
Clam study: the shell, the internal anatomy and how they feed

Compare different sizes of shells and learn about how shells grow.
Dissect a clam and discover that inside a familiar clam shell, often seen on the beach, there is a living animal. Identify the major body parts of a clam, and compare their function to equivalent organs in people.
See a model of filter feeding to understand better how clams eat.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Life Science: Characteristics of Living Things (grade K)
Life Science: Needs of Living Things (grade 1)
Life Science: Animal Growth and Changes (grade 2)

Activity: looking at the outside of a clam.

Activity: looking at the inside of a clam.

Activity: filter feeding model to better understand how a clam eats.

Closure Discussion:
We see empty clam shells and maybe live clams on our local beaches. This lesson shows students what was or is inside every one of those shells: a living animal with body parts similar to their own that help the clam feed, breathe and move.

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2

Clams - filter feeding model

Model of how filter feeding works. Filter feeding is a method of feeding used by clams, where water is filtered by tiny hairs to catch small food particles. This is written as a demonstration with a student helper, but multiple versions can be set up so that all students can try it.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Life Science: Needs of Living Things (grade 1)
Life Science: Animal Growth and Changes (grade 2)
  • tray of water
  • small seeds or grain to represent food particles
  • plastic cup to represent the body of the clam
  • wire or plastic mesh to represent the hairs inside the clam that trap food

Teacher or student helper adds seeds/grain to a large tray of water, to represent food particles floating in the seawater.
The teacher shows the class the mesh stuffed into the cup, representing the hairs inside the clams body.
The teacher/student helper scoops the cup through the water and food particles, representing the clam taking in water with a siphon.
The teacher/student helper pours the water out of the cup again, representing the water leaving the clam’s body by the siphon.
The teacher shows the students the seeds/grain stuck in the mesh, representing the food particles stuck in the hairs in the clams body.

More information on filter feeding for the teacher at

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2

Clam dissection (or mussel)

Students look at the inside of a real clam (or mussel). They identify major body parts of the clam, and compare them to human anatomy.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Life Science: Characteristics of Living Things (grade K)
Life Science: Needs of Living Things (grade 1)
Life Science: Animal Growth and Changes (grade 2)

Optional: precede this activity with finding clams on a beach.

The clam has a muscle that keeps the shell tightly closed. The frozen clams will open up slightly, revealing this white adductor muscle.
Cut the muscle or simply pull open the clam to look at the internal organs.
Give students a photo of the inside of a clam to help them find the parts. (Photograph of the inside of a clam web archived at:…)
Clams and humans are both animals, but they are a mollusc and we are a mammal, so we might expect that some body parts are the same and some are different.
Students find each organ in the clam. The function of each part is discussed as they find them, or after all parts are found..
Optional: use the attached worksheet to compare the clam's body parts with ours.
1. The clam SHELL protects the clam. It is its shelter. We do not carry our shelter with us.
2. The MANTLE makes the shell. We do not have a mantle, as we do not have a shell.
3. The clam FOOT helps the clam dig into the sand. We move with our FEET too.
4. The clam GILLS take oxygen from the water (like fish). We have LUNGS for taking in oxygen. (Students may need a toothpick to gently lift up the gills to see them properly).
5. One of the clam SIPHONS sucks in water. Tiny food particles in the water get stuck in tiny hairs on the gills. Then the food gets washed towards the clam's mouth inside the body. The water goes back out the other siphon. We eat with our MOUTH. (Students may need to straighten out the siphons with a toothpick to see them properly.)

Note: a mussel has similar parts, but they are arranged a little differently. See…

Video on restoration of clam gardens:

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5

Clams - looking at the shell

Students look closely at a clam shell, then compare different sized clam shells to learn about how shells grow.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Life Science: Characteristics of Living Things (grade K)
Life Science: Needs of Living Things (grade 1)
Life Science: Animal Growth and Changes (grade 2)

1. Clam for each student (if a clam dissection is to follow, use a whole clam, otherwise one shell is fine).
2. Clam shells of the same species but different sizes. Enough for every student has access to 3 sizes.


Hand each student a clam. Questions for discussion:
1. Close your eyes, and describe what you feel.
2. Is a plant or an animal? Do you know what animal it is? Where have you seen one before?
3. Point out that this clam is not alive.
4. You are an animal. Does it look like you? In what ways is it different? (This clam is a mollusc, an animal with a shell. You are a mammal).
5. What does the shell do? Discuss how the shell protects the clam from predators.

Ask students to compare their clam with the other sized empty clam shells on their desks.
Questions for discussion:
1. Which is the oldest shell and which is the youngest? How do you know?
2. Shells get larger as the animal inside them grows. The shell grows to fit the body.
3. Where is the new shell added? (on the outer edge - notice that this edge is soft).

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2

Our senses

Try various activities exploring sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.

What are our senses?
Students will usually name taste, smell, touch, seeing and hearing.
As you walk, tell them about another sense: proprioreception - the sense of knowing where your body parts are. Receptors in your muscles and tendons send signals to your brain to compute where your body is at any given moment.

First explore what it is like to be without the sense of sight.
Visual deprivation activity.

Optional: give students environments to smell, to see if they can guess what they are e.g. soil and rotting leaves from a forest floor; sand and seaweed from a beach.
Discuss how smells are complicated and are mixtures of a lot of things, and how they evoke memories.

Smell and taste work together
Jelly bean taste test activity
Discuss how smell works.

Look at taste buds on students' tongues, and discuss how taste works.

Finally, experiment further with receptors for touch:
There are many different kinds of touch receptors: touch, temperature, pain.
Touch test to find out how far apart touch receptors are.
Temperature sensing activity.

See other lesson plans for a focus on one sense: smells, eyes.


touch test not done with isas senses lesson, as activity done already previously with one student

Grades taught
Gr 5

Rocket powered by baking soda and vinegar

An adult sets off a rocket outdoors, powered by the chemical reaction of baking soda and vinegar. Students can help prepare the rocket for launch.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Stars and Planets (grade 3)
Physical Science: Properties of Matter (grade 2)
Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)
  • baking soda
  • tissue to wrap baking soda in
  • vinegar (can also do with lemon juice)
  • rocket (1L or 710ml drink bottle, with sturdy skewer or wooden stakes duct taped against the bottle) and a cork that fits tightly in the mouth of the bottle)
  • cloth for clean up
  • water to rinse out rocket
  • open site, away from trees and roofs, to set off rocket
  • sturdy flat base to stand rocket on if grass is bumpy
  • optional: molecule models - 3 red oxygen atoms, two white hydrogen atoms, one black carbon atom and 6 bonds for each student/student pair

It is a rocket powered by a chemical reaction.
Baking soda and vinegar react to make gas, which is trapped in the corked bottle. When the gas pressure is great enough to push the cork out, the rocket flies up in the air.

Pour 200ml vinegar into the bottle (if 1L; use half cup vinegar for a 710ml bottle).
Add a couple of teaspoons of baking soda to the tissue, and roll it up like a burrito, so the baking soda does not fall out and the package is narrow enough to fit through the mouth of the bottle.
Students can do these steps.

Make sure that you are away from the students, or with only a pair of students invited to come with their materials to the launch pad.
Students watch while the adult pushes the baking soda package into the bottle, corks the bottle, shakes the bottle once, then stands it up for take off.
Run away from the launch pad to a safe distance (30-50m). Even if it takes a little time, the tissue will disintegrate to mix the baking soda into the vinegar, the gas released will build up enough pressure to push the cork out, and shoot the rocket high into the air.
If you think gas is escaping more slowly (around the side of the cork, for example) and the rocket will not fly, kick it over with your foot before reaching down to take it apart (so the rocket does not go off in your face), and reset it.

A rocket nicely demonstrates Newton's 3rd Law - for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The gas and liquid shooting downwards out of the bottle (the 'action') pushes on the bottle ('reaction') sending it upwards.

For a dramatic demonstration of Newton's 2nd Law, set the bottle right-side-up for take off (with the cork pointing upwards), making sure there is a mound of gravel or something around the base of the bottle so that it will not tip over. With the same amount of baking soda and vinegar, the cork flies way higher than the bottle (be careful with set up - the cork shoots out of the bottle really fast). With the same force, the smaller mass of the cork accelerates more than the larger mass of the bottle.

With older students, model the chemical reaction that powers the rocket:
Give each student a model of HCO3 (baking soda) and H (the atom that makes vinegar acidic). We started with these in the rocket.
The baking soda and vinegar molecules react and rearrange to make two new molecules. Ask students to figure out what these molecules are, giving them the hint that one of them is water.
The products of the reaction are water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2).
Carbon dioxide is a gas, and as more and more of it is made by the chemical reaction, the gas builds up in pressure until it blows the cork out of the bottle.
Once the cork is released, the gas can escape by shooting out of the bottom of the rocket. This force propels the rocket upwards.

A rocket that goes to space acts on the same principal of action and reaction: the exhaust is expelled out of the back of the rocket, and this force is countered by a force on the rocket that propels it upwards.

Purchase molecule models online at Indigo Instruments

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Scone chemistry

Students make individual savoury scones/biscuits. While the scones are baking, students mix combinations of the ingredients together to find out which ones react to make a gas, which makes the scones rise.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Properties of Matter (grade 2)
Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)

Scone ingredients for a table group (4 students), scale as needed:

  • plastic tub to mix ingredients in
  • metal spoon (stronger than plastic) for mixing ingredients
  • labelled tubs for baking powder, baking soda and salt with their measuring spoons below
  • flour – 1 cup (students measure out from bag of flour that the teacher circulates with)
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon (students measure out from a tub of baking powder on the table)
  • baking soda – 1/4 teaspoon (students measure out from a tub of baking soda on the table)
  • salt - 1/8 teaspoon (students measure out from a tub of salt on the table)
  • melted butter - 2 tablespoons (teacher can distribute)
  • buttermilk – 1/2 cup (students measure out from the carton that the teacher circulates with)
  • oven or toaster oven to fit all scones, with baking tray
  • optional: aluminum foil square for each student and sharpie to add names to foil

Scone ingredient experimentation (a set for each table group):

  • same ingredient tubs left on the tables (baking powder, baking soda and salt)
  • coffee stir sticks to use as scoops for dry ingredients
  • additional labelled tub of flour
  • additional labelled tub of buttermilk, with scoop. Warm the buttermilk slightly, so that a chemical reaction between it and the baking soda is more evident
  • (I omit the melted butter for this experimentation)
  • squeeze bottle of water
  • ice cube or small paint tray - one for each student
  • waste pot - use used mixing tub
  • optional: worksheets, attached or modify for younger students

This activity on its own is a full lesson length.

Do you ever cook or help to cook at home? There is a lot of science in cooking - all that mixing and heating - lots of chemistry and chemical changes going on. We’ll make scones today and investigate the chemistry happening in our recipe. And then we get to eat our experiment!

Recipe for scones on the board:
1 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/8 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons melted butter
1/2 cup buttermilk
Mix into a ball, and divide into four pieces.
Bake at 400F for 15-20 mins until brown

Before starting, review or remind students how to measure accurately: take a scoop of the ingredient, then pass a finger over the top of the measure so that the ingredient fills the spoon but is not overflowing.

Students take turns to add the dry ingredients (baking powder, baking soda, salt) from the tubs on the table. The teacher circulates with a bag of flour and cup measure for this ingredient. Mix all dry ingredients together with the spoon.
Then the teacher circulates to add, or help add, the wet ingredients (melted butter and buttermilk).
Students mix all ingredients with the spoon, then use their hands to shape the batter into 4 scones.
Put on the baking tray, or on pieces of foil with the students' names.
Bake in the oven, keeping watch after 15 mins, and remove when the scones are browned on the top.

While the scones are baking, test for why the scones rise:
Tell students that in the oven some of these ingredients chemically react to make a gas. The gas bubbles push the scone up to make it rise, and make it light and fluffy.
To figure out which ingredients make a gas, mix different combinations of ingredients together in the wells of the paint tray. Mix any combination you like from flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and buttermilk, using the coffee stir sticks to scoop the dry ingredients and mix ingredients together. Use a new scoop each time, so that the ingredients do not get contaminated with each other. (We will not use the melted butter as it is messy, and it does not make a gas.) If you only choose dry ingredients, add a little water, to allow proper mixing, and to mimic the wet environment of the biscuit batter.

Optional, but recommended: students to fill out the worksheet so they can remember which combinations made the gas. Younger students can draw what they find.
If students are mixing many ingredients together each time, prompt them to only mix two ingredients, so that they can figure out the minimal ingredients are needed to make gas.

Results should show these results with the fewest ingredients: the baking powder and water makes gas; the (warmed) buttermilk and baking soda make a gas (though slower in making bubbles and less obvious).

If time with older students: the chemical reaction happening can be shown with molecule modeals (see resource for purchase of molecule models).
H (loose hydrogen atom, present in sour things) + HCO3 (baking soda) ---> H2O (water) + CO2 (carbon dioxide gas)

Hand out their scones.
Before they eat it, ask students to break their scone open, and look for the empty spaces, where the bubbles of gas were. The gas made by the ingredients mixing made bubbles, which got stuck in the dough and pushed it up to make it rise in the oven. Then the scone baked around them.


Can test other sour ingredients (ketchup, vinegar, orange juice) with baking soda and find out which ones make bubbles.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5

Wood bug classroom habitat

With knowledge of what wood bugs like to eat and where they like to live, students set up a wood bug habitat to take care of.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Life Science: Characteristics of Living Things (grade K)
Life Science: Needs of Living Things (grade 1)
Life Science: Animal Growth and Changes (grade 2)
  • clear sided container (e.g. salad container) with small holes punched in the lid (for habitat)
  • sand, enough to cover each habitat to a depth of about 1cm
  • water to dampen sand, ideally water from a puddle or pond. If tap water is used, leave it to sit for a few days to allow chlorine to dissipate
  • rotten wood chunks, one per table group (e.g. cedar) to fit in habitat
  • wood bugs, enough for at least 5 per habitat, the more the better
  • partway composted leaves, a few per habitat
  • soft-haired paintbrushes for older students or adults, to move wood bugs if necessary

Show a real wood bug. Ask if students have seen them before in parks or gardens.
Ask what are the needs of an animal to stay alive? (food, water, shelter). Wood bugs have these needs too.
Class discussion of the needs of wood bugs (food, water and shelter), including where they like to hide, and what they like to eat. This discussion can be based on experiments done in class (see other activities in the lesson plan), and/or by a walk outdoors to find and observe wood bugs in their natural environment (wood bugs are easily found in the fall or spring under logs and rocks in gardens and forests).
Discussion ideas:
Wood bugs’ food is mostly rotting vegetation, so wood bugs are often found in the upper layer of a compost heap. Wood bugs are decomposers and eat dead plants (as well as some live ones). Decomposers are a crucial part of the cycle of life on earth.
Wood bugs need water to drink, as do all living things. They also need water in the air from which they obtain their oxygen (they do not breathe oxygen gas as we do). Wood bugs evolved from, and are closely related to, shrimp-like marine organisms. (The first woodlice were marine isopods which are thought to have colonised land in the Carboniferous period.) Like the ocean animals they are related to, they have gills - using them to extract oxygen from water. Because of this, they always need to be in a moist environment, and will die fast if they dry out.
For shelter, wood bugs like to live in moist dark places, such as under paving stones, rocks and chunks of rotting wood.
See reference for more information and different kinds of wood bugs: I believe I collected wood bugs from these three families: Oniscidae, Porcellionidae and Armadillidiidae (pill bugs, which roll into a ball).

Students build and maintain a habitat that satisfies the needs of wood bugs:
A layer of damp sand will keep the environment moist. Keep the sand damp (but not soggy - it is easy to make it too wet). Sprinkle drying sand with dechlorinated water (tap water let to sit for a couple of days).
A chunk of rotting wood provides shelter, as well as some food.
Food is vegetables (they love potato), also fresh leaves such as lettuce, and optionally some partway rotted leaves. Remove any food that becomes mouldy.
Store the habitat in the coolest area of the classroom.
Add wood bugs to the habitat from a walk, previous experiments, or from a collection made by the teacher in advance.

Students continue to take care of their wood bugs. If there are no small holes or gaps around the lid, take it off periodically to make sure there is enough oxygen in the container. Remove any food that mould grows on. The habitat needs to be moist but not soggy. A habitat can be kept for just a week, or several weeks. If kept for several weeks, babies may be born in the habitat. Do not pick up the wood bugs with fingers as they are very delicate. Use a paintbrush if you need to move them around.

After a week, look for evidence of the wood bugs eating (food with nibbles out of it), excreting (brown spots of faeces under the wood), growing (a shedded exoskeleton), having babies (new baby wood bugs; the eggs are too small to see with the naked eye).

When the habitat is ready to be dismantled (usually after a couple of weeks, maybe a month if the classroom is cool), they need to put back where they came from (choose a non-frosty day - spring and fall are when wood bugs are not hibernating, so the best time). Could be combined with a decomposer hunt activity.
Students use a paintbrush to flick the wood bugs from their habitat into a garden or sheltered spot.


When wetting dry sand, be careful not to add too much water, by sprinkling water over the sand. It takes time for the water to soak through all the sand, and it is easy to add too much water.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3

Wood bugs: what do they like to eat?

Students each have a live wood bug and test what kind of food they like best: fresh leaves, or composted leaves. The students add their results to a group graph. The results can be used to feed wood bugs kept in class.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Life Science: Characteristics of Living Things (grade K)
Life Science: Needs of Living Things (grade 1)
Life Science: Animal Growth and Changes (grade 2)
  • wood bugs, enough for one per student (in a lesson, use the one from the wood bug observation)
  • large petri dishes, or similar flat clear containers with lids, one per student
  • fresh salad leaves
  • partway composted leaves e.g. forest floor litter
  • optional: potato slice (wood bugs seem to love it!)
  • stickies - 1 per student for recording food choice
  • pencil for each student
  • class chart for recording wood bugs' food preferences

Note: I am not doing this activity much any more - it is not good science.
The wood bugs in the food-choice dishes are too unsettled to actually be choosing the best food to eat.
Make a discussion instead about the role of wood bugs (vegetarians) and other decomposers - add these foods to the habitat and look for evidence of any of them being eaten.

Set-up prior to experiment: a large petri dish with fresh leaves, composted/rotten leaves (freeze lettuce for an hour to speed up decomposition) and potato slices. One dish per table group works well.
Wood bugs, one per student in closed containers kept moist with a layer of wet tissue.

Students tap their wood bug into the petri dish with the food choices, and put on the lid. Adults can help by gently pushing the wood bug with a paintbrush if necessary. Cover so that it is dark inside, and leave for a while.

Class discussion or another wood bug activity while the wood bugs to adjust to their new environment. Ideas to discuss: Talk about how different animals eat different things.
Optional prediction: students are asked to predict whether wood bugs would prefer the fresh salad leaves or the partway rotten leaves. For younger age groups, it is best if predictions are done anonymously: ask students to close their eyes, and vote by raising their hand. Class predictions are recorded on the board. A second vote of what the students might like to eat for their own dinner given the same choices lightens up the heaviness of predicting at this age, and gives some thought to how different animals might have different food preferences. (Note: I would recommend skipping this prediction step if the students have not already done a lot of hands-on science with careful observation and recording already. Accurately seeing and recording scientific phenomena is the first step to be mastered, before adding the complexity of thinking ahead and predicting).

At their desks, students are given a sticky note for each wood bug, then they can open the dishes. They look where each wood bug is found when they first open the dish (they are likely still moving around), and write each wood bug location on its own sticky note. Students may need help finding the last wood bugs if they are hidden under leaves.

Each student adds their sticky note to a class bar chart, above the correct food choice column. There is much variability in what food the wood bugs are found on (realistically because the wood bugs are more interested in escaping this foreign environment rather than choosing what food to eat).

The results of this activity can dictate what food to add to a classroom wood bug habitat. Even if no wood bugs were on potato, make sure that some is added to the habitat (wood bugs seem to potato it a lot).


The food choice can more simply be given in the habitats once they are set up. Students give wood bugs food choices and observe what they like to eat over time.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5

Wood bugs: close observation

Students closely observe wood bugs and their body parts, and learn about their life as a crustacean on land.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Life Science: Characteristics of Living Things (grade K)
Life Science: Needs of Living Things (grade 1)
Life Science: Animal Growth and Changes (grade 2)
  • wood bugs, one per student
  • either: small petri dish lined with dampened paper towel for each wood bug, and a magnifier, for each student
  • or: box magnifiers lined with dampened paper towel for each wood bug, for each student

Set-up prior to experiment: a box magnifier or small clear dish, the bottom lined with damp tissue and containing a live wood bug, for each student.
For biomes lesson, keep wood bugs in their habitat, and provide magnifiers.

If using them, show students how to use magnifiers.

Keeping the wood bug sealed in the container, students look at them closely, and draw what they see (not what they think they should see). Sometimes they will see a feature that they don't know what it is, but that is OK.
Class discussion, led by what students notice. Points to include: colour, body parts of wood bugs, and how each of these might help the wood bugs survive.

Wood bug information:
They are a colour that makes them well camouflaged in the dark brown and grey places they are often found. Wood bugs have 14 legs - they are crustaceans. Wood bugs have antennae for feeling around and smelling. They have an exoskeleton to protect them, which is segmented. Only some wood bug species are able to roll into a ball. Wood bugs are closely related to (and evolved from) ocean-living crustaceans such as shrimp (thought to have colonised land in the Carboniferous period). Like the ocean animals they are related to, they have gills - using them to extract oxygen from water (the gills are the flat white structures underneath near the tail). Because of this, they always need to be in a moist environment, and will die fast if they dry out. They are decomposers, an important animal in food chains, eating dead plant and animal matter and turning it into soil.
More info:
Video about pillbug evolution from ocean crustaceans: also at

Sometimes the eggs under the female can even be seen.

For my lessons, I believe I found wood bugs from these three families: Armadillidiidae (pill bugs, which roll into a ball), Oniscidae and Porcellionidae. Reference: General information on wood bugs, including photos.

Wood bug images (including babies) in this article:
Wood bug moulting images:…

wood bug: a familiar animal with 14 legs and a hard exoskeleton; a crustacean that lives on land
crustacean: a large group of animals, segmented with an exoskeleton, mostly aquatic (e.g. shrimp, crab)
exoskeleton: an outer protective shell, found on animals that do not have bones
antennae: feelers at the front of the body, used for feeling and smelling surroundings
habitat: a place for a living thing to live

Attached documents
Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5