
Borax crystals

Students make pipe cleaner shapes, then grow borax crystals on them. Some crystals get so large that you can see the flat faces on them. They make a great ornament to hang near holiday lights.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Surroundings (grade K)
Earth and Space Science: Daily and Seasonal Changes (grade 1)
Physical Science: Properties of Objects and Materials (grade K)
Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)
  • pipe cleaners, one full length one, and half one, per student. White shows the crystals best, but you can use any colour
  • small plastic cup, or glass, for each student. It must be able to handle very hot water - they'll just melt a bit, but test before
  • borax: 3 tablespoons per student (laundry detergent section of the supermarket. It comes as a white powder in a box). Do not get borax in your mouth. Wash your hands when you are done with this activity
  • recently boiled, or very hot water, about 1 cup for each student
  • spoon for stirring borax into the water

NOTE: borax is toxic in high amounts. Do not eat (or allow pets to eat) this ornament! Best to keep in the classroom and hang up as a decoration. The borax solution that the students are handling is fine, though washing hands after the activity would be prudent.

Each student makes a shape out of the long pipe cleaner, small enough to fit in their cup without touching the bottom or sides.
Ask them to include a little hook so that their shape can hang from a half-pipe cleaner laid across the top of their cup.

When the shapes are ready, make the borax solution:
Either make it in each cup: put 3 tablespoons of borax powder in a cup, then fill the cup with recently boiled water and stir to dissolve the powder.
Alternatively, make one large batch of borax solution, and divide among cups. (3/4 cup borax in 4 cups water)
Likely not all the borax will dissolve. That is OK.

As soon as the borax solution is in a student's cup, they can lay the half-pipe cleaner across the top of the cup, then hang the pipe cleaner shape from it, so that their pipe cleaner shape dips into the borax/water solution (but does not touch the sides of the cup).

Leave the cups on a shelf where it will not be disturbed.
As the borax/water cools, box-shaped crystals of borax form on the pipe cleaner. It usually only takes an hour or so for many crystals to start forming. Leave overnight or over a weekend for best crystal growth in all cups. Often, borax crystals start to form on the side of the cup rather than the pipe cleaner - that's OK.

Once enough crystals have formed on the pipe cleaners, wash out the cup, and hang the pipe cleaner shape in the empty cup again, so that the borax crystals can dry.

The borax crystals sparkle in a bright light e.g. near holiday lights or in direct sunlight. On close inspection you can see the flat faces on the bigger crystals of borax.


It still worked with old borax that left a white suspension when dissolved in the water.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 7

Modeling Clay

Baking soda and cornstarch make a smooth, pliable white clay when cooked together.
  • 2 cups baking soda
  • 1 cup cornstarch
  • 1.5 cups cold water - I would try reducing to 1.25 cups to make a less
    sticky clay

For a class of 22 students, with half pound each of clay, and 5 portions left over, I used 2 boxes of cornstarch (each 454g) and nearly 4 boxes of baking soda (each 1kg). There was about 3.5 cups in each box, so the total was about 7 times the recipe, cooked in two batches in a large pasta pan.


Put all ingredients in a cookpot and stir until smooth.
Cook over a medium heat and stir until boiling.
Keep stiring and heating gently until it is the consistency of mashed potatoes.
Turn out onto a plate and cover with a damp, well-wrung kitchen towel to let cool.
Once cool knead until pliable.

The clay can be coloured with food colouring, or left white and
painted once it hardens.

When you have made your model, leave it to air dry - turning over every 12 hours or so.
It might take a few days to fully dry.

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2


Home made playdough is cheap and easy to make. It takes half an hour and needs a stove.
  • 2 cups flour
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 2 tablespoons cream of tartar
  • 1 cup salt
  • 2 cups water
  • food colouring

This recipe makes just over 2lb.

Mix ingredients together in a pot over medium heat.
Stir constantly as the mixture heats up.
Once it starts to make a paste, remove from the heat, keep stirring until it is all playdough consistency.
Put in a large ziplock back and knead every few minutes as it cools.
Keep sealed.

If some of the playdough dries out, just knead it into the mass again.

Double this recipe makes enough playdough for a class of 24 students, with a golf ball-sized piece of playdough each.

Grades taught
Gr 1

Electric circuits

Build circuits to show how electricity flows in a loop and can light a bulb. Optional additional activities: send morse code messages, play a steady hand game, test materials for conducting electricity, using motors.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Physical Science: Electricity (grade 6)

This lesson can be run in a structured or unstructured format.
As an introduction, or after some experimentation discuss what electricity actually is to allow students to visualize what is happening in their circuits: a flow of electrons (or tiny particles/a piece of an atom) along the wires. Students can follow their path around their circuit and through any branches that they make. Younger students may understand the analogy of water flowing through a pipe.
Some things allow electrons to move through them (conductors, like tin foil), some things don’t.

Allow students to freely experiment with home made wires and bulbs, showing the younger students exactly how to make a loop to light a bulb.
The youngest students will enjoy turning the light bulb on and off.
Or follow with a game turning the light on and off: morse code game or the steady hand game.

Or test for conducting electricity to find out which materials in the classroom do and don't conduct electricity.

Or add another component to the circuit: Motor free play.

For a lesson on energy transformation, start with free play electric circuits, then do motor free play. End with discussion and board summary of the kinds of energy transformations happening.

Attached documents
Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Electric circuit steady hand game

Make a game that needs a steady hand - try not to light the bulb or make a buzzer sound!
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Electricity (grade 6)
  • home-made wires from tin foil and masking tape, or electrical wire
  • light bulb e.g. from holiday light string OR a buzzer
  • battery - I use AA size (note a buzzer may require two)
  • optional: battery holder (recommended when two batteries are required)
  • either: rigid, bendable wire (e.g. floral wire) and aluminum foil
  • or: copper wire or steel strapping
  • masking tape
  • mini binder clips
  • cardboard or foam core to make base (or tape directly to a desk)

If using floral wire, fold one end into a triangle, push through a base or tape to a desk, then wrap it in a large piece of aluminum foil. Bend into a curvy shape. If using copper wire/steel strapping (first photo only) bend them into a curvy shape then attach one end to a desk or base.

Using tape or binder clips, attach the bulb/buzzer then the battery/batteries, from the base of the curvy piece made above.
Then from the battery, add on a longer piece of wire (home-made or purchased), which can easily reach to the top end of the curvy piece.
To the end of this long wire, clip a loop of tin foil or metal.

Test the circuit - when the small metal loop touches the curvy piece the bulb should light or the buzzer should sound. If it does not, redo the connections one by one and check each time for the bulb lighting.

To play the game:
Move the loop from the top of the curvy piece all the way down to its base without touching it. If you do touch it, you will close the circuit and the bulb will light/the buzzer will sound. How far can you go? If it is too easy, make the loop smaller, or the curvy piece more wiggly.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Electricity - morse code

Use an open circuit with a bulb to send morse code.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Electricity (grade 6)
  • a simple circuit containing a bulb and battery, either made with home made wires, wire cut from holiday lights, or purchased components (see photo).

Students make a circuit containing a bulb and a battery, but keeping it open so that they can turn the light on and off.
Give students a morse code sheet (found online), and ask them to pair up to send each other messages with morse code. Try one letter at a time to start before sending a very short message.
Discuss the skill required to send and decode morse code fast.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3

Electricity - test for conductance

Use a circuit with a bulb to test whether various materials conduct electricity
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Electricity (grade 6)
  • board to attach materials to e.g. cardboard covered in white paper and coated in wide clear tape
  • tape to attach materials to the board e.g. masking tape
  • battery (in battery holder easiest, but can have wires taped to the end of it)
  • bulb e.g. holiday light stripped out of its chain, or use a bulb in a holder
  • materials to test (e.g. nail, paper, coin, wood, plastic, key, styrofoam, pipe cleaner, electrical wire, pencil graphite), or wander the classroom with the board to test materials
  • additional lengths of wire to make the circuit larger - students can cut these themselves

Students build a circuit by taping the components to the board, initially with a battery and bulb, to test the circuit. The bulb should light when the circuit is closed (makes a loop).
Show them how to open the circuit up, so that they can place objects to test in the gap, to see if they conduct electricity (and therefore light the bulb). They may need to add an additional wire to make components reach.

Provide test materials, and also encourage students to walk around the classroom with their board, testing materials that they come across. (They may need to add in an additional wire so that their circuit can reach off the board for testing.)

Summarize together - metals conduct (that is why electrical wires are made of metal).
Plastic and styrofoam are insulators (that is why electrical wires are covered in plastic, and why we used a styrofoam base for our circuit).
Carbon also conducts.

For older students, materials conduct when they have free electrons that can move within the material to make a current.

Does water conduct? Try it. No. Why are we so concerned about electrical appliances in the bath? They are with much higher voltage, and it is only a problem if it goes across your heart.
Try other liquids, solutions of kitchen chemicals (baking soda, sugar, lemon juice, vinegar) - also see the electrolysis activity.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 7

Electric circuit to light a bulb

Make a simple circuit to light a bulb with a battery.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Electricity (grade 6)

For each student:

  • bulb e.g. 2V lamp
  • white paper (to view filament against)
  • bulb holder
  • battery holder, with wires from each terminus
  • 1.5V AA battery
  • few inches of (yellow) wire, with the ends stripped
  • two small pieces of foil
  • cardboard base to mount circuit components on
  • duct tape

See electric circuits with home-made wires and bulbs for a very similar (and better) activity.

In your house, when you flick the switch, the light comes on. We’ll make our own light come on.

Here’s your bulb. Draw the bulb on the board. White paper behind a bulb to see the wire element better. When electricity squeezes through the thin wire it makes it so hot it glows.
Screw into a bulb holder and show how it connects to the bulb connectors.

Wire one end of the battery holder to the bulb. Wire the yellow piece of wire to the other side of the bulb holder.
Add a battery. Touch the wire ends together to light the bulb. Add blobs of foil to the end of each wire to make a better connection.
Draw the circuit on the board.
Students can join their circuits in a circle to light all their bulbs at once.

Add a cardboard base for each student to make the parts stay in one place: secure the battery holder with a loop of duct tape, and tape the bulb holder to the board.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3


An exploration of bubbles: make your own bubble mix and bubble blowers, make different bubble shapes and see bubble colours. Make a bubbly snack, and see giant bubbles.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Physical Science: Properties of Objects and Materials (grade K)
Physical Science: Properties of Matter (grade 2)
Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)

Do a selection of activities, depending on the length of the lesson plan.

Start with making bubble mix and making bubble shapes.
Bubble colour good to include.

All very messy - best outdoors on a grassy area (gets slippy on concrete).

Attached documents

Students are so excited by bubbles that this is a hard class to pull off without some chaos. Outdoors is best.
Science club fall 2010 we skipped making their own bubble frame. Science club winter 2011 we skipped the bubbles colour on the plate and making the foam milkshake. Science Club spring 2013 and 2015 I skipped making a square bubble in a cube and we skipped making foamy bubbles in food.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3

Bubbles - giant bubbles

Use the "Bubble Thing" to make giant bubbles.
Students make their own large bubbles with a home made bubble frame.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Properties of Objects and Materials (grade K)
Physical Science: Properties of Matter (grade 2)
Physical Science: Light and Sound (grade 4)
Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)
  • Bubble thing/Giant bubble maker (Klutz carries it)
  • Bucket of bubble mix with glycerol in it (1/2 baby shampoo, 1/2 water, a tablespoon or two of glycerol)
  • Loop of string through two straws for home made giant bubble maker
  • Tray to dip home made bubble maker into

Giant bubbles outside as demonstration.
Students make frame from a loop of string and two straws.
Make own bubbles.
Watch the changing shape and colours in the giant bubbles.

The colours are due to the structure of the bubble skin - two layers of molecules, which separate white light into its colours.


Students did not get to make their own bubble maker - just showed them.
DI Science workshop looked at the colours in giant bubbles with a lesson on light.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5