
Keeping our Water Clean

Try various materials to filter dirty water, then simulate an oil clean up.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Earth and Space Science: Air, Water and Soil (grade 2)
Earth and Space Science: Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources (grade 5)

Do the activities in turn.

Grades taught
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5

Oil spill clean up simulation

Make an oil slick with oil and cocoa powder, then attempt to clean it with a string boom and cotton ball skimmers.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources (grade 5)
  • half jam jar of vegetable oil
  • 4 Tablespoons cocoa powder
  • shallow container of water
  • string pieces about 30cm long
  • cotton balls
  • liquid dish soap, diluted in water

On the BC coast, we hear a lot about oil pipelines and oil tankers. With increased oil tanker traffic in our bays and ocean there is an increased risk of oil spills.
The first activity will look at the effect of an oil spill, and how we attempt to clean it up.

I will give you oil to spill in your ocean. (Show students the simulated oil: cocoa powder mixed into the vegetable oil in the jar.)
Then you will use the materials to clean up as well as we can:
String models the booms that are dragged across the water to stop the oil from spreading and bring it together. Hard if there is wind on water.
Cotton balls are the skimmers that stick the oil to them and pull it out of the water.
Last step, which we will do when you have cleaned up as much as you can, is to add a dispersant (detergent).

Add oil to your ocean.
Your model is 100 billion (11 zeros) times smaller than the oil that was leaked into the Gulf of Mexico. (210 million US gal)
What is happening to the oil? It spreads out. The Gulf of Mexico spill (started in 2010) was a trillion (12 zeros) times larger area than your model. It is restricted in your container - but of course is not in the ocean so spreads further. See the Gulf oil spill at…
Notice that some of your oil sinks - bitumen behaves like this, making it almost impossible to clean up.

Now try clean up:
Loop the string around a patch of oil, to model how booms are spread around an oil spill. Try and contain the oil and pull it to one side of the container. It is somewhat effective, as are booms for real oil spills. Boom image link:…
The diesel spill in Bella Bella, BC was hard to contain as the weather was bad. Bella Bella image link:…
Then use the cotton balls to try and soak up the oil. For real oil spills skimmers are used, which similarly soak up oil into absorbent pads. How effective is this in your model? It is hard to be fully effective for a real oil spill. Skimmer image link:…
The last step is to add dispersant (or a detergent) to break up the oil droplets and disperse them. Add diluted dish soap to the remaining oil, to observe how it breaks the oil into smaller droplets. 2 million gallons of dispersant were used in the Gulf. Dispersant application image link:… Dispersants break up the oil, but it does not go away. Dispersants themselves are also harmful to wildlife.

Spilled oil can harm living things in several ways. Oil is a poisonous chemical which animals can be exposed to internally through ingestion or inhalation, or externally on skin and in eyes, causing organ damage and cancer. When oil coats feathers and fur it destroys their ability to keep animals warm. Dispersants reduce the impact of oil on shoreline habitats, but disperse oil into deeper ocean water where it has harmful effects on deep ocean wildlife.

Grades taught
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 7

Animals moving in water

Model how fish or other animal's shapes are adaptations for how they move through water, and how they regulate their depth in the water.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Life Science: Animal Growth and Changes (grade 2)
Life Science: Diversity of Life (grade 6)

Introduce the lesson: the activities model ways that fish and other animals are adapted for moving through water.
Do the two activities, with discussion after each.


For Aboriginal Focus School SRP, this was combined into one lesson with the Fish feeding methods in water activity.
Pacific Heights Elementary had three stations: racing shapes through water and buoyancy (relating to salmon) and water cycle bracelet.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5

Fish feeding methods model

Use tools such as pipettes and tongs to model how different fish feed.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Life Science: Needs of Living Things (grade 1)
Life Science: Animal Growth and Changes (grade 2)
  • tray of water
  • foam cut into pieces, about 1cm X 1cm X 2cm - "large food pieces"
  • popcorn kernels - "medium food pieces"
  • cornmeal - "small food pieces"
  • tea strainer
  • spatula with slots
  • tongs
  • clothespins
  • pipettes
  • basters

The sponge, corn kernels and corn meal model different kinds of food of different sizes (different sized foam pieces are also pictured). The utensils represent different kinds of ways that fish catch food.
What is the easiest “food” to catch with each kind of mouth?
Students can use the worksheet to record what they find.

Results and discussion:
Some fish feed by biting pieces off their prey e.g. sharks, piranha, adult salmon. The tongs and clothes pegs grabbing onto large pieces of foam model this kind of feeding behaviour.

Fish use suction feeding. Food that is smaller than the mouth is sucked into it by a pressure difference when the mouth is opened. Most bony fish feed in this way. The baster or pipette sucking up medium and small pieces of food models this kind of feeding behaviour.
For a video of suction feeding try Wikipedia webpage “Aquatic feeding mechanisms”:

Some animals, instead of sucking water (and prey) into their mouths, move forward to engulf prey their mouths - called ram feeding.
The prey is trapped in the gill raker (a mesh). Tuna and whale shark eat this way.
Baleen whales use a specialized form of ram feeding called lunge feeding. They move forward fast to take a huge gulp of water and food, then expel the water through their baleen, which trap the krill in its mesh. Humpback whales lunge feeding video - try this link:
Ram feeding modelled by the slotted spoon or spatula.

When tiny animals are caught by a mesh or filter, it is called filter feeding. Water and food can be brought into the mouth by either suction or ram feeding, then the water is expelled.
Baleen whales technically filter feed, as do fish with specialized gill rakers that catch tiny particles (e.g. some sharks and herring).
Barnacles, mussels, oysters and other shelled animals catch tiny animals from seawater in their filters.
Filter feeding of tiny particles is modelled by the tea strainer and sieve.
Watch real barnacles feeding as an example of filter feeding.

Discussion related to salmon:
Young Atlantic salmon (alevins) start feeding using the ram feeding method, moving their body forwards to capture small animals. After a week or so of feeding that way, they switch to suction feeding, to pull prey into their mouth from a distance.
Adult salmon use their teeth for eating (though sockeye don't have big teeth and continue to eat krill).

See animal eating methods for a similar activity.


Aboriginal Focus School combined this activity with the Animals Moving in Water lesson, for a long lesson on how animals move and feed in water.

Relating to salmon and how their diet (and feeding style?) changes: "Coho salmon (O. kisutch) smolts develop teeth on the maxilla, mandible, and tongue, " (…). "juvenile salmon eat zooplankton, and larval and adult invertebrates. In the ocean, salmon eat smaller fish, such as herring, pelagic amphipods and krill." (

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5

Chemistry of home made slimes

Make slime and/or oobleck and/or flubber. Compare their properties.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Physical Science: Properties of Matter (grade 2)
Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)

Students can make and compare the different slimes and goops during a lesson on states of matter and mixtures.
Also used for a close-to-Halloween lesson.

Suggested order for slime and ooblek: Students first make regular slime, play with it, then put it in a baggie (can be taken home). Then they make oobleck. (Too messy to take home without spilling.)

Use a Venn diagram to compare how the slimes were made, and their properties (how they behave) - see worksheets attached.

Properties for discussion summarized:
Oobleck is a mixture (of cornstarch and water). Flubber is a mixture (of fibre and water). Slime is one kind of molecule (a long polymer).
Slime is made by a chemical reaction, oobleck and flubber are not.
All behave like a solid and a liquid, depending on how they are handled (see individual activities for explanations).


Ooblek is messier, so make last.

Grades taught
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5

Plant colour chemistry and pH indicators

Change flower petal colours with acid/base and use red cabbage as an acid/base indicator.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Life Science: Plant Growth and Changes (grade 3)
Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)

Some flowers can change colour depending on the chemical environment they are in.
Do flower colour activity.
Discuss what colours were made, and the molecules responsible.
Flowers can make an array of petal colours by varying the acidic/basic environment (the concentration of H atoms) in their petals. This changes the colour of some pigment molecules, and several pigment molecules can mix to make even more colours.

Chemists often use a pigment that changes colour with acid and base to find out how many H atoms are in something. They call it an indicator.
The scale of how acidic or basic something is can be measured on a scale called the pH scale. So these indicators are called pH indicators.
Make a pH indicator with cabbage juice, and use to measure the pH of household chemicals.

Test fruits and vegetables that are red, blue and purple to find out which ones have pH sensitive pigments.

The concentration of H atoms (technically ions), or the pH, affects the chemistry of many systems, as it affects what chemical reactions happen and what molecules are made. pH is important in water and soil, changing how plants get nutrients and grow, and what minerals are dissolved and precipitated; it is important in our own bodies to make sure we digest food and make new cells for growth and to heal injuries.


Laurier did flower colours and red cabbage dye.
ingridscience afterschool did red cabbage dye and fruit and vegetable colours.
The colouring a white flower activity was added to this lesson plan for a lesson on Coloured plants for After school programs in NY.
Seymour did red cabbage dye, then vegetable colours

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Chemical reactions

Do two activities from the selection, to show chemical reactions. Choose food-related ones for a Chemistry of Cooking / Foods workshop.

Pair two or three activities for a lesson.
Include molecule models for older primaries and up.

A chemical reaction happens when we see a new product: a new state of matter (e.g. gas bubbles or a solid precipitating), or a new colour or smell.

My favourite combination for primaries/lower intermediates:
Elephant's toothpaste demonstration - see a new state of matter and feel the temperature change.
Baking soda demonstration - see a new state of matter and feel the temperature change.
Molecular modelling of baking soda and vinegar.
Rocket outside or Soda drink

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Water resistance: racing shapes through water

Move different shapes through water with a weight, to compare their speeds, and so how streamlined they are. Compare to the shapes of animals that move through the water.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Life Science: Needs of Living Things (grade 1)
Life Science: Animal Growth and Changes (grade 2)
Physical Science: Force and Motion (grade 1)
  • tray of water. 5cm deep or more means the shapes do not bump along the bottom too much
  • two medium binder clips (to attach to the side of the tray)
  • fishing line
  • four small binder clips
  • modelling clay, two different colours (one strip from a dollar store pack for each colour; I find about 10-12g works well so that wider shapes do not bump along the bottom)
  • 2 little bags or pots to hold marbles
  • about 10 marbles
  • chopstick

Set up:

Cut a piece of fishing line a little longer than the tray.
Remove one arm (handle) from a mini binder clip, tie one end of the line to its remaining arm, and wrap modelling clay around the body of the binder clip. (Left of first photo.)
Thread the fishing line through the arms of the medium binder clip, then tie the free end to the other mini binder clip.
Attach a little pot to this mini binder clip.
See the first image for the result of these steps. Make two of these for one tray.

Half fill the tray with water, then attach the fishing line/clay unit at one end with its medium binder clip.
Allow the pot of marbles to hang down so that its weight pulls the clay up to the medium binder clip.
See the second image.
Attach the second unit next to the first.

Make two different shapes from two pieces of clay in the same tray.
Pull them both to the end of the tray and release at the same time. Using a chopstick as a gate can be used to hold the lines, then release them at exactly the same time.
Do 3 trials, to see which shape usually moves through the water fastest and which is slowest.


In general, in the activity, wider shapes move more slowly than narrower longer 'streamlined' shapes.
Compare to objects that we build to be streamlined and move faster through water e.g. boats, and objects that do not need to be streamlined e.g. rubber ring for floating in water.
Also look at shapes of fish (an image of fish shapes in silhouette is useful for reference). The fish that can move the fastest (e.g. fish that hunt live prey, like salmon) have longer, narrower shapes than those that do not need to move fast (e.g. fish that feed on plants or algae or are flat on the bottom).

Optional: give local fish examples and how their shape is an adaptation for how they eat and move. Examples of British Columbia fish:
herring (streamlined to escape predators - larger fish. eat tiny animals)
salmon (streamlined to swim through fast moving water, escape predators and to catch smaller fish)
sole (not streamlined - do not move fast; flattened to hide from larger fish that eat it. eat worms clams)
sculpin (not streamlined - do not move much; camouflaged to hide from predator fish. eat insects)

Optional: Watch a video showing various fish shapes moving through the water e.g. Planet Earth video of fish in the ocean of various shapes. Try this link:

Attached documents

Visualize using technique in turbulence patterns. Difference between streamlined and non-streamlined shapes.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5

Combustion shooter

Project a ping pong ball by igniting hair spray.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Force and Motion (grade 1)
Physical Science: Forces and Simple Machines (grade 5)
  • paper towel tube
  • ruler
  • BarBQ lighter
  • duct tape
  • hairspray with flammable ingredients e.g. alcohol, propane or butane
  • ping pong ball (should fit snugly inside the paper towel tube)

Cover the end of the paper towel tube with duct tape.
Cut a small hole in the duct tape the same diameter as lighter nozzle, push the lighter through so about 6cm extends inside the tube. Tape over any gaps and secure the lighter.
Bridge the ruler between the paper towel tube and the lighter, to strengthen the device.

To fire: spray some hairspray into the paper towel tube, drop in a ping pong ball, then ignite the lighter.

The device works by a combustion reaction: the alcohol combines with the oxygen in air and is converted to CO2(gas) and water. The reaction is started by the energy of the lighter, and then can continue on its own. More and more gas is made in the confined space behind the ping pong ball, until the pressure of the gas is enough to shoot the ball forward.

Grades taught
Gr 4
Gr 6