
Coloured lights make objects change colour

View a coloured design on cloth or paper under different coloured lights. Understand how the colours of objects change depending on the light they are viewed under.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Properties of Objects and Materials (grade K)
Physical Science: Light and Sound (grade 4)
  • light that can change colour (LED lights that you can slide between the colours work great)
  • cloth with pattern of different colours, or printed images
  • room that can be darkened

Please note that in a class of students it is likely that one of them is at least partially colourblind (1 in 12 males are colourblind). As this is an activity distinguishing colours, these students will not be able to tell some colours apart and perceive some colours differently, although the activity will be no less interesting for them. The common red/green colour blindness means reds and greens (or colours containing reds and greens such as browns) look similar. More information at and

Turn out the room lights.
View the cloth under different light colours and see how the cloth colours change.
Colours will look their normal colour, a different colour or even black.

The colours appear in the cloth because of the colours (wavelengths) of light they reflect.
If white light hits them (as we usually have with the sun or room lights), the cloth will absorb parts of the white colour spectrum and reflect others - the reflected colours are the ones that we see.
However if only part of the white light spectrum hits the cloth, it is only able to reflect that part of the spectrum. If the cloth is white it will reflect all the colours hitting it, so will look the same as the light colour. If the cloth is another colour, it will still absorb some of the wavelengths, reflect some, and maybe appear a different colour.
For example, a red piece of cloth will reflect red light and absorb all other colours. So if a red light hits it it will appear red, but if a blue light hits it it will appear dark because it absorbs the blue light and reflects no light.
In the photos above, the colours that are fuchsia-coloured in white light (first photo) appear blue in blue light (second photo) and brown in green light (third photo). The pink reflects mostly reds and blues. With blue light hitting it, it can only reflect blue so appears blue. With green light hitting it (a mixture of yellow and cyan), it does not reflect many wavelengths, so appears a darker. Check the last light colour mixing image to see how light colours mix.


I have only done this with a small group. With larger classes it will be hard as everyone wants to control the light colour, rather than just watching. Need to wait for even cheaper LEDS so they can all have one maybe in a shoebox.

Grades taught
Gr 4
Gr 5

Sun's angle on earth

Use a flashlight on a large ball to show how the intensity of the sun varies between the equator and the more polar regions
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Stars and Planets (grade 3)
Earth and Space Science: Weather (grade 4)
  • large ball e.g. exercise ball
  • flashlight with a beam that can focus to a circle
  • darkened room
  • chalk

Explain that the ball is a model of the earth. Check that students know where the equator, poles, and their own city are.
Turn the room lights off.
Hold the flashlight level with the centre of the ball, from a couple of metres, so that a circle of light falls on the equator. Ask a student to draw around the circle. This models the sun's rays reaching the equator.
Keep the flashlight at the same distance but move it up so that it now shines on a more northern region of the "earth". Ask a student to draw around the patch of light on the ball now - it should be an elipse. This is how the light falls on the more northern regions.
Turn the room lights on and compare the outlines of the light patches. Discuss the intensity of light in each of the regions - it must be more intense at the equator as it covers a smaller area.

Explain that in the same way, the equator of the earth receives much more intense sunlight than the more northern and southern latitudes.

Relating to how weather starts, the tropics are warmed up more by the sun, and the warmer land and ocean there means the air above it is heated up more.

The sun's angle on Earth helps determine why we get different biomes;
Biome map:… (from this article - or… for terrestrial (Earth, not water) biomes.


Tape a map of Earth Biomes onto the ball?

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Heating land and water

Model the heating of land and oceans on earth using a lamp, sand and water. Measure the temperature rise in each.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Air, Water and Soil (grade 2)
Earth and Space Science: Weather (grade 4)
  • plastic shoe box
  • incandescent bulb (100W) and holder (with reflective screen work best)
  • masking tape
  • two shallow tubs
  • 150ml dry sand
  • 150ml water
  • two thermometers

Note: pour water into the tubs a little ahead of time so that they reach room temperature (and start at the same temperature as the sand).

Add sand to one tub and water to another and place side by side in the plastic box. Add the thermometers so that they are submerged in the material, and read the temperature.
Lay the light over the box so that it is equally far from the tubs of sand and water. Leave for at least 5 mins, then take the temperature again. Take additional measurements over 20 minutes or more.
Graph the results.

For younger students plot the temperature reading at each time point.
Older students could alternatively calculate and plot rise in the sand and water, then add each as a single point to the graph. Data cleaner this way, but need to understand a rise in temperature.

The sand heats up much more quickly than the water.
In the same way, then sun heats up the earth's land (especially deserts) more quickly than its oceans, which means that living things in each environment have different adaptations suited to each environment.

This difference in heating between land and water also means that the air above the land heats up more than the air above the water, creating temperature differences therefore air movements.


Silver lamps with reflective shield way more dramatic than standard desk lamps (more heat from them, yet water temp still rises very slowly).

If doing this activity with back-to-back classes, replace the water and sand in the tubs, or make sure there is time for it to cool off (20 mins?).

Grades taught
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Black snakes

Ignite sugar and baking soda to make black snakes of carbon puffed up with carbon dioxide gas.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)
  • sand
  • flammable fuel
  • icing sugar
  • baking soda
  • match or lighter

Mix 4 teaspoons icing sugar with1 teaspoon baking soda.
Make a pile of sand on a heat-proof surface, and make a dent in the middle of it.
Pour fuel into the dent, then add some sugar/baking soda mixture.
Light it.

Long black "snakes" of carbon are extruded, made up of carbon and carbonate, puffed up with carbon dioxide gas. They crumble when they are touched (and make your hands black).
The reaction smells like marshmallows over a fire.

The chemistry:
C12H22O11 (sucrose sugar) + 12O2 → 12CO2 + 11H2O (g). This is complete combustion of the sugar in oxygen, which produces heat which makes the reaction continue. The water vapour escapes.
There are also some reaction products that are not made with oxygen (which happen in the centre of the pile):
C12H22O11 (sucrose sugar) → 12 C (black of the snake) + 11 H2O (gas).
2 NaHCO3 (baking soda) → Na2CO3 (carbonate that is also part of the snake) + H2O (gas) + CO2 (gas, which puffs up the snake)


Try without the sand - add the sugar/baking soda mixture to a metal bowl, pour on the fuel, then light.
Much more dramatic here: ('Fire Snake' at minute 2:35)

Grades taught
Gr 4
Gr 5

Forces: chains of forces and combining forces

Introduce forces and how they are passed from one object to another with the coin game. Then jumping stick or catapult to show chains of forces passing between different materials. Air resistance a surprising force with good discussion.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Physical Science: Force and Motion (grade 1)
Physical Science: Forces and Simple Machines (grade 5)

Forces make things move, or make moving things stop. Another name for a Force, which is easier to envision, is a Push or a Pull.

Start with coin game, either as a demonstration or for students to do at their desks.
Summarize that there is a chain of forces between the coins that make them move in different directions.
The size of the coin changes how much force is transferred to another coin.
The force of friction changes how coins move on a smooth surface vs a carpet.

Another chain of forces in a jumping stick toy or a catapult.
Grade 2 and up can make jumping stick
Primaries can make torsion catapult (adult assistance needed for youngest grades)
Grade 2 and up can make a more powerful tin can catapult (adult assistance needed for primaries)

Allow free play and optionally measuring and recording of distances, before regrouping to discuss the specifics of the chain of forces.
Forces make the parts move, and also make them eventually stop.

End with counteracting forces:
We have seen that forces make things move, and that forces make things stop.
The balancing of opposite forces determines whether something will stop or slow down. When something slides along the floor, the forward movement is balanced by the friction against the floor. When something is falling the force of gravity is balanced against air resistance, pushing up against the object.
Air resistance activity with the two paper plates works well as a demonstration with discussion.


Add electrostatic force as a non-contact force: do as a demo with one of the students (the one with the best hair for it)

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3


Make meringues. While they are baking find out which molecules in them make the foam, and do other foam activities.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Physical Science: Materials and Structures (grade 3)
Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)

A foam is a mixture called a colloid. It is made up of gas bubble suspended in a liquid (or solid).
This lesson makes some foams.

Make meringues.
While baking figure out which molecules in the ingredients made the foam with the foam molecule test (proteins).

Then make other foams and discuss the molecules that make the foam: elephant's toothpaste, then coke and mentos.

Grades taught
Gr 4

Weather - what causes it?

Explore why the sun heats up parts of the earth more than others, then how warm and cold air move to make wind.

All weather on earth originates with the sun.
Start by setting up the heating land and water activity. Allow to run for at least 10 mins.
While it runs, do the sun's angle on earth activity.
From the results of the heating land and water activity, and conclude that sand heats up faster than water. On earth the land heats up faster than the oceans.

Summarize the effects of the sun on the earth: the sun heats up the earth, but it heats it unevenly - the equator is heated more than more northern or southern latitudes (because of the angle of the sun's rays), and the land is heated up more than the water (because the land heats up more quickly).

Question to students - what colour reflects light more - light or dark? Snow and ice reflect the light and the heat, whereas the darker forests absorb the light and heat, so are heated up more. The sun is also unevenly heating up the darker and lighter areas of earth.

The land heats up the air above it, and the result of the uneven heating of earth is that some areas will have warmer air and some areas cooler air. These warm and cool air masses will interact.

The warm/cold/salty water flow activity models how air masses interact when some are warmer than others. It will also model how the water in the oceans moves around, when some parts of it are warmer or colder or more salty.
Once students have done the activity, summarize it:
In the atmosphere, this movement of warm air upwards and cooler air downwards generates winds.
In the oceans the movement of colder and saltier water downwards and warmer water upwards generates ocean currents that moves heat with them and affect the climates on land.
A simpler demonstration showing how warm water (and air) rise is the convection demonstration.

So the uneven heating of the earth means that air and water moves around, generating global winds.
Show an image of the global air circulation patterns showing the air rising at the equator and falling further north and south where it has cooled (e.g.…)
These winds can carry rain or clear skies to different parts of the earth. Show a live interactive map of Earth’s winds across the surface:…

The air masses do not move in straight lines.
If fast moving air meets slow moving air, or if air moves over a mountain range, the air will start to make swirls and eddies - called turbulence.
Do the turbulence activity.

One more phenomenon that is vitally important for making air move from place to place.
Ask students to do the air pressure in a bottle activity and figure out how it works.
Afterwards, summarize: air moves from high pressure to low pressure, creating winds and moving rain from place to place.


This is the first of a series of Weather lessons: 1. Weather - What causes it? 2. Weather phenomena 3. Measuring weather

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Sour chemistry

Predict how sour juices are by their chemical reaction with baking soda, then use sour candy in a baking soda test. Look at taste buds.

Make the orange soda drink, using molecular models to figure out the chemical reaction.
Add baking soda to other juices, and correlate the amount of gas made with how many H atoms they contain.
Introduce the concept of something sour as something that has a lot of H atoms.
Students taste regular and sour skittles (or other candy) then predict and find out how many gas bubbles each will make with baking soda, OR add baking soda to skittles and predict which ones are the sour skittles (make the most bubbles).
End with looking at taste buds, which detect the H atoms in sour foods.


Brock: soda drink, test other juices, sour candy bubbling, then taste bud observation
Seymour: soda drink, experimenting with different juices, then sour candy bubbling

Grades taught
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Plant Dyes

Extract dyes from plants. Make red cabbage dye and vary it's colour with acid/base. Use to dye fabric or wool. Test other plants for their dye colours.

Make red cabbage dye and experiment with how it changes colour in acid or base.
Use different red cabbage colours to dye cotton strips/cotton yarn, to later use for weaving.
Discuss how many plant colours vary with acid and base (as do colours in flowers).

Reveal the dyes in other plants by crushing them on paper, and learn about First People's use of plant dyes.


Brock used red cabbage to dye wool, then found dyes in other plants.

Grades taught
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6

Foam in foods

Make meringues, find out what makes the foam in them. Make other foamy foods.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)

Make meringues.
While they are cooking find out what molecules in them make the foam (the protein in the egg whites).

Make other foamy foods:
milkshake - blow bubbles into milk to make a foam - the fat in the milk stablizes the bubbles to make the foam
gastro foam - pictured is a basil-lecithin foam

Grades taught
Gr 4
Gr 5