
Wood bugs: investigate their needs to make a habitat

Students find out the needs of wood bugs through experimenting and discussion: what kind of shelter they like and what they like to eat. With this knowledge, they set up a wood bug habitat to take care of.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Life Science: Characteristics of Living Things (grade K)
Life Science: Needs of Living Things (grade 1)
Life Science: Animal Growth and Changes (grade 2)
Life Science: Habitats and Communities (grade 4)

Before the lesson, place wood bugs in the habitats for the Where do wood bugs like to live? activity. Also place a wood bug in a dish for each student for the close observation activity.

If doing three activities (1.25hr lesson, best for grade 1s and up), skip 'What do wood bugs like to eat' activity, and discussion only on their food:
Show a real wood bug, with discussion of whether students have seen them before, and the different names they have. There are many different species of wood bugs, living all over the world.
Tell students that they will be keeping wood bugs in their classroom, so they need to know what kind of habitat they need. Direct students to their table groups for Where do wood bugs like to live?. Remove parts of the habitat not needed (rock).
Show students how to use magnifiers, before distributing wood bugs to each student for the looking closely at wood bugs activity. Relate their body parts to how they live and eat.
Ask students where they have seen wood bugs, and reiterate where they like to live and what they eat (rotting plant matter, as well as young fresh leaves if they can find them).
Ask students to tip the wood bug they have been observing into the habitat, while adding appropriate food to the habitat.

If doing two activities (about an hour lesson; best format for Ks), do the close observation of wood bugs and draw them, before putting them in one classroom habitat:
Show a real wood bug, with discussion of whether students have seen them before, and the different names they have. There are many different species of wood bugs, living all over the world.
Tell students that they will be looking closely at wood bugs and drawing them.
Show students how to use magnifiers, before distributing wood bugs to each student for the looking closely at wood bugs activity. Relate their body parts to how they live and eat.
Ask students where they have seen wood bugs, and reiterate where they like to live (in damp, dark places) and what they eat (rotting plant matter, as well as young fresh leaves if they can find them).
Ask students to tip the wood bug they have been observing into the classroom habitat, and add food and more wood bugs to the habitat.

If doing all four activities (at least a 1.5hr lesson):
Show a real wood bug, with discussion of whether students have seen them before, and the different names they have. There are many different species of wood bugs, living all over the world.
Show students how to use magnifiers, before distributing wood bugs to each student for the looking closely at wood bugs activity. Relate their body parts to how they live. At the end of the activity ask students to tip their wood bugs into the food choice dishes (for the What do wood bugs like to eat? activity). Cover the food choice dishes to make them dark, and leave undisturbed for the next little while.
Tell students that they will be keeping wood bugs in their classroom, so they need to know what kind of habitat they need. Do the Where do wood bugs like to live? activity. Ask students where they have seen wood bugs, and reinforce that wood bugs like dark, damp places.
Then return to the food choice dishes for the What do wood bugs like to eat? activity. Add the appropriate food to the habitats.
Review lesson: we experimented with wood bugs to find out their needs. We found out what kind of shelter they like, and we found out what kind of food they prefer. Then we made them habitats to satisfy these needs. You are now their guardians and can take care of them, before we release them outside.

For an outdoor lesson:
Go outside on a wood bug hunt to find out where wood bugs like to live - make sure to include on your list under rotting wood, and in damp places. Collect wood bugs to Look at closely then set up a habitat. Add appropriate shelter (e.g. rotting wood) and food (moist leaves), given what is known about wood bugs and where they were found.

Attached documents

Variable results with the preferred food (sometimes more fresh, sometimes more rotten, sometimes even). This is not good science - the wood bugs are so freaked out they cannot choose a food to eat (probably finding the best object to hide under.)

For one Science Club, I changed the habitat testing: half the tray had sand and half did not. A piece of wood lay across both halves. All the wood bugs in the class were on the wood - not on the sand or the plastic. Could not conclude to put sand over the whole tray. Better to return to the rock and wood on sand.
Have left the rock in for a well-behaved grade 2/3 class and the wood bugs are fine.

Other experiments to determine other preferences are possible e.g. see the activity Wood bugs - what do they like to eat, included in the lesson plan on wood bugs. Book reference for other ideas: Kneidel, Sally. 1993. Creepy Crawlies and the Scientific Method. Fulcrum Publishing. p. 17-25. Please note that as wood bugs are complex living things that need a while to settle in changed environments, it is tricky to find experiments that are both quick and that lead to reasonable conclusions. For example, in my experience testing the light/dark and dry/moist preferences of wood bugs takes longer than many references suggest, and is just not practical for a classroom activity.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5

Wood bugs: where do they like to live?

Set up simple habitats in the classroom with various places for wood bugs to hide, or hunt for wood bugs outside, to determine where they like to live. Students document the most frequent hiding places and deduce where wood bugs prefer to live.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Life Science: Characteristics of Living Things (grade K)
Life Science: Needs of Living Things (grade 1)
Life Science: Animal Growth and Changes (grade 2)
Life Science: Habitats and Communities (grade 4)

For outdoor activity:

  • season that wood bugs are abundant i.e. early fall and spring/early summer (not cold, but not too hot, and moist)
  • area to explore with dead leaves, logs, sheltered spots at the base of buildings
  • worksheet to record where wood bugs are found (attached)

For classroom activity:

  • clear sided containers (e.g. salad container) with small holes punched in the lid (for habitat). Ideally one per table group, or one per student with small classes
  • sand, enough to cover each habitat to a depth of about 1cm
  • water to dampen sand. Ideally use water from a puddle or pond. If tap water is used, leave it to sit for a few days to allow chlorine to dissipate
  • rotten wood chunks that are damp, one per habitat box (e.g. cedar or other wood that wood bugs are found under) to fit in habitat
  • small rocks, one per habitat
  • wood bugs, enough for at least 3 per habitat. Add to box early in the day to settle
  • stickies - 1 per wood bug for habitat choice graph (stick on box lid for start of lesson)
  • pencil for each student (on box lid)
  • class chart with enough spaces for all boxed wood bugs

For outdoor wood bug habitat hunt:
Students to look for wood bugs, and record where they find them and the conditions (damp/dry, light/dark, warm/cool).
From their data, conclude where wood bugs like to live, and what conditions provide an ideal habitat for them.

For indoor classroom activity:
Set-up prior to experiment: at least one hour before students come into class, set up a habitat on each table group. Each habitat is a clear container with a layer of damp sand on the bottom, a chunk of rotten wood, a rock and five or so wood bugs.
For the lesson, provide each table group with a number of sticky notes corresponding to the number of wood bugs in their habitat. At their desks, each group counts how many of their their wood bugs are under the wood, how many are under the rock and how many are out on the open sand - they will need to gently lift the items to find all the wood bugs.
Students record their results by using one stickie per wood bug, and writing where they are on it (sand/wood/rock). Each group adds their sticky notes to form the columns of a class bar chart.

A classroom discussion with the bar chart determines where the wood bugs most like to live. Usually the wood is preferred over the rock. Why? The wood is a shelter for the wood bugs - it is a dark hiding place. The wood is also a little moist, so keeps the wood bugs damp. (Wood bugs get oxygen from water with their gills - they don't have lungs - so they always need to stay in damp places to survive. They evolved from animals that lived in the ocean, and have retained their gills unlike many other land animals.) In addition, the wood bugs might like to eat the wood.
Wood bugs are also often found on the sand, or maybe burrowed into it. The sand is damp, which they prefer.
Usually the wood bugs are not found under the dry rock, though sometimes they are.

Then ask students to modify the habitats to make them the best for the wood bugs - the rocks can be removed if wood bugs were not found under them, or left if they were. If a lot of wood bugs were found under the wood, add more wood pieces to each habitat. Whatever the results, the sand should be kept in the habitat as it will keep the environment damp.

Conclude that we have given the wood bugs a shelter that serves their needs. If the wood bugs are to be kept in the classroom, they will need food as well - either conduct an activity to determine what wood bugs like to eat, or alternatively, after discussion that wood bugs eat dead plant matter add some wilted lettuce or potato to the habitat.


Tricky for kindergarteners to record where 3 wood bugs are in their habitat and report back to class.

I have had very variable results with this activity - if the wood bugs have been recently disturbed, the wood bugs just want to hide and do not care much where, so make sure they have time to settle. It is best if after this activity, wood bugs do have a piece of wood in their habitat, as they eat it as well as hide under it. So if only one or two wood bugs are under the wood, do include the wood in all habitats.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5

What lives in our local park or garden?

In a local outdoor space, find familiar and not so familiar plants and animals in the earth and/or water. Investigate them further to learn new things about them.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Life Science: Needs of Living Things (grade 1)
Life Science: Animal Growth and Changes (grade 2)
Life Science: Plant Growth and Changes (grade 3)
Life Science: Habitats and Communities (grade 4)
  • outdoor space with rich life
  • materials in the chosen activities

Once the local area has been chosen, choose activities that explore the animals/plants in that area more deeply.
The activities listed are the ones I have tried - many more can be used for this lesson on local life.

The pond dipping and stream chemistry activities can be run at a lake or stream. The pond dipping finds the living things, then stream chemistry investigates the chemistry of the stream that supports that life.

The nurse log study needs a forested area.

Native plant bingo can be adapted for any area with native plants.

Wood bugs and soil animals can be found and then studied more deeply in a variety of habitats, from gardens to forests.


Eton Arrowsmith tacked a chicken observation onto this lesson.

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 7

Looking closely at living and non-living things

Students are shown how to look closely using their eyes, a magnifer and, if possible, a microscope.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Life Science: Characteristics of Living Things (grade K)
Life Science: Needs of Living Things (grade 1)

Careful observation is a simple but important skill of a scientist.

Two lesson formats used so far:

1. Start with habitat survey outside on the school grounds.
Students choose items to bring back to the classroom at look at more closely with Magnifers and Microscopes. (If they are live they need to be cared for, then returned to where they were found.)
Conclude that careful observation is the first step to understanding more about our world and the living things in it.

2. Set up Magnifers and Microscopes outdoors. Show students how to use them if necessary.
Ask students to find anything that interests them.
They can look at an object closely with a magnifier, then look at it more closely with a microscope.
End with an outdoor game: magnified images hunt.


Weir did #1 lesson.
Science Club did #2 lesson.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2

Nurse Log Study

Students document the living things on a nurse log. Write them into a food web.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Life Science: Needs of Living Things (grade 1)
  • nurse log

    Nurse logs are formed when a tree falls over, or from the stump of a tree that was felled, and provide an environment for other things to grow. As the log decomposes it provides food and a habitat for many animals and plants. In coniferous forests (e.g. Pacific Northwest Coast) rotting logs provide many of the nutrients of the forest floor.

    Some of the photos above show nurse logs that have decomposed completely, leaving only the shape of the roots of the trees that grew on it.
    For this activity, find a nurse log that has some of its stump remaining.

    Ask students to draw the nurse log, and anything they see growing out of it, or any evidence of life living on it. They can shade in the nurse log (to highlight how much is consumed by the new trees). Examples of living things they might find on a nurse log: hemlock and douglas fir saplings, small huckleberry bush, sword fern or other ferns, lichen, spider webs, bird poop, insects, holes made by insects and birds.
    Ask students to smell the wood - the mushroomy smell is fungus growing through the log.

    Group discussion of what everyone found, and students can add more items to their drawings, and label anything they did not know the name of.

    Use a large sheet of paper or a board, and write "nurse log" at the bottom. This will be the start of a food web. Add in the other names of living things found, with arrows to show who eats who e.g. nurse log eaten by insects, plants, fungi and lichen; insects eaten by spiders and birds; spiders eaten by birds.

    More information on nurse logs and how they help seedlings survive:

    Grades taught
    Gr 1
    Gr 2
    Gr 3

    Magnifiers and Microscopes

    Students use magnifiers and microscopes to look closely at living things and inanimate objects. They are asked to find details that they did not see without magnification. Careful observation is the first step to understanding more about our world and the living things in it.
    Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
    Life Science: Characteristics of Living Things (grade K)
    Life Science: Animal Growth and Changes (grade 2)
    Life Science: Plant Growth and Changes (grade 3)
    Life Science: Diversity of Life (grade 6)
    • collecting boxes or tubs for specimens
    • good quality magnifiers (see resource)
    • dissecting microscope(s) if available
    • transmission microscope(s) if available, slides and cover slips
    • scanning electron microscope images of common living things
    • things to look at - see ideas below

    Students can collect their own items to look at and/or teachers can provide objects.

    Ideas of things to look at:
    Your own skin, fingerprint, hair, nails.
    Man-made items such as fabrics with different weave densities, paper with different texture and colour printing (to see the individual coloured dots).
    Natural organic items such as fur, wood, feathers and seeds.
    Natural inorganic items such as crystals (including salt) and rocks with different mineral colours in them.
    Living samples such as pond water or soil containing small animals.

    A microscope can be set up in the classroom, or outside if power can be run outside.
    If any collected specimens are animals, students should ask an adult to help them put it in a collecting with some dirt and/or leaves, and return it to the same place after class.

    A sequential magnification of specimens, from looking closely with the naked eye, to looking with a magnifier, to looking with a microscope, give a good sense of what is being looked at. What can you see with the magnifiers that you were not able to see with your naked eye? What were you able to see with the microscope that you were not able to see with the magnifier? It also creates a wonderful zoom into the details upon details in objects - there is so much going on that we don't usually see, and understanding the structure in more detail can help us understand function.

    Proper use of magnifiers
    Great for younger students.
    Hold the magnifier 5-8cm from one eye, and look through it. Hold a finger on the other side of the magnifier, 5-10cm away from it. Then move the finger slightly until it is large and clear (in focus). Students should be able to easily see their fingerprint. The key point is not to have either your eye, or the object being viewed, touching the magnifier.
    Use the same method to look at specimens. Sometimes, instead of moving the specimen closer to the lens, it will be easier to move your eye and magnifer (keeping them apart) towards the specimen.
    (See the Open Door Website at The curved glass makes things look bigger. Ask students to make a drawing of their living thing, showing the details that they can now see with the magnifier that they could not see with the naked eye.

    Proper use of stereo (dissecting) microscopes
    Good for primaries and up.
    Place an object on the stage, and while watching from the side, turn the focus knob to bring the lens as close to the object as possible without touching it. While looking through the ocular lenses on top, slowly focus up until the object is in focus. The stereo microscope magnifies 20 to 40 times, so bridges the gap between the visible and microscopic.

    Proper use of transmission (compound) microscopes
    Best for intermediate and older students.
    The transmission microscope magnifies 40 to 400 times, and can be used to look at small details invisible to the naked eye. The light comes from underneath so the sample must be thin enough for light to pass through, and for the lens to move over. The sample can be mounted on a slide, or simply placed under the lens if it is flat enough to fit. To prepare a slide, place the specimen on the slide and add a small drop of water if necessary. If needed, arrange the specimen with a toothpick. Lay over the cover slip, by lowering from one side. First view the slide at the lowest power (40X), by starting with the objective lens at its lowest point and moving it upwards with the coarse focus knob, until the sample is in focus. Then the higher power lenses can be used in sequence, adjusting the focus using only the fine focus knob.

    More detail on microscope use and specimen ideas:
    Levine, Shar and Johnstone, Leslie. 1996. The microscope book. Sterling Publishing Company

    Further magnification in scanning electron microscope images
    Show images of familiar living things magnified even further:
    scanning electron microscope images at:
    Scharf, David. 1977. Magnifications. Publisher Schocken
    Breger, Dee. 1995. Journeys in Microspace. Columbia University Press
    or a google image search of "scanning electron microscope images"


    Pond dipping is a good companion activity.

    Bacteria can be seen around a rotting bean - see Sourcebook of Biological Sciences for set up.…

    Grades taught
    Gr K
    Gr 1
    Gr 2
    Gr 3
    Gr 4
    Gr 5
    Gr 6
    Gr 7

    Body structure molecules

    Students explore their own body to find different textures and colours and learn about the molecules that make them up.
    Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
    Life Science: Characteristics of Living Things (grade K)
    Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)
    • flashlight
    • mirror

    You are made up of molecules that come in many different shapes, sizes and colors.
    Explore your body, inside and outside, and find different kinds of molecules that make up you.

    Some of your molecules are stiff and stack like bricks. They make hard structures like nails. Knock your head to find another hard molecule structure in you. What other hard molecule structures can you find on and in yourself?

    Some of your molecules are springy. Springy molecules make elastic structures like your skin. Compare how elastic your skin is with other people's: pinch the skin on your knuckle, then see how long it takes to fall back into place.
    In old people, the molecules are no longer as elastic as they used to be, so the skin takes longer to fall back. What other elastic molecule structures can you find on or in your body?

    Your blood contains molecules that are red. You can see your red molecules by holding your fingers together and covering the end of the flashlight. Now find molecules on or in your body that are white. The mirror will help you find some of them. What about molecules that are brown? Do you have other colored molecules on or in your body?

    Find molecule structures in you that are slimy and ones that are watery.

    What other textures and colors can you find on yourself? They are all made of molecules.

    Your molecules don't just make the textures and colors of your body. Your molecules also let you move, digest food or sing a song. Think of all the things your body can do. It is your molecules that do it!

    Attached documents

    Tested with adults and children of all ages in family groups.

    Grades taught
    Gr K
    Gr 1
    Gr 2
    Gr 3
    Gr 4
    Gr 5
    Gr 6
    Gr 7

    Water filter molecules

    Dye is added to a few grains from a home water filter. After a minute of shaking the water is clear as the dye molecules stick to the filter grains. In a home water filter, the same process removes calcium, magnesium, chlorine, lead and copper from drinking water.
    Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
    Earth and Space Science: Air, Water and Soil (grade 2)
    Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)
    • microcentrifuge tubes
    • dropper bottle with methylene blue dye, diluted to 0.0075ml in 100ml water
    • water filter grains (from inside a home water filter)
    • 15 sec timer or stopwatch
    • dropper
    • scoop
    • tape
    • pencil

    Do you have a water filter at home, school or work? Lots of people drink filtered water. How does a filter work? Do an experiment to find out.

    Take a scoop of grains from the water filter. This is a Brita filter, used in many home water filters. What do the filter grains look like?
    Put a full scoop of the filter grains in a tube. Add blue dye to fill the tube halfway. Snap the tube closed.
    Half fill a new tube with blue dye only. Close the tube. This is your standard. Later you will compare it to the tube containing filter grains.
    Start the timer. Shake both tubes hard until the timer is done. Compare the two tubes.
    What have the filter grains done to the dye? Where has the dye gone?

    How do the filter grains work?
    The dye molecules stick to the filter grains: Look at the round beads in your experiment. You may be able to see the blue dye stuck to them.

    What happens in a home water filter?
    In our home water filters, the filter grains remove unwanted atoms from tap water. Like the dye in your experiment, the atoms stick to the filter grains:
    Calcium and magnesium are natural, harmless atoms in water, but they cause blockage in pipes.
    Chlorine is added to drinking water to kill harmful bacteria. Some people don't like its taste.
    Lead and copper leach from old pipes and are toxic in large amounts.
    Although you could see the dye in your experiment, you can't see these atoms in tap water — they are too small and are not colored like the dye.

    How much dye can the filter grains remove?
    Open your tube containing filter grains and water. Use a dropper to suck the water from above the filter grains. Squirt the water into the trash. Add more dye to the grains. Start the timer and shake the tube again. Do the grains remove these dye molecules as well?

    The filter grains in your experiment should have removed more dye molecules from the water. The round beads should have more blue dye stuck to them. In the same way, the filter grains in home water filters can be used over and over to remove unwanted atoms from the drinking water. Eventually the filter grains get full and cannot remove any more atoms. Then you need to replace the filter with a new one.

    1. How many filter grains do you need to remove all the dye molecules? Find out by adding different amounts of grains to different tubes. Make sure you add the same amount of dye to each tube. Make sure you shake all the tubes for the same amount of time.
    2. How long do you need to shake to remove all the dye? Try shaking different tubes for different times. Make sure the only thing that is different between the tubes is the shaking time — put the same amount of grains and dye in each tube.
    3. Try your own experiments. Remember to change only one thing at a time, so you know why you see a difference between tubes.

    Attached documents

    Tested with adults and children of all ages in family groups.

    Grades taught
    Gr K
    Gr 1
    Gr 2
    Gr 3
    Gr 4
    Gr 5
    Gr 6
    Gr 7

    Sour food chemistry

    Compare foods, some that are sour with two different tests: a pH indicator (purchased or home made), or by adding baking soda to look for gas bubble production.
    Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
    Life Science: Human Body (grade 5)
    Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)
    • white tray with wells e.g. ice cube or paint tray
      For pH test:
    • test liquids: orange juice (pulp free), milk, lemon juice, vinegar, water (could also try yogurt). best if the liquids are not identified before the test
    • indicator dye: red cabbage dye or a purchased indicator dye (those that differentiate between pH 2, 4 and 6 are best)
      For baking soda test:
    • candies, sour and regular
    • baking soda, a small scoop and water

    What is it that makes some foods taste so sour?
    Foods are sour when they have a high concentration of loose hydrogen atoms. (Atoms are tiny particles that make up us and everything we see around us. Atoms link together to make molecules.) Do an experiment to predict how sour some foods are without tasting them.

    Indicator dye:
    Add unknown liquids to wells of the tray.
    Add the indicator dye, and look at the colour change. (With red cabbage dye, high concentration of hydrogen atoms turns the dye pink; low concentration of hydrogen atoms leaves it purple, and medium concentration of hydrogen atoms turns it pinky-purple. With commercial pHydrion pH 1-10 indicator dye, high concentration of loose hydrogen atoms turn the dye orange; medium concentration of hydrogen atoms turn the dye yellow; low concentration of hydrogen atoms turn the dye green. )

    The liquid with a high concentration of loose hydrogen atoms is the most sour.
    The food with a low concentration of loose hydrogen atoms is the least sour.
    By looking at the color of the dye, predict which liquid is the least sour and most sour.
    Taste the liquids to check. (Sometimes sugar is added to foods to offset the sour taste, so they may not taste as sour as predicted e.g. lemonade).

    Baking soda bubbles:
    Add a small scoop of baking soda to a well of the tray. Add water and mix together.
    Drop a candy into the baking soda solution.
    Bubbles will indicate that the candy has a sour coating, as the baking soda and the H atoms of the coating undergo a chemical reaction, making bubbles of carbon dioxide: HCO3 + H -> CO2 + H2O

    Why foods taste sour:
    In each case the loose hydrogen atoms interact with receptors on your tongue, and depending on their concentration your brain perceives the food as sour or not.


    Other foods to add: buttermilk, orange juice (though colour may mess it up).

    Grades taught
    Gr K
    Gr 1
    Gr 2
    Gr 3
    Gr 4
    Gr 5
    Gr 6
    Gr 7

    Visual deprivation walk

    Students are walked into familiar neighbourhood stores with a blindfold on, to experience how their other senses can figure out their location.
    • two or more students
    • blindfold
    • strip of stores that students are familiar with

    Walk students to the middle of a strip of stores.
    Then blindfold one of them, spin them around so that they do not know which direction they are facing in, then ask the other students to lead them into a store that they are familiar with. (Teach the leaders how to allow the blind student lead, rather than pulling them along at a pace that is not comfortable.)
    Ask the blindfolded student to state what they smell, hear, touch etc, until they can name the store they are in.
    If the student guesses where they are quickly, they can be given the extra challenge of finding a specific location or product in the store.

    (Ideas for stores with good smells: pizza place, herb/aromatics shop, coffee shop, plant store, pet store.)

    Once the blindfold is off, discuss how our other senses become heightened to compensate for the loss of sight.

    Discuss how other animals use their senses of smell and hearing more than humans do.

    Discuss how blind people must navigate with their other senses.
    Some interesting facts about how blind people sense their surroundings:
    Some blind people use echolocation, by clicking their tongues and listening for the echo back to find out where objects are (just like bats or marine animals). Some blind people can so precisely tell where objects are using echolocation that they can use this method for mountain biking or basketball. (Experts in blind echolocation can even listen to a recording of tongue clicks echoing, and state what objects were there when the recording was made!)
    Brain scans (with functional MRI technology) of blind people using other senses (touch, sound) show that the information from these other senses goes to their visual cortex (just like the visual information in a sighed person). So their brains constructs a visual map of what they "see" using their other senses.


    Related activity, with sound also removed, to try and return to a spot, either after a random walk, or a prescribed walk:

    In classroom modification:
    Students lay out a string in the classroom, around chairs etc. Blind-folded student follows it and guesses where the end is.

    Grades taught
    Gr 4
    Gr 5