The rock should bounce around, maybe giving students a clue as to how the sound is made.
The sound is made as the wet fingers slip and grip their way along the string, making it vibrate. This vibration is transferred to the cup (as seen by the bouncing rock). The vibrating cup makes the air inside it vibrate. The vibration transmits through the air to your ear, where it vibrates the eardrum and we sense the sound.

Cups of different sizes make different sounds: the smaller cups make a higher note.
Cups of the same size made from different materials do not make noticeably different sounds.


The sound of this activity has been called similar to the sound a moose makes.
To make the sound of an orca, blow up a balloon and pinch the neck to release the air in a squeal.

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2

Heat sensitive sheets

Use liquid crystal heat sensitive sheets to show temperature changes, either outdoors on a sunny day, or indoors.
  • liquid crystal heat-sensitive sheets (I get Edmund Optics 25-30 range and cut into 9 smaller squares, before laminating. Note: expensive, but last forever once laminated
  • if outdoors: full sun day, and outdoor walls, playground equipment, other outdoor objects, some that get warm in the sun
  • indoor option: heat lamps, like these
  • indoor option: tubs of water, some warm

Distribute sheets to students.

For young primaries use instead of a thermometer to measure how warm or cold water is. (indoors or outdoors)

For outdoor activity, all grades, using the sun's radiation:
Allow them to discover that the sun changes the colour of the sheets.
Give them the colour scale (for my sheets, coolest is black, then getting warmer is red, orange, yellow, blue, then black again, so black can either be coolest or warmest).
Allow students to explore the environment with their sheet.
If they need suggestions, see the photos:
block the sun's radiation with your hand/playground structure to make an image on the sheet
use the sheet to measure how warm different playground structures are
use the sheet to measure relative heat given off by differently-coloured walls
use a heat pad to change the colour of the sheet
use tubs of cool or warm water to cool and warm the sheet respectively
use drips of water to make patterns and paint on the sheet

For an indoor activity, older primaries and up, use infra red heat lamps.
Students 'charge' their sheets at the heat lamp (by radiation). Then quickly press the sheets to surfaces and objects in the classroom, where they will lose their heat by conduction.

Discuss what kinds of heat transfer heated the sheets up:
Radiation from the sun.
Conduction when the sheet is pressed against a surface or water draws heat from the sheet.

For Kindergarteners learning about temperature, they can use these in tubs of cool and warm water. Then show them a thermometer.

Use heat sensitive sheets to show how a tool like this helps us detect subtle changes in heat (show Infra red images) whereas some animals have their own sense organs which can detect these changes e.g. snakes.


Hot water bottle for charging sheets?

Need half hour to set up heat lamp charging stations for heat sensitive sheets

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 2
Gr 3

Car colour data collection and graphing

At a parking lot, or on the street, count and record the number of each colour colour. Graph the results.
  • parking lot with many cars, or safe street view of cars passing
  • clipboards, paper and pencil for students

Take students outdoors, to the staff parking lot, or to a safe view of a street with cars passing.
Ask students what colour cars they see, then ask them to write the colours on their paper.
Students then tally the numbers of each car colour that they see in the lot, or as the cars pass by.

Graph the results: students can either make their own graph of their results or their group's results, or a class graph can be made together, using a commonly recorded car number for each colour (although students are looking at the same cars, they will likely record different numbers of each colour from each other).

Grades taught
Gr 2

Patterns in the playground or park

Hunt for patterns in an outdoor space, design patterns with found objects, write out number patterns, and find patterns in how leaves grow.
  • outdoor space to work in with playground structures, fences, other features with patterns on them
  • map of the outdoor space e.g. print from google maps sattelite image
  • leaves, rocks and other found objects
  • sidewalk chalk

Discuss what a pattern is: something that repeats - a rule can be used to describe it.
Give an example e.g. looking inside my umbrella I see a pattern of cloth, wire, cloth, wire.

Finding patterns in the park:
Show students a map of the park.
If the map is a satellite image, the view from above may help to find some patterns right away. e.g. paving stones of different alternating colours.
Tell students they will walk around the park and look for their own patterns. Once they have found one they can locate the pattern on the map and describe it. e.g. railing = post, gap, post, gap.
Write their discoveries on the map - see the first photo.

Patterns in sequences:
Students make their own patterns with found objects, then in groups create number patterns.

Patterning in plant leaves
Show examples of different types of leaf growth patterns, then ask students to find their own.
They can use the park map to show where they found each pattern.

Grades taught
Gr 2
Gr 3

Moon phases puzzle

Put images of the phases of the moon in the correct order.
  • print out of moon phase images - I use this image from NASA, omitting some of the images
  • paper cutter or scissors

    Make a set of moon phases cards for each table group or each student.
    I use 16 images from a NASA page:

    Ask them to place them in order in a circle.
    Note that ordering these cards is tricky if one is not familiar with the sequence already. Depending on the students' prior knowledge of the phases of the moon, provide images to help them order their cards into a circle.

    Image of the phases of the moon around Earth, which students basically copy to place their cards:

    Image of the Moon showing its features, so students know which way up to orient their cards:…
    Interesting Moon features explained:
    Dark areas are lava flows from when the moon was younger (basalt).
    The round circles are craters from chunks of rock, or meteorites hitting the moon.
    All the mountains are formed by impacts, as the moon does not have tectonic plates.
    The moon has mountains and craters (tallest mountain over half the height of Everest on Earth).

    Depending on how hard the puzzle is for students, they can be started off with 8 cards (recommended for grade 3/4) and then add in the others.


    Put an image of the Earth on each tub containing the cards, so it can be placed in the centre of the moon phases circle.

    Grades taught
    Gr 3
    Gr 4