
Pinball machine

Use a wooden board, nails and elastic bands to make a pinball machine for marbles. Learn about forces including friction, simple machines and energy.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Force and Motion (grade 1)
Physical Science: Materials and Structures (grade 3)
Physical Science: Forces and Simple Machines (grade 5)
  • scrap of plywood or wooden board, about 1.5ft by 3/4ft (needs a little length but width does not matter so much)
  • nails, not much longer than the board is thick (or they will be hammered right through)
  • hammer
  • wide elastic bands
  • spring from a retractable pen, or purchased compression spring (e.g. Canadian Tire)
  • long nail that fits through the spring
  • plastic drywall anchor cut short, or tube that the spring can fit inside but the head of the long nail cannot
  • optional: U-nail/staple that can fit over the drywall anchor and secure it to the board (or just angle nails in)
  • optional: glue gun to make a stopper on the nail of the shooter (or wrap an elastic band around the nail)
  • marbles

Students hammer nails around the edge of the board, with a curve at the top. Stretch elastic bands over to make a wall around the board.

Make the marble launcher: slide the spring onto the nail then insert the nail through the drywall anchor. Attach the launcher to the bottom corner of the board, inside the wall (right or left side, depending on the handedness of the student), using a staple. Add a blob of hot glue (or an elastic band wrapped tightly) to the end of the nail that is pulled, to stop it from leaving the shooter when it is released.

Make a channel for the marble to travel up after it is released.
Add more nails and elastic bands to the board as desired to make obstacles for the marble.
Add scoring boxes at the bottom of the board.

After students have played with their own pinball machine for a while, sit in a cirlcle to try each others:
Start with each student with their own machine in front of them, then altogether pass to the next student (all in the same direction). Students can keep their own marble to use on all the pinball machines. Keep passing until the students end up with their own machine in front of them.


Nails I used:7/8" X 17 Ga. 2oz enough for 4 students.

Grades taught
Gr 4
Gr 5

Lever for lifting (heavy) things

Set up a lever that lifts a (sometimes very heavy) weight.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Force and Motion (grade 1)
Physical Science: Forces and Simple Machines (grade 5)

See saw or lever to lift rock

  • 2X6 or 2X8 plank of wood
  • split log for the fulcrum
  • heavy concrete block, or students can lift each other, or rock (see photo)

Lifting a marble up high

  • small chair
  • light, strong 4ft rod e.g. 5/16" diameter wooden stick
  • two small hooks, secured at each end of the rod, facing the same way
  • about 50cm string for lashing rod to chair
  • bucket - handle may be too high so replace with shorter string handle
  • jug for carrying water
  • sink
  • tray to catch spills under the bucket
  • small pot e.g. dollar store plastic shot glasses
  • marble
  • masking tape
  • cloths and mops for spills

See saw
Set up the see saw with the 2X6 centred on the split log.

Ask a pair of students to experiment with the see saw. They can either lift a large block (in the photo), or they can try lifting each other. (The objects are heavy, so the students should work slowly and carefully with good communication within the pair). Prompt the students to move the fulcrum and see what difference it makes.
They should find that when the fulcrum is near the load/student, they are easy to push it up in the air, but when it is far from the load, it is very hard (if not impossible).

Students can draw what they discover using standard notation:
The lever arm (plank of wood) is drawn as a straight line, and the fulcrum is a triangle under the line in the correct position. Use arrows to show where force is applied (at one end of the see saw - also called the effort), and where the resulting force is felt (under the concrete weight - also called the load).

Ask the students how the height of the ends of the see saw varies as the fulcrum is moved. They can measure the distances for more accurate recording of the results.
Less force over a greater distance (with the fulcrum near to the weight) is an easier way to lift the weight. However, in this case the weight will not move as high.
The amount of work balances: less force over a greater distance (at one end of the lever) balances more force over a smaller distance (at the other end).

Lifting a rock
Use a long 2X6 or 2X8 as a lever, and a split log as a fulcrum. If students have already experimented with fulcrum placement, ask them to tell you where the fulcrum should be placed to lift a very heavy object [it should be placed very near the rock]. With this arrangement a large rock can be lifted up a few centimetres (higher could be dangerous incase the rock slips sideways) by a child.

Optional: show photos of how people have been using levers for lifting heavy things for thousands of years.
Egyptians used long sticks as levers to move stones e.g. when making pyramids, evidenced by mortises (holes in stones placed for lever use). Try this image link:…
Indigenous North West Coast large houses are built using levers to raise the massive cedar logs. See page 113 of "Knowing Home: Braiding Indigenous Science with Western Science, Book 1". Try this link:…
Archimedes proved by math and geometry how a lever functions, and was quoted as saying "Give me a place to stand and I shall move the world". Try this link for a famous etching:…

Lifting a marble, or small load, up high
Can also use to lift a smaller weight high with a heavier weight - see the photo of the upturned chair supporting a lever.
A pot of water is used to lift a marble up high - students were challenged to use a pot of water to lift a marble to table height.
The marble can be successfully lifted when the fulcrum is very near the bucket of water, so that the other end holding the marble can swing up high enough to reach the table top.
Review how a lever works: a lot of force at one end moving a small distance (the bucket full of water) produces a smaller force over a greater distance at the other end (hence the lighter load of the marble can be lifted high enough to reach the table top).
Relate to other levers students might be familiar with e.g. see saw.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Pulleys: measuring forces in composite pulley systems

Use a single fixed pulley, then more complex pulley systems, to lift counters and measure forces in pulley systems.
Fiddly to set up - works best as a demonstration.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Force and Motion (grade 1)
Physical Science: Forces and Simple Machines (grade 5)
  • wooden bar to straddle desks
  • hook on the bar, or a large binder clip, to attach pulley to
  • masking tape
  • single pulleys (light plastic), one for fixed pulley, one with hook bottom and top for gun or luff tackles
  • double pulleys (light plastic), one for luff tackle, two for double tackles
  • string, about 1m, for each fixed pulley
  • string, about 1.4m, for each gun tackle
  • string, about 2m, for each luff tackle
  • string, about 2.5m, for each double tackle
  • mini binder clips
  • heavy glass counters
  • little pots with handles e.g. plastic shot glasses with masking tape handles
  • baggies to contain kits, if being handed to student groups to set up (not recommended except with oldest students)
  • worksheet (options attached)

Before the class
The teacher should understand the set up of the different pulley systems (image at
A single fixed pulley has one pulley at the top with a string over it.
A gun tackle has a single fixed pulley at the top and a single pulley at the bottom (which will move). The string is tied off at the top, wraps around the bottom pulley then around the top pulley. Result is that two strings are pulling up on the bottom pulley (and the weight attached to it).
A luff tackle has a fixed double pulley at the top and a single pulley at the bottom (which is moveable). The string is tied off at the bottom pulley, wraps around the top pulley then the bottom pulley then the top pulley again (in the second groove). Result is that three strings are pulling up on the bottom pulley (and the weight attached to it).
A double tackle has two double pulleys, top and bottom. The string is tied off at the top, wraps around the bottom, then top, them bottom, then top pulley (using a new groove each time). Result is that four strings are pulling up on the bottom pulley (and the weight attached to it).

After my experimenting, I recommend using a single fixed pulley, a gun and a double tackle so that the change in forces is clear.
I made this activity a demonstration for primaries, with one of each pulley system that the class looked at together.
I recommend only asking grade 7s and dextrous 6s to set up their own systems (give them a system to copy). For intermediates, I made a set of 9 pulley systems (three of each kind), and placed them around the classroom for intermediates to try in turn.

Optional: no-pulley system
Simply pass the string over the bar, attach a cup to each end, and see how many counters it takes to lift another cup of counters.
Because of the friction between the bar and the string, it will take more counters in the top cup to lift the bottom cup.
One of the functions of a pulley is to provide a low friction system, with a wheel that turns.

Single fixed pulley
Hang one pulley from the bar, pass the string through it, then attach cups at each end, so that one cup is on the floor and the other is next to the pulley. Coil up extra string and add it into the clip that is holding the cup. Add (maybe 8) counters to the bottom cup, and then slowly add counters to the top cup until it moves the bottom cup upwards. [There should be about the same number of counters in each, maybe a couple more in the top cup.]
A single pulley simply changes the direction of a force. Show images of flag poles and window blinds where fixed pulleys change the direction of a force.

Composite pulley systems (with fixed and moveable pulleys)
Set up the other systems with one cup hanging from the bottom pulley. Attach it with a mini binder clip (take the arm off a mini binder clip, pass it though the bottom eye of the pulley, then reattach arm). And another cup to the free end of the string, pulling the string through until the bottom cup is on the floor and the top cup is next to the top pulley. Add (maybe 8) counters to the bottom cup, then slowly add counters to the top cup. Count how many counters are needed in the top cup (the "effort") to pull the bottom cup (the "load") upwards, for each system.
See attached worksheets for recording this data. (An added complexity is that the top cup effort is pulling up the weight of the pulley as well as the counters in the bottom cup. If the pulleys are light, this weight can be discounted, but if they are as heavy as several counters, the results need to take this into account.)

Transcribe all the data to the board for discussion. Students will (hopefully) see that the gun, luff and double tackle require relatively fewer counters in the top cup to raise the bottom cup, than the single fixed pulley. If the data is clean, the tackles with the greater number of strings pulling upwards will require the fewest number of counters.
Getting more complicated:
The ratio of the load/effort can be calculated to see how it changes with more wraps of the string: the ratio is greater with more wraps of the string i.e. less load is required as the number of wraps goes up (from single pulley, to gun tackle to luff tackle). In a perfect system the ratio would be the same as the number of string lengths i.e. ratio of 1 for single pulley, 2 for gun tackle and 3 for luff tackle.

A greater number of wraps of string provide a mechanical advantage: a greater load can be lifted with the same effort but more string is pulled through.

Show students images of fixed and moveable pulleys.
A flag pole uses a single fixed pulley. Cranes use many wraps of cable to provide a large mechanical advantage and allowing very large loads to be lifted, as well as fixed pulleys to change the direction of the force. Boat rigging allows one person to pull in sails that would be too hard without the aid of moveable pulleys. Crevasse rescue systems use a pulley set-up which includes fixed pulleys to change the direction of the force, moveable pulleys to trade force for distance and hitches which clamp ropes.


If this demonstration is also paired with pulley free play, do it last. Otherwise students try and replicate the complex pulley systems with their single pulleys in free play, which is hard or impossible to do, and they miss time doing other more worthwhile free play.

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Simple machines using the weight of water

Use the weight of water to raise marbles, using simple machine mechanisms: a wheel and axle, a lever and a pulley.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Physical Science: Force and Motion (grade 1)
Physical Science: Forces and Simple Machines (grade 5)

Set up the three activities for students to rotate through.
It will be messy, so have lots of towels and a mop handy.

Gather to discuss challenges, ways they were worked around, and the forces in the simple machines.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5

Water wheel

Make a wheel that can be turned by water to raise a weight. Discuss traditional and sustainable uses of water wheels for food and power.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Air, Water and Soil (grade 2)
Physical Science: Force and Motion (grade 1)
Physical Science: Forces and Simple Machines (grade 5)
  • aluminum pie plate
  • wooden rod ~3/8” diameter and ~2ft long
  • tray (IKEA Trofast tray ideal)
  • 2 supports for rod on tray e.g. U-shaped foam pipe insulation, cut to 5cm length
  • additional foam piece to secure wheel on rod
  • masking tape
  • scissors
  • string, as long as the table height
  • baggie to add rocks to, or other small weights to lift
  • 2L bottle of water
  • funnel (to pour water back into the bottle)
  • extra water (in 2L bottles or watering can) for lost water
  • cloths and mop for spills

We use water to turn wheels to make electricity (hydroelectricity), catch fish (fish wheel) or grind flour.

Pour water over a wheel to show how it turns.

Optionally lift an object from the floor to the table top, using the force of falling water on the water wheel.

Before the class, prepare discs from the pie plates for the students, as cut edges are sharp:
Carefully cut out the flat part of the pie plate and discard the sides.
Punch a hole exactly in the centre with a pencil and enlarge slightly.

Students make cuts from the edge of the pie pan 2/3 of the way to the centre, in four or six places (to start, try modifications later). Fold over the sides of each section to make a paddle wheel shape.

Wrap a small piece of foam around the wooden rod and tape it in place. Push the rod through the hole in the pie plate, enlarging the hole until the plate fits snugly on the foam around the rod. The plate should not turn easily at all without the rod (the axle) turning.

Tape U-shaped pieces of foam to the centre of each of the long sides of the tray.
Lay the wheel and axle over the foam supports on the tray. Test that it can turn without hitting the bottom of the tray. If necessary, fold over the outside edges of the pie plate.

If objects are to be lifted with the falling water, make sure one end of the rod protrudes over the edge of the tray more, then tape the string to this end of the rod. Cut the string off where it meets the floor, and tie on a small weight e.g. the scissors.

Pour water from the 2L bottle onto the wheel. The weight of the water hitting the paddle blades generates a force which makes the blades move and the wheel turn.
Once the water runs out, pour the tray of water back into the bottle (using the funnel) for reuse.

If a weight is being lifted, the turning wheel turns the rod, which winds the string and pulls up the weight.
Challenge student to control how they pour the water to make the weight raise slowly or faster.

In a traditional water mill, a water wheel turns grindstones to make flour:

A fish wheel turns in the moving water of a river and has attached netting to catch salmon:
Image here: and in here:
Fish wheels are used to catch salmon during a run, either for food or for tagging (to track salmon populations).

Hydroelectric power is made from a water wheel (called a turbine):


The cut foil is SHARP. Assist students in being careful.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7


Make crystals and understand the chemistry of dissolving and crystallization, as water is added to then removed from a solution. Separate the components of a solution through chromatography of marker pen ink. Use red cabbage dye to measure the pH of household material solutions.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)

Introduce what a solution is - a mixture where the particles are evenly distributed and completely mixed up.
Do a selection of the activities to show how solutions can be made and separated (crystal making, and chromatography), and how concentration of solutions can be measured (red cabbage dye as a pH indicator).

Do the Epsom salt crystal activity, to show formation of a solution, then separation of components by crystallization.

The chromatography activity shows another method of separating components of a solution. This method is used a lot by chemists and forensic scientists, and was used to discover the structure of insulin.
Optional extension: forensic chromatography with black pens.

To explore the concept of concentration, use red cabbage dye to measure the pH in various household materials. Also introduction to acids and bases.

The sugar crystal activity makes edible crystals, but note that the crystals will not be ready for a few days.

Grades taught
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6

States of Matter and State Changes

Define/review solid, liquid and gas. Do activities that show state changes. Optionally include a snack made through state changes.

Do a selection of the activities.

Indoor activity ideas:

Introduce/review that everything is made up of tiny tiny particles, too small to see. (An atom is 10-10m, or 10 million in a dot one mm wide.)
In a solid the particles are packed close together, that is why a solid feels hard. In a liquid they are further apart. In a gas they are far enough apart that we can move through them easily - move your hand through the air and the wind you feel on your hand is the molecules bumping into your hand.
Either ask students to point to examples of the states in the classroom, or do the states of matter scavenger hunt.
[Some students may also point out that plasma is also a state of matter, which it is. The sun contains plasma.]
Optional: book on states of matter: “Matter” First Fact book (Capstone Press)

With classroom or hallway space, act out the states of matter to model what the particles are doing in each state (maybe using water in epsom painting as an example for liquid to gas).

If doing frost, set up before the next activity.

Epsom salt painting: show epsom salts dissolving in water to show students what is in the solution that they will paint with. As the students paint and see crystals forming, describe how the water evaporates from the paper, leaving behind the epsom salts.

Look at state changes in water (including the icy frost formed on the cans, if they were set up).
Optional: as part of this activity measure the temperature of water in the different states of matter.

Dancing raisins is a simple activity on state changes and density that can be extended into interesting discussions.
Note that dissolved carbon dioxide gas is no longer a gas, but in a "dissolved state".

A snack that exploits state changes:
Popcorn and skits, or ice cream. Students can act out what is happening to the molecules as they change state to make the snack.

For an outdoor lesson (no electricity available):
Start by introducing or review the concept of solid, liquid and gas.
Optionally act out the states of matter
Demonstration of molecules moving in warm and cold water
Optionally, with older students, act out the molecules in warm water and cold water: students have two different coloured cards, to show that the card colours mix up more if there is more energy (warmer water) and mix less with less energy (cold water).
Dry ice in water to show state changes of carbon dioxide and water at different temperatures.
Dancing raisins, to show state changes and relative densities of raisins that sink and float (with attached gas bubbles).

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6

Air pressure in a bottle

Blow into a bottle with a piece of paper in its mouth. Surprise when the paper comes towards you.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Properties of Objects and Materials (grade K)
Physical Science: Properties of Matter (grade 2)
Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)
  • recycled drink bottle with a wide mouth
  • small piece of paper, that when crumpled into a ball, takes up half the mouth of the bottle

Crumple the paper into a ball.
Place it in the mouth of the bottle.
Blow into the mouth of the bottle.
What happens?

The paper will usually shoot out of the bottle towards you!
If it does not, check that the paper ball does not take up more than half of the diameter of the bottle opening.

When you blow into the bottle, you add air to it, which increases the pressure inside.
The higher pressure air in the bottle will move towards the lower pressure air outside the bottle.
In flowing out of the bottle it pushes the paper out.

Grades taught
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Carried by Water

Do a series of activities showing water as a medium that carries, mixes and separates chemicals, which links the life and the rocks of planet earth.

Water itself is essential for life on earth. It also carries chemicals that nourish life, form our landscape and makes things change.
Students rotate through three activities, with discussion at the end on how they relate to water.

1. Growing epsom salt crystals
This water carries a salt. When the water evaporates it leaves the salt behind, which organize into crystals. The longer the solution takes to dry, the longer the crystals are.
Big picture: Water carries salts, minerals and nutrients, bringing them to new places. They are used by living things, and are deposited as mineral crystals or rock formations.

2. Red cabbage dye
Water can be used to extract dye molecules from plants.
Discuss indigenous dyes as the class makes red cabbage dye as a group.
Some dyes, including this red cabbage dye, can change colour depending on other components of the water (acids and bases).
The different colours made can be used to dye cotton cloth or yarn.
Big picture: Water carries the colours in plants. Plants can be crushed to bring out the colours in them, which can be used as dyes. Some dyes change colour depending on the amount of acid or base in the water. Many colours in living things are dependent on the amount of acid or base in the water in them.

3. Separating colours with chromatography
Dyes are often mixed together to make new colours. We can use water to separate them.
The different colours making up the ink are pulled along by the water to different extents, so some move faster and some move slower. The different rates mean that the colours are separated out.
Big picture: water carries along rocks, silt and chemicals. Depending on how easily they are moved by the water, they will be deposited in different places.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5

Water flow, Ocean Currents and Connectedness

Explore ways that water flows in rivers and/or the ocean. Discuss how it connects the regions of the planet and the living things that rely on the water.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Earth and Space Science: Air, Water and Soil (grade 2)
Earth and Space Science: Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources (grade 5)

Run two or more of the activities, back to back, or as stations. (Either way this is an intensive lesson for materials prep.)
Ideas for overarching themes: Water Flow; Indigenous People’s relationship with Water and its connection all Life; Ocean Current formation; Animals using Ocean Currents.

The Stream flow and erosion activity shows how water flows downhill and carves out the landscape to make valleys and mountains. Flowing streams and rivers bring water to animals and plants and bring food to living things.

The Water flow with temperature and salt variation activity shows how global ocean currents arise and circulate around the planet.
The ocean currents cause upwelling of deep ocean water, which moves nutrients to the surface for life there. Ocean currents are also used by animals for migration e.g. Loggerhead turtles migrate from Florida to the open ocean (where the young are safer), then return as adults. Atlantic Leatherbacks travel from Caribbean to Nova Scotia to feed on jellyfish. Pacific Leatherbacks have the longest migration on Earth: they are born in Japan, migrate to Mexico to feed on crabs, then head back to breed, nest. The Green Sea Turtle rides the East Australian Current, though does not go out into the open ocean (Crush in Finding Nemo).

The Turbulence activity show how winds change the flow of water on the surface of the ocean, and land masses change the flow of water to produce vortices (swirls of water). The movements mix up the water, bringing food to animals that can’t move, and moves nutrients and heat around.

Complex world-wide ocean currents result from the surface currents of the ocean conveyer belt combined with local turbulence - see them on the mesmerizing NASA perpetual ocean video: or
Use this video to show global surface ocean currents, as well as vortices formed by land masses that interrupt these large flows.


Lesson extension: On a world map, draw in the migration routes of turtles and whales (?give students countries/cities to join). Show them real migration paths (wiggly) so that they can make them look realistic. Add the ocean conveyer belt currents to the map, to see which ones the animals use in their migrations. ?Find the circles of ocean currents that form gyres.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5