
Tropical Rainforest Plants: comparison with our native plants

Look at leaf features and types of plants that are common to tropical plants and our native rainforest plants.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Life Science: Characteristics of Living Things (grade K)
Life Science: Needs of Living Things (grade 1)
Life Science: Plant Growth and Changes (grade 3)
Life Science: Habitats and Communities (grade 4)
  • plants with drip tips: indoor tropical plants, or planted beans etc
  • temparate rainforest to walk in

This lesson will look at some features of leaves and compare tropical plants with our temperate rain forest plants.

Leaf features activity with discussion of the purpose of the purpose coating and drip tips.

Walk in the local forest, looking for types of plants and temperate rainforest plant features the same as in a tropical rainforest.

Return to classroom plants/planter boxes.
Ask which of the plants have drip tips and waxy coatings, and if any of them are vines.

Grades taught
Gr 4

Chemistry of Living Things

Understand flower colour, plants smells, bee pheromones in terms of molecules.

Do a selection of the activities to understand the molecules and chemical reactions underlying processes in living things.


For Tyee primary and lower intermediate classes I did flower colours, then posting game with plant molecule smells
For Tyee Ks I did flower colours, then smelled lilac, rosemary and lavender, discussing why they have these smells (to attract or repel insects).
For Tyee intermediates I did flower colour, then plant smell matches and molecules, then optional bee pheromone molecules.
Gordon Elementary did flower colours then posting game with smell molecules.

Could also add tastes

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Pulleys to pull each other together

Thread rope through pulleys on two rods, for students to feel how the force changes with different numbers of pulleys in the system.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Force and Motion (grade 1)
Physical Science: Forces and Simple Machines (grade 5)
  • strong rod, if wooden wider than 1/2" diameter (micr broke)
  • penknife or other sharp knife
  • small pulleys, two double and one single
  • metal rings that can fit through pulley loop
  • duct tape
  • strong light rope that can fit through pulleys

Before the lesson, make small grooves in the wood where they pulleys will be placed, to fit the metal rings. See photos.
Add a metal ring to each pulley, then slide onto the rod - one double pulley on one side, and a double and single pulley on the other. Fit the ring into the grooves, then duct tape over the ring and groove to hold the ring in place.
Tie one end of the rope to the rod with the one double pulley.

Ask two students to face each other and hold the rods in front of them.
Feed the rope from its tied-off end through the double pulley on the other rod.
Hand the end to a third student to the side of the first rod where the rope started. Ask them to try and pull the students holding the rods together.
It will be hard, or impossible, depending on their relative strengths, as the same force is needed as the force pulling back - the pulley has only changed the direction of the force.

Now add some more pulleys into the system:
Feed the rope back and forth between the rods, threading it through a pulley each time.
There will now be 5 or 6 rope lengths pulling on one of the rods.
Ask the same student to pull the rods together, and to compare how much force it takes - it should be much easier.
They will need 1/5 or 1/6 of the force than previously, as the force is shared between all the rope lengths. In exchange for this decrease in force required, they will have to pull 5 or 6 times as much rope through the pulleys.


The power of this simple machine is demonstrated in the fact that my strong 1/2" dowel was broken with first use.
Need to use thicker dowels, or ones made of a stronger material (which can also have grooves cut in it).

Grades taught
Gr 4
Gr 5

Bike forces

Explore the forces on a bike.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Physical Science: Force and Motion (grade 1)
Physical Science: Forces and Simple Machines (grade 5)

Set up as stand-alone stations.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Simple machines on a bike

After being able to recognize simple machines, find simple machines on a bike.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Force and Motion (grade 1)
Physical Science: Forces and Simple Machines (grade 5)
  • a bike with lever brakes

A bike is a compound machine - an assembly of several simple machines.
Find the simple machines in a bike, and whether the force in is less over greater distance or more over less distance.

Wheel and axle: The wheels, pedals, crankset, cassette
Levers: brakes, gear shifters, handlebars
Inclined planes and wedges: Screws holding it together, teeth on the chain rings. Tyre repair kit (also a lever).
Pulleys: chain on gears. Parts of the shifting mechanisms, braking mechanisms, and the drive train (chain on gears).

Determine which way the force effect works in each case, the levers being the easiest to study:
The brake levers are moved with little force over a long distance to result in a great force over a small distance (the brake pad grasping the wheel rim/disc).
The handlebars are moved with little force over a large distance to result in a greater force over a smaller distance (the pivoting of the handlebar stem).
The pedals are pushed with little force over a large distance to result in a greater force over a smaller distance (turning the crankset).

See attachment for stand-alone activity, finding levers on a bike.

Attached documents
Grades taught
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6

Wheel and forces

Try turning a wheel at different distances from the axle, to feel the difference in force.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Force and Motion (grade 1)
Physical Science: Forces and Simple Machines (grade 5)
  • wheel and axle as pictured (dowel, craft foam, inner ring from masking tape, straw, hot glue)
  • skewer that fits snugly in straw
  • play dough, about 500g
  • medium binder clips
  • plastic tub

Before the lesson, assemble the wheel and axle unit, and clip a piece of skewer to make a handle.
Attach the binder clips to the box, each with the inner handle flipped up. Thread the wooden dowel through the handles - the wheel should spin easily.
Wrap the play dough around the dowel, to give it weight.

To turn the wheel, insert the handle into the outer straw in the wheel.
Then try with the handle in the inner straw.
Which is easiest?

The handle in the outer position should make it much easier to turn the wheel - not much force is needed.
The handle in the inner position requires more force, and might be quite hard to turn the wheel at all.
The difference in force is balanced by the distance you move your hand: the outer position it moves further around the outside edge of the wheel, whereas at the inner position it does not move so far.

Hence, a wheel makes work easier, by decreasing the force required, while increasing the distance moved.

Real life applications:
Door handle - we turn the outside of the handle (wheel) with little force (but over a greater distance) which turns the shaft (axle) of the handle over a smaller distance but with a greater force.
Screw driver
Steering wheel
Any device where we turn a wheel using the outer edge or a long handle, which makes the inner shaft turn.
Water wheel - water hits the outside of the wheel and is able to turn the wheel, generating a larger turning force at the axle which can wind a rope or turn a stone.

Grades taught
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6

Touch sensitivity

Detect how many points of a bent paperclip are touching you on different regions of your body, to predict touch receptor density.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Life Science: Human Body (grade 5)
  • students in pairs
  • paperclips bent into a U shape for each student pair
  • ruler for each student pair
  • worksheet (attached below)

Explain to students that when you touch something, a touch receptor in your skin is activated, which makes a neuron fire to send a message to the sensory part of your brain. Some parts of your skin have more of these touch receptor neurons packed tighter together, and some have them spaced further apart.
By using the points of a bent paperclip to touch the skin, we can map the density of touch receptors on different areas of our skin.
Some areas can tell if you touch with two points and some cannot.

Demonstrate to students how to run the touch test and use the worksheet.
Check that the touch tester (bent paper clip) has exactly 1cm between the points. Then we can combine the class data together.
Practice on the forearm first: One student should lay their forearm on the table and turn their head away, so that they cannot see themselves being touched. The other student of the pair gently touches the forearm with either one or two points of the paperclip, making sure that two points contact the arm at the same time. The student being touched tells their partner how many points they thought touched them (but does not look or find out if they were right yet). The student doing the touching then records whether the answer was correct or not and tests again in a slightly different spot (but without telling their partner if they got it right yet). This first run with the forearm can be used as practice and students can follow the order of one- or two-point touches indicated on the worksheet.
Once they have completed the forearm row of touches for one student, they can look at how “well” they did (though they are not good or bad in their success, but are mapping their body for touch). Students switch roles to record the forearm results for the second student on a second worksheet.

Then they can move on to testing different parts of the body. For these following tests, students should randomize the order that they touch with one or two points (so that the order cannot be learned). For each body part, they should still touch with one point five times and two points five times. If students have more time, they can add their own body parts to test and record.

Ask students to tally the total “correct” for each body part, then as a class, graph the class results.

Reiterate what the students have mapped and why. Where touch receptors are more closely spaced than the 1cm paperclip, you can sense each point independently and determine if it is one or two points. Where the receptors are more sparse, sometimes the two point touch will only stimulate one touch receptor, so it will feel like one point, and be incorrectly reported. So from the number of correct responses we can predict the relative density of touch receptors for various body parts.
Hence, the parts of the body that reported the correct number of touches more of the time would be predicted to have touch receptors closer together, and those that reported incorrectly more of the time would be predicted to have touch receptors further apart. Look at the students results and make these predictions. They are likely to conclude that fingertips and palms have more touch receptors, whereas the forearm and upper arm have fewer (though the forearm was a practice run so may have some errors and variation).

Share with students the "threshold distances" (distances between touch receptors) for different parts of the skin, and discuss how they correlate with the students' results: Index Fingers 2-3 mm, Cheek 6 mm, Nose 7 mm, Palm 10 mm, Forehead 15 mm, Forearm 35 mm, Upper arm 39 mm, Shoulder 41 mm, Calf 45 mm (from Body parts with shorter threshold distances should have been better at detecting one vs two points.

Show image of a sensory homunculus - a man drawn with the size of his body parts scaled to the density of touch neurons they have. Fun to look at, and to induce further experimentation. Try these web pages for images:

Attached documents

Instead of calling responses "correct", "accurate" is used as younger students are often worried about being right, so best to avoid judgement terms.

Grades taught
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6

Simple machines

Experiment with levers, wheel and axle, pulleys and inclined planes to understand how force is increased by simple machines
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Physical Science: Force and Motion (grade 1)
Physical Science: Forces and Simple Machines (grade 5)

Do a selection of the activities, with several simple machines.
See other lesson plans for a focus on Levers or Pulleys.

Favourite Levers and Pulleys workshop:
Feel the force in levers with fulcrum in different places (four stations for students to move through).
Demonstration of a few Household levers to show how the fulcrum position can vary.
Pulley free play, taking most of the lesson.
Demonstration of different composite pulley systems, and how they trade force for distance.

Summarize that simple machines transform between a smaller force moving over a greater distance and a larger force moving over a smaller distance. They can make jobs easier.

Several simple machines linked together make a complex (or compound machine).

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6

Flower pollination by insects

Explore how flowers attract insects by their colours, patterns, smells and pollen. Learn how pollination is two intersecting life cycles.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Life Science: Needs of Living Things (grade 1)
Life Science: Animal Growth and Changes (grade 2)
Life Science: Plant Growth and Changes (grade 3)
Life Science: Habitats and Communities (grade 4)
Life Science: Ecosystems (grade 7)
  • materials listed in the activities plus scented flowers

Many ways to include a selection of these activities in a lesson on pollination.

If the lesson is outdoors, allow students to explore a flower garden, noticing the colours and smells of the flowers, and the animals visiting them.
If indoors, start discussion on past experiences around flowers.
Ask students what animals they have seen visiting flowers, and lead discussion on what the animals are doing: they are "pollinators." (e.g. bees, flies, beetles, birds)
Pollinators enable the flower to make seeds (by moving pollen from one flower to another), so are part of the life cycle of flowers.
This lesson explores how flowers attract pollinators.

Ask students for ideas on how the flowers attract pollinators.
Write up their ideas, and add more: smell, colour, shape, pollen, nectar.
Then do the following activities that address each of these attractants in turn.

Pollen attracts pollinators:
Collecting pollen activity

Nectar guides show the way to the nectar:
Look at nectar guides on a real flower
Optional: students can make their own symmetrical nectar guide patterns with the Mirror symmetry patterns activity.
Pull apart a flower to show where the nectar guides lead to at the base of the flower, and the nectaries if possible.

Flower colour attracts pollinators:
Flower colours activity
Show the molecular models to older students
Optional: bees see colours that we can't see (ultra violet) and some flowers have UV patterns to guide bees.

Smell attracts pollinators:
Pass around flowers with different smells e.g. rose and clover, and discuss how they smell different, and how different pollinators are attracted by different smells.
Or Insects and flowers matching game with collected flowers or with flowers in a garden, to show how colour and smell attract different pollinators.

Recap while dissecting a flower and apple to show the parts discussed:
Flowers use colour and smell to attract pollinators to the flower.
They use nectar guides and pollen colour to lead them deep inside the flower to the nectar (while brushing past the anthers and picking up pollen).
On the next flower they might leave some of that pollen on the stigma.
Flowers want to get as many insects in and out as possible so as much pollen is transferred between flowers as possible.
When pollen sticks to the stigma, a pollen tube extends down into the ovary, and fertilizes the eggs in there.
The ovary swells and the fertilized eggs make seeds. The petals fall off.
[Show apple] An apple is the ovary of a fertilized flower, and here are the seeds.
The seeds are transported away from the parent plant by different ways - they are eaten by animals with the fruit, they stick onto their fur, are blown by wind or carried by water.
Flowers and pollinators help each other out. The flower gets pollinated. The pollinator gets nectar and pollen.

The posting game, to insert at any point in the lesson, is an active activity to link pollinators and other animals with different flowers.


Flower colours good to end with as students can spend as long as you need on this activity.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4

Weaving - plaiting, twining and basket-making

Twine wool and/or grass. Plait pipe cleaners to make a mesh to model separation of clams and sand. Look at images of twined rope, clam baskets and hats.

Do twining with dyed wool, or grass, to make a bracelet.
Model how the weaving of a clam basket catches clams, but not the sand.
Look at images of Indigenous twined materials, including clam baskets.

The Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh First Nations, who’s land we are on, use a woven basket for collecting and cleaning clams that are collected from beaches.
They make a basket that has just the right sized holes to keep clams in the basket but let sand and gravel through. The clams are gathered and washed in the basket.
Show a pic of clam basket. This clam basket is made with a twining method, but we’ll try another kind of weaving to try and catch pretend clams.
You’ll make a model of a clam basket by using another kind of weaving called plaiting.
Refine your weaving to catch more clams.

Clam baskets are often actually made by twining.
Twining is a traditional weaving method, used by the Coast Salish. Other Indigenous groups have the same Traditional weaving method, though its name may differ.
Twining can made twisted handles of a clam basket. The sturdy meshed basketry of the basket is made by twining around uprights.
Students twine with grass and/or coloured wool.

Grades taught
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6