
Friction challenge: move the teacher

Students use their knowledge of friction and how to reduce it to move the teacher sitting on a board on a carpet.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Force and Motion (grade 1)
Physical Science: Forces and Simple Machines (grade 5)
  • Large board for teacher to sit on
  • Floor space, ideally with different surfaces to use e.g. carpet and tile
  • marbles, rollers or something that can go under the board and roll
  • ice cubes

Challenge: move your teacher on the board only by changing the friction
Students stand around the teacher sitting on a board in the middle of the carpet.
Can a student push the teacher on the board? No - too much friction between the board and the carpet.
Ask for ideas for making the friction less so that we can push the teacher. Try each idea at a time to see how they affect the friction.
Ideas that may come up:
Use a greater force to push her, a force strong enough to overpower the force of friction. Add number of students pushing.
Move the board to the less bumpy floor e.g. tile. Less friction there.
Use a rolling shape - wheels, rollers or marbles - add them under the board, to reduce friction. (Hold on! They dramatically reduce the friction)
Use a lubricant - add something slippery (ice, or oil, or bubble mix) - ice works well.


For a class that did not previously study reducing friction using rolling surfaces, we focused on the different floor types for reducing friction under the board. Students guessed what would happen when marbles were added, then we discussed why they reduced the friction.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2


Explore and experience friction with a variety of activities.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Physical Science: Force and Motion (grade 1)
Physical Science: Forces and Simple Machines (grade 5)

Do a selection of the activities. See notes for different lesson plans I have done.

Optional coin game in its simple form with just flicking a coin across different surfaces is good to start with for students to discover and define friction.

Define and demonstrate friction:
Friction is a force that slows things down. It happens when two things rub together.
If I slide this block, it stops after a while, because the block is rubbing against the cardboard.

Students slide blocks down ramps at their desks.
Discuss the surfaces and talk about why they have the least and most friction.
Bumpy surfaces rub against the block more, and slow it down more.
Write on board: under less friction put smoother surface, under more friction put bumpier surface.

Show how friction can be reduced
A fun challenge to reinforce how to reduce friction: Reduce friction to move the teacher.

Friction on a bike to show friction and reduced friction used to our advantage.

Wrap up discussion, ending with:
Why do our hands get warm when we rub them?
Friction! Friction makes heat.
Man first made fire by rubbing two sticks together (500,000 years ago) - the friction between them makes so much heat that it can start a fire.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2

Friction: sliding blocks down ramps

Students slide blocks down ramps and compare different surfaces for different amounts of friction
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Force and Motion (grade 1)
Physical Science: Forces and Simple Machines (grade 5)
  • Set of cardboard ramps
  • Set of of blocks, a matched pair for each pair of students (tested for same speed down ramp)
  • Set of blocks to hold up the end of the ramp
  • Set of cloth strips, cut to fit half of the ramp
  • Set of sandpaper strips, cut to fit half of the ramp
  • Set of clips to attach the materials to the ramp
  • Set of recording sheets

Students, in pairs, will slide blocks down different materials at their desks, to test different materials for the amount of friction.

Explain procedure: Set up your cardboard ramp, and slide two blocks together, to test out your set up. They should go down at about the same speed. Then clip different materials onto the ramp, and compare the friction of each of the materials by sliding a two blocks down at the same time. Slide the blocks a few times to make sure you are getting a good result.
Compare cardboard and cloth. Then try cloth and sandpaper. Then sandpaper and cardboard. (Optional: compare ice with the other materials.)
Each time, record which material has the most and which has the least friction on your worksheet.

If students get done early, they can change how the ramp is set up e.g. height, and try sliding blocks again.

Summarize what kinds of surface increase and reduce friction (5 mins)
Ask students to bring their cardboard, cloth and sandpaper to the carpet.
Which surface had less and more friction for each pair?
Feel the surfaces and talk about why they have the least and most friction.
Bumpy surfaces rub against the block more, and slow it down more.
Write on board: under less friction put smoother surface, under more friction put bumpier surface.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2


Activities relating to regional weather and animal adaptations.
Find out how the sun affects the temperature of water and land biomes differently. Look at animals from different biomes. Model how animals eat in different biomes.

Display a world map of major biomes. Try these links for simplified biome maps with logical colour coding:… (from this article - or… for terrestrial (Earth, not water) biomes.
Our planet has distinct regions that have their own weather, amount of sunlight, and temperatures. Because they are different, the living things that can survive there are different. "Climate is what you expect Weather is what you get"
Oceans and rivers are two of the biomes - in blue. Animals that live there are adapted to live and eat in the water.
The other biomes are all land. Some are cold (nearer the poles) like the tundra and taiga (we call it boreal forest) of Northern Canada. Some are hot (near the equator) like the deserts. Forests are tropical at the equator or temperate (cooler and more seasonal, like ours). Also grassland.
Animals, plants and other living things are adapted to live in each of these places.
List of biomes: Freshwater, Marine water, Ice, Tundra, Boreal forest (Taiga), Temperate forest, Tropical forest, Grassland, Desert.

More info placing biomes in the context of ecosystems and habitats:…

Choose two or three of the activities for a lesson.

Show that the equator gets more direct sun than the poles: sun's angle on earth activity.

Show that the sun heats water and land biomes differently:
Show students set up of heating land and water and explain that they will be reading the temperature of the sand and water over time.
Before starting, practice reading thermometers.
Teacher adds starting temperatures of sand and water to a graph. Then turn on the "sun" (the lights) and start a timer.

Show the ocean currents that flow around the Earth, moving warm water and moderating the climate of biomes: or (NASA Perpetual Ocean video)

Other activities can be run during the heating activity while student groups are not graphing - students can look at two animals that are related to each other (both crustaceans), but are found in different biomes. barnacles from the marine biome (consumers and sometimes decomposers), and wood bugs from our temperate forest biome (decomposers and consumers).
Students can use magnifiers to look at the animals more closely (at their colour, shape, how they move, find the wood bugs' eyes).
Discussion together summarizing the features that help them survive in their biome.

Return to the sand and water heating graph.
The same sun shines on land and water, but they heat up very differently. Water temperatures do not change much, whereas land temperatures, especially desert sand, changes fast and so can get very hot and also very cold.
Living things must be adapted for these greater temperature variations on land.
Can you name some animals that live in a desert biome? They are able to hold their water, and carefully collect the little water there is (cacti and lizard). They might hide underground from the heat except in the morning or evening. Big ears to lose heat.

Drip tips, waxy coatings and flexible stems on plants as adaptations to our temperate rainforest biome to our rainy and snowy winters.

Eating adaptations activity
A barnacle sweeps food out of the water. It works like a sieve. Other animals that live in water biomes, even some large whales, sieve out their food with baleen.
Wood bugs, which live in shady forest biomes, have tiny jaws for chewing up plants and rotting vegetation. They work like this clothes peg (demonstrate).
You’ll try these two tools, as well as two others, a skewer and a pipette. The tools model how different animals eat by sieving, grabbing, stabbing and sucking.
Discussion: Sieving is only possible in water biomes. On land and also in water, animals grab, suck and stab.


One activity format:
Biome maps and discussion on biomes-ecosystems-habitats. Eating adaptations activity.View and discuss wood bugs and barnacles.

Activity format for a long lesson:
Biome maps. Heating sand and water, with wood bug and/or barnacle observation and drawings when not taking thermometer readings. End with eating adaptations activity.

Grades taught
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5

Catapult - torsion

Build a catapult, experiment with how far it can project, and discuss the forces acting as it works, including gravity.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Force and Motion (grade 1)
Physical Science: Forces and Simple Machines (grade 5)

For each catapult:

  • foam core/very stiff cardboard in a square U shape - see notes on cardboard
  • elastic band, #64 works well and fires 4-5m, #32 works OK but has less power
  • plastic spoon
  • small section of popsicle stick (cut one in thirds)
  • piece of aluminum foil
  • firing line: either lines already in gym or masking tape
  • metre markers (see attached file) to post on walls/floor

Prepare the foam frames in advance.

Students each build a simple catapult. (Stretch the elastic band over the arms of the foam core. Use the piece of stick to twist up the rubber band, then slide the spoon in, orienting it so that it acts as the arm of the catapult).
While staying behind a line, fire balls of tin foil, and record how far they go.
After some time, ask what students did to make the balls go the furthest. (Direction of the force, strength of the force by pulling the spoon back more or less, weight/size of the object being fired, strength of the force by twisting the rubber band more or less).
Then more time to try out other students’ suggestions. Ask them to think about the forces on the paper ball.
Discussion on the forces involved in each stage of the catapult firing (force from hand to pull back the spoon, force in the elastic band (potential energy), force as the elastic band unwinds and moves the spoon, force of the spoon on the foil ball, gravity pulling the foil ball to the ground). There is a chain of forces.

Students can measure and record on a graph how far their ammuntion goes.

More details on catapult forces:
It is called a torsion catapult. (In the twisted band - a twising force is called torsion).

Attached documents

Cardboard from a thick box collapses at the bottom of the U after a couple of tries. Stick with foam core or test your cardboard well first.
The U shape is a lot of prep for a whole class, but the simple build is good for younger students.
Try other catapult designs from
Mme Romy's class had to figure out how to put the catapult together, before using it to fire.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6

Playground forces and energy transformations

Use playground equipment, balls and other materials, outdoors, to learn about forces.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Physical Science: Force and Motion (grade 1)

Review what a force is at an age appropriate level:
A force is something that can move an object, or stop it from moving ior make it change direction; a push or a pull (demonstrate).
Sometimes a force happens when things are in contact with each other (demonstrate hand pushing on ground). Sometimes the force does not contact the object it moves e.g. gravity. Demonstrate by throwing a ball in the air - contact force of my hand pushing the ball up, then non-contact force of gravity pulling the ball back down.

Students then experiment with forces.
If using the playground equipment, stations work well - two or three stations on different pieces of equipment, then another couple of stations with balls, and maybe the balancing pole activity.

Between stations, ask students to describe the station they just experienced in terms of forces (moving an object, contact/non-contact forces).

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 4
Gr 5

Forces and energy on the Playground

Use playground equipment outdoors to demonstrate forces and energy transfer.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Properties of Objects and Materials (grade K)
Physical Science: Force and Motion (grade 1)
Physical Science: Forces and Simple Machines (grade 5)
  • playground equipment such as slide, swings, climbing structure, spinning structure etc
  • optional friction on the slide activity: pieces of fabric with different textures, large enough to sit on

Types of Motion for younger students
Ask students to use their bodies and the equipment to move in different ways: spin, roll, slide, lift, fall, bounce, swing. They can also be given balls to use. They can use a worksheet to check off each motion, and draw the equipment they used.

Forces for younger students
Before the students use the equipment, discuss what a force is: something that can move an object, or stop it from moving. A push or a pull.
Sometimes a push or a pull is when things are in contact with each other, like my hand pushing the ground , or my linked fingers pulling against each other (demonstrate and ask students to try).
Sometimes the force does not contact the object it moves. Gravity pulls things towards the ground, even if it is not touching them.

Organize the students into groups, and show them the pieces of equipment that they will be using.
For example, divide playground equipment into two or three stations, then add one or two other stations (e.g. bouncing balls, balancing pole).
Ask students to feel the forces on their body, find out why they move up or down, what forces make them move.
As the students are using the equipment, visit each station help students feel a force as it happens.
After all students have visited all stations review what they found.

SLIDE forces, questions to ask and discussion points:
What are the pushes and pulls as you use the slide? Why can’t you slide up? [gravity is pulling you down, but you can walk up and push against it]. What happens if you start half way down the slide - how do the forces change?
As you climb up the steps you work against gravity, giving yourself energy. Gravity pulls you back down.
Friction between you and the slide slows you down, so the clothes you wear or how wet it is makes a difference to how fast you can go.

SWINGS forces, questions to ask and discussion points:
How do you start off. What kind of force? (what is pushing or pulling)?
Why do you stop at the top of a swing. What force makes you stop? [gravity pulling you back down].
How to get higher?
Push of your foot against the ground, or someone pushing you makes you start to move. You can pump your legs to make yourself go higher (putting your legs higher gives you more height energy, like the slide).
Gravity pulls you back down. The higher you went the longer you have coming down and the faster you will go.

CLIMBING NET forces, questions to ask and discussion points:
What forces make it stay up? Look at it as a structure, like a bridge or building.
You tread on the rope and push on it. Why doesn’t it move much?
Can you feel the forces of someone else moving around on the net?
The ropes constantly have pushes and pulls on them. They pull against the fasteners which pull back on the ropes. This keeps the whole thing taught.
If you move, you make a push, which transmits through the ropes to the other end of the structure, where someone else can feel it.
Bridges and other man-made structures are built to spread out the forces on them so they stay up. They have lots of cross braces connecting all the parts together.

The lesson adds in other stations.

Energy transformation for older students
Divide the students into groups, to rotate through the different pieces of equipment. List different kinds of energy and discuss the kinds of energy that might be used on the equipment. Then as the students use the equipment, talk to them about the energy types that are being used and how they are converting between each other: motion energy as their body is moving, potential energy as they get higher up, heat energy made in their bodies as they are moving, chemical energy stored in their bodies that can be converted to all these other kinds of energy.

A SWING has motion energy as it moves, which changes to potential energy (or "height energy") as it gets higher. Each time the swing goes back and forth, it has the most motion energy at the bottom of the swing, and the least when it comes to a stop at the top of its swing. It has the most potential energy when it is highest and the least when it is lowest. Energy changes between motion and potential energy forms and back again, as it swings back and forth. This demonstrates that energy can be transferred, but is always conserved.

A SLIDE converts potential energy to motion energy. As you climb the steps you gain potential energy (from gravity pulling on you). As you slide downwards, the potential energy reduces, and is converted to motion energy.

Additional force of friction on the slide:
A slide is an inclined plane, so the gravity pulling you down presses you onto the slide. As you move, there is friction between you and the slide. Friction is a force that slows things down as objects rub together. The rubbing generates heat energy, which is quickly lost to the air. Students with bare legs may feel that heat energy made from the friction between their body and the slide. Energy is transferred but always conserved.
As some of the potential energy you had at the top of the slide is lost to friction as you slide down, you descend more slowly than if you simply jump from the top of the slide.
Slides are made of smooth material to reduce friction. Students can experiment sliding on different pieces of cloth, or onto of jackets etc, to experiment with which materials reduce the friction most, and allow them to go the fastest down the slide.

A SPINNER has rotational energy.
Ask students to compare how fast they move when they sit on the outside or the middle of the spinner. They move much faster on the outside as they travel further in the same time as someone sitting in the middle of the spinner (look at one rotation to compare).
You can feel the force pushing you outwards as you hang on to the spinner. If you let go of the spinner, you would fly off, but in a straight line from your direction of travel, rather than straight outwards (as dictated by Newton's First Law: objects will keep moving in a straight line unless acted on by another force).

The lesson adds in other stations.

Newton's Laws for older students
Students can use the equipment and find where the Laws happen.
1st Law - Objects will stay stopped or in constant motion until a force acts on them (e.g. push off a step to move upwards, push the ground to start the swing)
2nd Law - F=ma: for a constant force, a small mass will accelerate more than a large one, and for the same mass, increasing the force increases its acceleration (e.g. pushing a friend harder on a swing will make them swing further)
3rd Law - For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction (e.g. when pushing down on a step, it pushes back making you move upwards, the step itself does not move)


Use this activity to study gravity: students are challenged to use the playground equipment and list/draw all the times they use gravity. e.g. gravity pulls students down the slide or down to the ground when they jump off something; gravity brings a swing back down after a student has used the forces of their bodies to push it up.

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 4
Gr 5

Balls for forces and energy transfer

Use balls to learn about different kinds of forces and energy transfer.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Force and Motion (grade 1)
  • selection of balls - basketball and tennis ball needed for the double ball bounce
  • playground concrete, or gym space (classroom OK for younger grade motion activity)

Types of motion, for younger students
Use the balls to learn about different kinds of motion. The students are instructed to move the balls in various ways, to make them move through various motions: spin, roll, slide, lift, fall, bounce, swing.
Discuss where the force comes from (the "push or pull") that made the ball do each motion.
The students' hands will provide the force to make the balls spin, roll or slide.
The force of gravity will pull the ball down to make it fall or bounce.
When the ball bounces, the floor pushes up on the ball to make it go up again.
For the swing, the push and pull of an arm makes it move, and gravity is pulling down on the arm - you can feel it.

Energy and momentum in a double ball bounce
Bounce a basketball or a tennis ball. They both start with gravitational potential energy ("height energy") when they are held up high. This gravitational potential energy changes into motion energy as the ball falls. As the ball hits the ground the motion energy becomes elastic potential energy, as the energy is stored in the flexible material of the ball. This elastic energy is converted back to motion energy as the ball moves upwards again, which is converted back to all gravitational potential energy as the ball reaches the top of its bounce. The ball does not bounce as high each time, as energy is lost as heat as it rubs agains the air, and as the material of the ball flexes on the ground.

Now stack the tennis ball on top of the basketball and release them both at the same time. The tennis ball will fly really high (or sideways) as it bounces off the basketball. The basketball gives its energy to the tennis ball and so does not bounce up much at all.
The basketball is larger, so has more momentum (speed and mass combined) than the tennis ball as they fall. When the basketball bounces up it transfers its momentum to the tennis ball. As the total momentum is the same when it is transferred between the balls, but the tennis ball is a lot smaller than the basketball, the tennis ball will move a lot faster. So the tennis ball bounces back up with its own momentum plus the momentum of the basketball, which makes it move really fast. The basketball loses its momentum, so hardly moves upwards at all.
Students can experiment with more than two balls, balls of different sizes etc. They will run around a lot.

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 4
Gr 5

Decomposers with a focus on worms

Look for animals outside, or in soil brought into the classroom. Discuss the role of decomposers in the food chain. Then look closely at red wiggler worms, or other small garden worms, before using them to start an indoor worm compost bin.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Earth and Space Science: Air, Water and Soil (grade 2)
Life Science: Characteristics of Living Things (grade K)
Life Science: Needs of Living Things (grade 1)
Life Science: Animal Growth and Changes (grade 2)
Life Science: Habitats and Communities (grade 4)
Life Science: Diversity of Life (grade 6)
Life Science: Ecosystems (grade 7)

Either start the lesson with a walk outside to find worms and other animals in the soil: decomposer hunt activity.
Or look for animals in soil brought into the classroom: soil habitat study activity.
Discuss how these decomposers are critical to the food chain, as they eat dead plant and animal matter and turn them into rich soil, containing simpler nutrients to be used by plants and other organisms.
(Or just start with the discussion.)

Then look at one of these decomposers, worms, more closely: Observe worms closely (including any found outdoors).

End by setting up a habitat for decomposers in the classroom:Set up worm bin. Optional: add other decomposers, e.g. wood bugs, to it.

Optional: visit school compost bin outside.


At the New York After School Program (The School at Columbia), students just looked into an already established worm compost rather than building their own. They looked at worms closely, then fed the worms in the compost bin.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 6

Worms: indoor compost bin

Make a compost bin with red wigglers, or small garden worms, that can be kept in the classroom. Other animals that are decomposers e.g. wood bugs, snails, slugs can also be added to the bin.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Air, Water and Soil (grade 2)
Life Science: Characteristics of Living Things (grade K)
Life Science: Needs of Living Things (grade 1)
Life Science: Animal Growth and Changes (grade 2)
Life Science: Ecosystems (grade 7)
  • large plastic tub with lid that fits snugly (though some air gaps smaller than a worm diameter ideal)
  • newspaper
  • water that has stood for two days to release chlorine (about 1 litre for a class of students) or pond/puddle water
  • trays or tubs to wet newspaper in
  • vegetable scraps
  • red wiggler worms, or other worms suitable for indoor composting, in extra dirt. Purchased from the resource listed, or dug from a compost heap/garden

Discuss what worms need to survive (ideally through close observation of a worm)
Air: the bin has holes in the lid, and the lid will be opened frequently to allow more air in too.
Water: worms need to stay moist (as they breathe through their skin, obtaining the oxygen dissolved in the water)
Food: worms eat rotting plants which are soft enough for the worm to ingest (and turn them into rich soil)
Darkness: worms burrow down away from the light to seek cool, damp places, and to hide from predators

Assemble the bin as a class
Sit the class in a circle around the empty worm bin, and assemble the bin step by step to provide the worms with what they need to survive.
1. Worms need a moist environment - make a layer of wet newspaper in the bottom of the bin to keep the environment damp: distribute trays of water around the circle. Distribute a sheet of newspaper to each student. Ask the students to lay their newspaper sheet in the water, then crumple it into a loose ball (about 5-10cm diameter) to gently squeeze the extra water out. Pass around the worm bin for students to add their wet newspaper balls to it, to make a layer of wet newspaper balls covering the bottom of the bin.
2. Add the worms: add the red wigglers/small garden worms in a little soil. (Students can also add worms they have been looking closely at.)
3. Worms need food: students can each add a piece of old vegetable to the bin, to form a scant layer. Do not add to much as mould growth on the uneaten vegetables can take over the worm bin. Avoid sweet fruits (apple cores, banana peels, orange peels) as this attracts fruit flies.
4. Cover the soil to keep it moist: students tear newspaper into long strips, then layer this on top of the worms and their food. This keeps the moisture in and any fruit flies out. It also makes a dark space for worms to crawl around in and find food.
5. Place the lid on. Air will enter through small holes in the lid, or a tightly-sealing lid should be opened periodically to let fresh air in.

Discuss long term care of the worms
The bin should be kept out of direct sunlight and away from heaters, to keep it cool.
Food should be added when the worms have consumed the previous food. Too much food will invite mould growth.
The bin should be kept damp but not soggy: worms need to stay moist, but will drown in too much water. Any added water should be chlorine-free.
When the newspaper strips are getting broken up, mix them in and add a new layer on top.
After a month or so, the worms will have made new, rich soil from the vegetable scraps. This soil can be added to garden or potted plants as fertilizer.
Sometimes, plants will grow from the seeds added to the bin (see third photo).

See the worm bin care sheet for more detailed information (attached).
Also more information here:

Dismantling the worm bin
When the worm bin is taken down, the freshly made compost/rich earth can be separated from the worms and put on plants that need fertilizing.
Look out for baby worms, and even worm eggs (about 1mm long, dark red-brown and egg shaped with one pointed tip) - see photo.
The worms can be put in a garden, or kept to make a new worm compost bin.

Setting up a second compost bin, from a previously made compost bin:
As above, make a layer of wet balls of newspaper in the bottom of the new bin. Take several handfuls of soil, rich with worms, from the old compost bin (you could use the entire bottom layer of soil and worms if this layer is not too deep). Layer over the old vegetables and dry newspaper etc, as described in the instructions above.


One bin was set up with worms collected by kids from the garden. It went well for three months before crashing, and we found a lot of water in the bottom of the bin. Try with small garden worms - avoid the huge ones - and make sure enough newspaper is mixed into the soil to keep it light.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6