
Filtering Water

Make a water filter from a recycled water bottle and use various materials to filter muddy water.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Air, Water and Soil (grade 2)
Earth and Space Science: Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources (grade 5)
    for the filter units (ideally one per student) and set up:
  • water bottles, cut in half
  • panty hose/nylons squares, 5x5cm
  • small elastic bands
  • tubs of muddy pond water (1 cup dirt in a litre of water)
  • ~half cup measures
  • wash bottles and waste tub to rinse out filters between trials
  • bucket for overflow waste (do not put sand and gravel down the sink)
    filter materials (in order of 2nd and 3rd photos):
  • coffee filters
  • washed moss balls (optional)
  • kleenex
  • [no material: control]
  • wood shavings
  • cotton balls
  • washed aquarium sand + spoon
  • washed aquarium gravel + spoon (optional)

Set up before lesson:
Cut recycled water bottles in half and discard cap.
Cut a square of panty hose/nylons and use a small elastic band to secure over the spout of the water bottle.
Ideally, make one filter per student.
Mix a cup of soil with water in several large tubs.

Where do we get our drinking water? [Tap.] Where does this water come from? [Reservoirs.] It is cleaned to be safe.
Indigenous people and others living off the land would get their water from natural water sources such as fast flowing streams. This is usually OK, if water is taken well away from toilets (most common source of dangerous microorganisms).

We will filter muddy water through some different materials to see how well they can clean it.
Show students the filter, how to pour and show them the materials selection (depending on age group):
e.g. coffee filter, moss, kleenex, wood chips, cotton balls, washed sand, washed gravel
e.g. Kindergarten: washed sand, cotton balls, filter paper and tissue
For older students, discuss setting up a control, where the filter has no material added.
Show students the worksheet, where they can record the colour of the emerging water (see worksheet attachments).

Encourage students to try one filter material at a time, before showing them how to layer filter materials, or stack up the filter units, to make the water cleaner.
Free play will happen naturally, but encourage note-taking so that students know what works best.
If students need encouragement: ask them to try different filter combinations that are all natural/one kind repeated to see if this cleans the water better.

Class discussion of results:
Ask how good each material was for filtering water when used alone, and make a class chart. (The results will vary widely, so use the chart to show the best that each material did.) Discuss how the materials filter the water: the dirt particles are trapped in the tiny spaces between the filter material. The water flows through, along with anything that can fit through the spaces. Different materials have different sized spaces, so are effective at filtering different sized dirt particles. Materials that clean the water better have smaller spaces in them, but the water takes longer to pass through them.
Then students will be keen to tell how their different combinations of materials worked.

Connect to water treatment plants:
For younger students they can be told that water treatment filtering systems that clean our water also use sand and gravel. They use several filters and use other membranes as well.
For older students discuss how sand and gravel are arranged in water treatment filtering systems, and that filtering is just one step that our water treatment facilities use. They use gravel and sand to remove larger particles, and meshes to remove smaller particles. Here is the multistep process:
1. aeration to remove gases from water
2. coagulation to clump together dirt (floc)
3. sedimentation allows floc to fall to bottom of settling beds
4. filtration to remove particles (several filters including meshes, sand and gravel)
5. disinfection with chlorine to kill remaining pathogens (ozone and UV treatment do not persist)

More info on filtering water, naturally and by man:…


It is important to wash the sand and gravel before-hand; otherwise the dirt contained in it will dirty the water.

Experiment with more steps of water filtration process:

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5

Rain gauge model - tipping bucket

Rain gauges in weather stations use a tipping bucket (or tipping spoon) mechanism. Challenge students to make their own tipping bucket for a marble.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Daily and Seasonal Changes (grade 1)
Earth and Space Science: Weather (grade 4)
  • optional: water bottle rain gauge for showing
  • optional: tipping spoon part of weather station with water to demonstrate
  • Per small group:

  • plastic spoon
  • skewer, cut into 3
  • piece of straw, 2cm, that skewer fits snugly into
  • masking tape, small strip
  • popsicle sticks, 2
  • cup (coffee or pastic)
  • marble
  • for teacher:

  • wire [skewer/pop stick] cutters

Your classic rain gauge that you might have made from a water bottle is very simple, but fills up.

A tipping bucket rain gauge uses electronics to count the number of times a bucket fills and empties, so can be left to run for long periods.
A funnel above the tipping bucket directs rainfall into it. The volume of water in the bucket is known, so if you can count the number of times it tips, you can calculate the amount of water.
See a gif of a tipping bucket rain gauge here:

Students design their own tipping bucket mechanism with household materials, and use a marble dropped into the bucket to make it work.

Start like this: insert skewer in straw piece, tape onto spoon at the balance point, making sure it can rotate freely. Secure to cup with clay. It’s like a see saw. We have the rotation part. This pivot is one design element of a tipping bucket.
You are going to design the rest. You will be using a marble instead of water. It needs to start horizontally, tip down when the marble falls in the spoon to dump the marble out, then returns quickly to the horizontal position. (Demonstrate the steps.)
What other design elements will it need? Write up any that they come up with e.g. weight, stop - but do not add more than they can think of as they will discover more as they work.
Students can break the materials apart if they need, and take more of anything.

Once the students have made their designs, ask what other design elements are needed.
Complete the list of design elements:
pivot, weighted lever, stops to limit movement.

The tipping bucket rain gauge in a weather station is finely weighted, balanced and housed so that it works as your models do.
It uses a magnet to hold the bucket until it is heavy enough to tip. A circuit detects when the bucket tips, and counts the number of times, to calculate total rainfall over time.

Grades taught
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Weather - measuring weather

Build devices that model measurement of rainfall and wind speed. Make a simple barometer. Use thermometers
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Earth and Space Science: Air, Water and Soil (grade 2)
Earth and Space Science: Weather (grade 4)

We can predict what weather is coming, and see weather patterns over time by taking measurements.
What kind of things might we measure? Hint: what is reported on the weather news?
Temperature (Cold and warm air fronts on a weather map - air masses of different temperatures moving around. Temperature can affect the type of precipitation that forms - rain, snow or hail (warm then cold layer of air in the atmosphere make rain which freezes into hail). If the air layers are dry enough, the moisture may evaporate before reaching the ground.)
Wind: Direction and speed tells us what is coming
Air (or barometric) pressure: Low pressure means clouds are coming. High pressure means clear skies are coming.
Humidity: How much water is in the air. That and temperature determines if it precipitates.

Make devices that measure weather, or model weather-measuring devices. Optionally, take the materials outdoors to measure weather conditions.
Optional: look at a real weather station to find the parts that do the measuring.

Primaries use thermometers to measure temperature. (Look at radiation shield in a weather station where the digital thermometer is housed.)
Intermediates are challenged to model a tipping spoon rain gauge.
Intermediates make a barometer.
Challenge for everyone to build a device that turns in the wind.


Add Wind vane to this lesson.
This is the third of a series of Weather lessons: 1. Weather - What causes it? 2. Weather phenomena 3. Measuring weather

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Clouds, tornado and vortices with dry ice

Use dry ice to show how clouds form. Use your hands to create upwards spinning vortices, modelling tornados. Use a bottle to make horizontally spinning vortices to model a microburst.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Air, Water and Soil (grade 2)
Earth and Space Science: Weather (grade 4)
  • dry ice in insulted container - 10 pellets/100 pellets per class
  • gloves to handle dry ice
  • black bin bag
  • masking tape
  • shallow tub
  • kettle for boiling water
  • recycled water bottle with flexible sides

Distribute black bin bags, and ask students to tape over desk.

Distribute shallow tub and bottle containing very warm water. Add dry ice (2 pellets).

The following activities can be done with more or less emphasis on the weather phenomenon they are modelling.

Ask what weather phenomenon they have made. Cloud. Water vapour in the air cools to form water droplets.
(How dry ice makes this: super cold, becomes a gas at -80°C. The water vapour in the air (from the warm water in the tub), cools and condenses among the cold CO2 gas.)

Add more dry ice and hot water to the tub, then demonstrate making tornados: hold hand flat and upright within the cloud spilling out of the tub, then lift up fast. (Too tricky for most Ks, but they like to watch.) Watch this video to see how it's done (though not with the same equipment):
The spinning air mass of a tornado is called a vortex. The air rotates around the funnel shape.
A real tornadoes is one of the most powerful forces on earth - winds up to 500km/hr.
They form when warm, moist air meets cool air and they start to spin. The air spirals up into a thundercloud. The low pressure inside (from fast winds) cools the air which condenses into a cloud.

Another weather feature is also a vortex but spins in a ring: called a microburst.
A microburst is formed when cold air descends to the ground fairly fast, then hits the ground and spins away in a ring.
This kind of vortex can be modelled with a pellet of dry ice inside a little warm water in a recycled water bottle. Squeeze and release the water bottle quickly and gently. It seems to work better as the dry ice bubbling subsides a little.


Scale up the vortex to make an air cannon.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Blue sky red sunset colours

Use a glue stick and flashlight to model why the sky is blue and sunsets are red.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Daily and Seasonal Changes (grade 1)
Earth and Space Science: Weather (grade 4)
  • glue stick
  • flashlight

Knowing sunlight is a mixture of colours, we can figure out why the sky is blue, and sunsets are red.
Distribute glue sticks and flashlights.
Tell students the glue stick models our atmosphere. and the flashlight is the sun.
Challenge them to shine the "sun" through the "atmosphere" and look for a blueish sky colour, and a red-orange sunset colour.

Blue: Sunlight hits the atmosphere and is scattered in all directions (O2 and N2). Blue light is scattered more than other colours, so more blue reaches our eyes from all parts of the sky.
Red: As the sun gets low in the sky, its light passes through more atmosphere to reach you. Most of the blue light is scattered, so only reds/yellows reach your eyes.


Or add a little milk to water, and shine a flashlight through it to see the blue colour. Add more milk to see the red/orange colour. (Weather Watcher p.60. DK)

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Rainbow with water and flashlight

Shine a flashlight through water at just the right angle to make a (subtle) rainbow.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Surroundings (grade K)
Earth and Space Science: Daily and Seasonal Changes (grade 1)
Earth and Space Science: Air, Water and Soil (grade 2)
Earth and Space Science: Weather (grade 4)
  • jar half filled with water
  • flashlight
  • white sheet of paper

Distribute glass of water, flashlight and white paper to each student or student pair.
Ask them: We have water and sunlight. What weather feature might we make?
Once they know they are looking for a rainbow, older students can be challenged to arrange the flashlight, jar and paper to make a rainbow, while younger students can be assisted in making one:
Hold the jar in the air just above the desk. Lay the paper down in front of the jar. Shine the flashlight at the water line from back a bit, maybe angling it downwards a little. Don't block the bottom edge of the jar with your fingers. The higher the jar, the wider the rainbow. If you tip the jar slightly, you can make multiple rainbows.

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Weather phenomena

Model different kinds of weather to understand how they are formed: rainbows, blue skies, red sunsets, frost and dew, lightning, clouds, tornados.

Intermediates set up frost cans to revisit later.
Push to the end of the table, where they will not be touched.

What kinds of weather can you think of?
Today we will make some mini versions of weather phenomena in the classroom, to see how they come about.

Kindergarten instead made rainbows with CDs etc.
Discuss how the sun shining through water droplets makes rainbows in the same way. With your back to the sun they appear in front of you.

Blue sky and red sunsets activity.
(Kindergarten skipped)

Frost can revisit with intermediates:
What do you see? How did it get there? Dew. Frost. If these had formed up in the air, what would they be? Rain/snow/hail. Dew in the desert is critical for some plants and animals, that collect it on their leaves and bodies.

Lightning (with intermediates)

Clouds and tornados.
Added bottle vortices if time.

Weather phenomena are caused by water in the air, temperature differences that make air move around, and pressure differences that move air and make water condense. By mixing and matching these three things in different amounts, we get all kinds of weather phenomena.


This is the second of a series of Weather lessons: 1. Weather - What causes it? 2. Weather phenomena 3. Measuring weather

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Wind spinner free experimentation

Use common materials to design and construct a device that turns in the wind. Relate to wind turbines, windmills.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Daily and Seasonal Changes (grade 1)
Earth and Space Science: Air, Water and Soil (grade 2)
Earth and Space Science: Weather (grade 4)
Earth and Space Science: Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources (grade 5)
Physical Science: Force and Motion (grade 1)
Physical Science: Materials and Structures (grade 3)
Physical Science: Forces and Simple Machines (grade 5)
  • scissors
  • masking tape
  • cardboard e.g. cereal boxes
  • skewers
  • popsicle sticks or coffee stir sticks
  • straws
  • little tubes or pen caps
  • optional: push pins
  • optional: other blunt pins (mine came out of a broken pin screen)
  • optional: modelling clay (recommended after the pivot has been built)

Show students the materials.
Give them their challenge: make a device that turns when they blow on it.
(They can be tested outside in the wind, but this is less reliable and satisfying.)
They do not need to make a stand for it - have them focus on the mechanics of the spinning part.

For younger/less mechanically-minded students, explain the key design components:
A 'pivot': parts that can rotate around each other.
'Blades' that can catch the wind: larger surface areas that the wind can hit and push against.
It is useful to refer back to these if students get stuck in their designing.

Optionally show different ideas for making a pivot (see second photo):
1. a skewer in an inverted tube/pen cap (to which the blades can be attached)
2. a skewer through a straw (to which the blades can be attached)
3. a blunt pin through an enlarged hole in a straw
There are other ways to make a pivot, but these are simple ones I have seen so far.

For some student groups the design components may be best introduced sequentially.
First all students make a pivot, then share each others’ designs.
Then students choose any of the pivot styles displayed, make their own pivot, then design blades to attach to their pivot.

For older and more mechanically-minded students, they can work with the materials for a while, before naming/explaining the parts.
After a while, naming and explain the design elements of 'pivot' and 'blades'. This will help students that are still to start on a design, and conceptually frame designs already in progress.

For Kindergarten students, provide them with tube-and-skewer pivot, cardboard, scissors and tape. Demonstrate how the tube spins on the skewer. Draw and name shapes that they could cut out of cardboard ('rectangle' and 'triangle' good to include), to tape to the tube. They can add more shapes if they want. Depending on how they tape the blades onto the tube, and so how floppy the blades are, they may need to be shown how to strap a strip of curved cardboard across two blades to hold them steady.

Allow students time to freely experiment, discuss ideas together (and share good ideas with each other, as all designers and architects do).
The Play-Debrief-Replay method for teaching works well for this activity - see notes in the resource.

If students are in need of help, either ask them to visit other wind machines that are spinning in the classroom, or help them focus on some ideas (e.g. see pivot ideas above).

Once they are done experimenting, review the different ways of making the key machine elements (pivot; blades to catch the wind)

During discussion, refer to uses of machines that turn in the wind:
Wind turbines are used to generate electricity: the energy in wind turns a blade which runs a generator to make electricity. Wind turbines are in greater use with increasing sustainable energy practices. Wind turbine diagram of parts:…
Wind pumps are wind machines that can be used to pump water for farming or for groundwater extraction. Photo of a wind pump:… Video showing wind pump mechanisms of gears and pump:
Windmills were commonly used for grinding grain. They are complex machines of levers, wheels and gears. Windmills in the Netherlands:… Windmill diagram showing gears transmitting wind energy to millstones:
Anemometers measure wind speed - cups that spin around a shaft. Using magnets, the number of turns is translated into wind speed.
Wind vanes have a blade that turns in the wind, but its position stabilizes to show the direction that the wind is coming from.


I started out also providing little paper cups in the materials, but found that students did not use them as the part that catches the wind, but often as a rickety pivot. Removing the cups redirected students towards better pivot ideas, and if they wanted a cup-like blade, they could curve the cardboard or paper.
I started out providing clay, but students often stuffed the little tube with it to try and make an (ineffective) pivot. Now I only provide it after pivots are made and if asked for, or if deemed useful for making a stand or for cementing parts together.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7


Make a simple barometer to measure air pressure, and watch it change over days. Use your breath to make an instant pressure change inside the barometer to see the reading change.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Weather (grade 4)
  • empty drink bottle, ideally made from stiffer plastic
  • cup of water, or more to fill the bottle up to half way
  • optional: few drops food dye, darker colour better
  • plastic tubing e.g. aquarium tubing, 70cm or longer
  • modelling clay (couple of strips out of a dollar store packet), or for a less messy clay but which doesn't stick quite as well, home made play dough
  • straw cut in half

We will make a barometer to measure changes air pressure. Air pressure is caused by the molecules of air piled up on top of each other and pushing down. We do not normally notice these changes, but may have done if we have been in an airplane. The air pressure is quite a bit lower up high, so much so that airplane cabins need to be artificially pressurized so that we can breathe up there.

How to make a bottle barometer, which can show changes in air pressure:
Add the water to the empty drink bottle. Optional: add several drops food dye.
Insert the tubing into the bottle until one end rests on the bottom of the bottle and the other end hangs out of the bottle.
Suck on the tubing end outside of the bottle, until the water almost reaches your mouth.
Take your mouth off the end of the tubing and immediately plug the end with some clay/playdough. If the water level inside the tubing drops out of sight before plugging with clay, retry until the water line is high enough up the tubing to be clearly in view.
Watch the level in the tube for a little while to make sure the modelling clay makes an airtight seal on the end of the tube.
Add a piece of tape to the outside of the tube with a line on it, or on the wall next to where it is taped, to show the initial level of the water.

The level in the tubing will rise up and down as the atmospheric air pressure changes over several days:
Air pushes down on the water surface inside the bottle, which holds the water up in the tube.
If the atmospheric air pressure rises (usually associated with clear weather), the air pushes down more on the water surface inside the bottle, which pushes the water level further along the tube.
If the air pressure drops (usually associated with rainy weather), air pushes down less on the water surface inside the bottle and the water level in the tube will drop.

To immediately see how the water level in the tube changes, use your breath to change the air pressure inside the bottle:
Cut a straw in half and wrap more modelling clay around it, sealing to make sure that there are no air gaps.
Insert the straw into the barometer bottle mouth, and use the clay to seal over the top of the bottle and around the tubing.
Blow into the straw. If their is no air leakage, you will make the air pressure in the bottle rise, which will push the liquid up the tubing.
It takes a lot of puff to move the water line only a little. This gives a sense of the pressure changes that occur in our atmosphere regularly, but we do not notice so much (unless we have arthritis which can cause sensitivity to pressure changes in the joints).

To watch atmospheric air pressure change over time, tape the tube onto a nearby wall. Check regularly, especially when the weather is changing to see the liquid level rise or fall.
Clear weather is associated with higher pressure because local high pressure air will move outwards away from the high pressure region to lower pressure regions around. This air is replaced by air from above.
Rainy weather is associated with lower pressure because local low pressure means that surrounding higher pressure air will move inwards. Then it is forced upwards. The rising air cools and water condenses out forming clouds and often bringing rain.

Grades taught
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Automaton - cardboard and foam machine

Build a compound machine, that is also an art project, that demonstrates levers, cams, linkages and a chain of forces.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Force and Motion (grade 1)
Physical Science: Forces and Simple Machines (grade 5)
  • cardboard boxes to cut up
  • blade or cardboard saw
  • scissors
  • masking tape
  • glue gun
  • sturdy skewers
  • wire cutters, or alternative to cut skewers
  • straw that skewer will fit through
  • washers that fit over the skewer, to add weight, or use modelling clay
  • thick foam sheets, 6mm (about one 9X12" sheet for four students)

Follow instructions from this activity from the Exploratorium, also attached, and summarized below:

In brief:
Make a frame from a cardboard box, with triangles to reinforce inside the corners. Note: do not make the frame too large, or there will be too much play and the cams won't mesh. About 20cm wide and 15cm high works well.
Stick a skewer (a "shaft") horizontally through the frame, adding a circle of foam (a "cam") to it, the placement of the hole in the cam depending on which mechanism(s) you want to make. See the attached file from the Exploratorium for ideas. It is best if the cam is at least 5cm diameter.
Add another foam cam on a vertical shaft through the top of the box that will rest on the first circle. Don't make this skewer too long or it will move sideways. A straw glued into the box to guide the skewer helps keep it upright. Washers, or modelling clay, give some weight to the cam so that it always rests on the lower cam.
Depending on where the horizontal shaft goes through its cam, the upright shaft will move round and round, or round and round and up and down.
Optional: add another circle on the horizontal shaft to make the upright shaft also go back and forth.
Decorate the upright shaft, so that the movement(s) is/are highlighted.


If the box frames are too big, the skewer lengths get too large and there is too much sideways movement.
The Exploratorium new up and down model did not work so well, but check it wasn't because our skewers weren't too long.

Glue gun burn potential means prudent use dependent on the age group and responsibility of kids. If the kids are not mechanically-minded, they will need a lot of individual attention. When an adult has to do all the hot-glueing, some groups get bored waiting around.

Grades taught
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7