
Worms: close observation

Students each have a worm to observe closely
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Life Science: Characteristics of Living Things (grade K)
Life Science: Needs of Living Things (grade 1)
Life Science: Animal Growth and Changes (grade 2)
  • Worms e.g. red wiggler or small worm from the garden (or purchased), one per student
  • Small petri dishes, one per student, with a film of water in each
  • Magnifiers as many as possible
  • Paper and pencil for drawing worm
  • Image of worm (earthworm OK) showing insides of worm

Before handing out the worms. practice using magnifier; look at the lines on your finger.
Look more closely at worms and how their body structure helps them survive in their habitat.

Hand out one worm per student enclosed in a small petri dish with a film of water in the bottom.
Ask students to draw what they see (not what they think they see).
After a while, ask the students what they have noticed. Ask if they noticed the segments, how they move, the blood vessel, the dark soil in the gut, which is head and tail.
Allow more time for the drawing.

Show image of worm and relate to what students have found, and which body parts are similar and different to ours.
Head, tail, mouth, anus, segments, clitellum, blood vessel. Organs: heart, brain, blood vessels.
Try this link for an image:

How do worms breathe?
We breathe by pulling air into our lungs. Worms breathe through their skin, by absorbing the oxygen from water - hence they need to stay moist to keep getting oxygen.

How do worms see? (There is no obvious eye).
Although we can't see any eyes on a worm, they do have rudimentary eyes. Eyes closed activity to show how worms see: ask students to look up at the light, then close their eyes and notice that they can still see some brightness. While keeping their eyes closed, face away from the light and notice how the light dims. Worms are able to detect where the light is with rudimentary eyes - they cannot focus to see an image but can detect which direction the light is coming from. This allows them to dig down into the soil (away from the light) to avoid predators.

How do worms move?
They move by muscle contraction and by gripping with the bristles (called setae) on each segment.
See these images to show the sequential muscle contractions that move them along:……

Other worm information:
They are both male and female in the same body but still need to mate to reproduce, by joining clitella (the smooth band on their bodies near the head).
They are decomposers, eating dead plant and animal matter and turning it into soil. They also aerate soil as they dig through it, making it more habitable for plant roots and other soil animals.


Apparently if the worms are on wet paper, you can hear the setae scratching on it.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6

States of matter (and temperature) in Water

Show state changes from solid to liquid to gas and back to liquid, with water. Optionally measure (and graph) the temperature of the water in each state.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Air, Water and Soil (grade 2)
Physical Science: Properties of Matter (grade 2)
Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)
  • Bag of ice cubes
  • Electric kettle, preferably with transparent sides so that the water can be seen boiling inside
  • Glass lid to hold over the kettle. Alternatively, a glass bowl that can fit over a cup of hot water)
  • Thermometers
  • Coffee cups to contain hot water
  • Styrofoam cups to hold ice
  • Tongs to hold thermometer over kettle

States of matter in water demonstration
1. Here is an ice cube (or give each student one). Is it solid, liquid or gas? Why? Fixed size, fixed shape.
What is happening to it? Melting. It is changing to a liquid because it is getting warm in the hand. The molecules are moving apart enough that they can flow past each other and make drips of liquid.
The name for a solid changing into a liquid is Melting.
2. Now we start with liquid water. We can turn it into a gas by warming it up even more - give it more energy. Use a see-through kettle or a hot plate to boil water.
What is happening to the liquid? Bubbles of gas are forming in it. It has enough energy to heat it up enough to turn to gas. The name for a liquid turning into a gas is Evaporation. (Alternatively, spread a drop of water on black paper and in a warm classroom or in the sun you can watch it evaporate.)
3. Now we will turn the gas back into a liquid by cooling it down. Put a glass lid/bowl over steam escaping from hot water - see droplets of water forming inside the glass. Why do the drops form on the glass? Because it is cooler, and they lose enough energy to move more slowly and become water again. The name for a gas turning into a liquid is Condensation.
4. How can we make the liquid turn back into a solid?
Cool it down even further. Optional: make frost on the outside of a can: (set up at the start of the lesson - it takes 15 mins to form). Name for a liquid to a solid is Freezing.

Measure the temperature of water in each state
1. Measure the temperature of ice:
Half fill a styrofoam cup with ice cubes, then immerse a thermometer in it. Read the temperature once it has stabilized (maybe a few minutes). If the thermometers are properly immersed in the ice they should read 0°C or below. Students can add their temperature reading to a graph on the board. Explain that ice forms at 0°C and remains solid at any temperature below that.
2. Measure the temperature of liquid water:
Pour water into the cups by mixing boiling and cold water to vary the warmth of the water in each cup. Ask students to measure the temperature of their water, and add it to a graph on the board. All measurements should read between 0°C (the melting point of water) and 100°C (the boiling point of water).
3. Measure the temperature of liquid water boiling:
This should be a demonstration. Using heat proof tongs, dip a thermometer into the water as it comes to the boil. Ask one student to read out the temperature as it rises to 100°C (the boiling point of water). If the thermometer can be held in while it continues to boil it may rise above 100°C, as more and more bubbles of gas form within the water.
4. Optional: graph the temperature data. Liquid water will always be between 0°C and 100°C. Ice will be at or below 0°C. The gas in boiling water can be above 100°C.

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5

States of Matter Scavenger Hunt

Students hunt for different states of matter on the school grounds
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Properties of Matter (grade 2)
  • Worksheet for each student: column headings are object/solid/liquid/gas
  • Clipboard for each student
  • Pencil for each student

Discuss what a solid, liquid and gas are.
A solid is hard. The particles are packed together so tightly that we cannot push through it and we can see it.
A liquid we can see but the particles are further apart, so it can flow and we can move it around with our hand.
A gas we cannot see as the particles are so far apart. But we can feel the particles hitting our hand (wave hand through the air).

Students are given a clipboard holding their scavenger hunt worksheet, and a pencil.
Students hunt around the classroom or school grounds looking for solids, liquids and gases. They write down each item and check off whether it is a solid, liquid or gas. They should try and find at least one of each state.
Gather to review and discuss.

Could be used as a review for older students - ask them to look around from where they are sitting and find a solid, liquid then gas.

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2

Water cycle

Water cycle model, water cycle bracelet and worksheet each show the stages of the water cycle (ocean, evaporation, water vapour, condensation, cloud, precipitation). If outdoors, include posting game to learn the water cycle words.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Earth and Space Science: Air, Water and Soil (grade 2)
Earth and Space Science: Weather (grade 4)

If using the worksheet (attached, and image), students write the words in the correct spaces.
With extra time they can colour the worksheet.

If the lesson is outdoors, start with asking about water around us - what do students see/know about?
From their starting point, ask where that water came from, then work backwards ('where did that water come from?'), to include all stages of the water cycle, writing/drawing up each stage as it is added. Students may well include water from taps and in man-made structures. These are part of the water cycle in a city.

Relate the states of matter to the water cycle: water in the lakes and oceans evaporates (liquid to gas) and goes into the air. When it gets high enough it cools and condenses (gas to liquid) to form clouds. When the liquid drops are heavy enough, they make raindrops that fall as rain or snow (precipitation). The snow on mountains will melt if it is warm enough, as we see on our Northshore mountains every year.
Optional side activity: States of matter in water.

Do a selection of these activities:

Water cycle model:
Set up the optional water cycle model while students are filling in their worksheets. Look at the water cycle model together when all the worksheets are done. Relate what is happening in the model to the steps of the water cycle.

Water cycle bracelet:
If the water cycle bracelet is included in the lesson:
Students use the bracelet materials to make a short bead chain and tape it next to the words on the worksheet.
Alternatively, add a dot of colour next to each word, making sure the colours used are the same as the bead colours in the bracelets.

Erosion activity:
The erosion activity models what happens as the water flows down mountainsides to the ocean.

Posting game:
Active posting game recognizing and matching water cycle words.

Research project:
Look at old maps to find out where the original streams flowed, which are now under the concrete of the city. For Vancouver, see

Suggested activity order:
Show the starting materials of the water cycle model to students, and tell them that it will be set up on their table group.
Hand out worksheets (attached document), which students fill in while the water cycle models are being set up.
Once all the water cycle models are dripping 'rain', discuss what is happening in the models and how it shows the water cycle that they have on their worksheet.
The model is different from the real water cycle because it only goes around once, unlike the real water cycle which goes round and round for ever (it is a cycle!).
Optionally take a body break.
Make water cycle legend for the worksheets and water cycle bracelets together. Students that get done fast can colour the worksheet.
Taste the fresh and salt water in the models.

Attached documents

Optional activity to leave with the students:
We have made models of the water cycle. Now we’ll set up a part of the real water cycle. Ask how an evaporation dish is part of the real water cycle. Set up an evaporation dish
What happens to water? It cycles around. We drink water molecules that Einstein drank!
Vancouver's Old Streams map by Vancouver Aquarium (with Elsie Roy lessons)

Idea for lesson structure: Worksheet words (and colouring if done fast), while models are running on table groups.
Take a body break (while distributing beads).
Water cycle bracelet legend altogether, then build bracelets (maybe with fewer beads).
Taste waters.

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3

Water cycle model

A closed container with warm water and a small pot to collect the evaporated, then re-condensed, water shows how freshwater lakes are made from salty ocean water.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Air, Water and Soil (grade 2)
Earth and Space Science: Weather (grade 4)
Physical Science: Properties of Matter (grade 2)

For each model (can use one per table group)

  • sturdy plastic storage tub, roughly 30cm long x 15cm wide x 15cm tall
  • small pot or bowl (that is less than half the height of the storage tub)
  • 3 tablespoons salt, optionally divided up so students can add
  • 5 drips food colouring
  • cling film to cover the top of the tub with at least 5cm overlap (I found Glad wrap worked way better than Titan brand)
  • masking tape
  • 4 small binder clips
  • kettle and water
  • a marble
  • optional for tasting water: Q-tips, one per student

Prepare the activity:
Lay a piece of cling wrap over the top of the plastic tub. Use masking tape to secure the cling wrap most of the way round, leaving it open the last 1/4 of the length.
Add the salt and food colouring at one end of the plastic tub (make separate piles). Place the pot in the middle of the tub.
Alternatively, students can later add the salt as you visit each of their tables to set up the water cycle model.

In class:
Boil the water, then immediately add it on top of the salt to a depth below the rim of the pot (it will not work unless the water is only just boiled). Clip the lid shut by securing the cling wrap with binder clips. The cling wrap may balloon up. Place the marble in the middle of the cling wrap, and push the cling wrap down, so that the marble is directly over the pot.

After 5 mins or so, drips of re-condensed water will fall from under the marble into the pot. After 10 or 15 minutes there will be enough drips of water in the pot to have made a puddle.

The students can optionally taste the water in the pot ("the lake") and the tray ("ocean") - give them a Q tip to dip first in the lake water and taste, then use the other end of the Q tip to dip in the ocean and taste. The ocean water is salty and the lake water is fresh. Only the water evaporates from the ocean - the salt is left behind. The food colouring also stays in the ocean, but does not appear in the lake.

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3

Water cycle bracelet

Students make a bracelet with repeating colours of beads, each colour of bead representing stages of the water cycle.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Air, Water and Soil (grade 2)
Earth and Space Science: Weather (grade 4)
  • beads of 6 distinct colours or shapes. e.g. plastic pony beads - 4 per student e.g. larger wooden beads - 2 per student e.g. larger wooden shaped beads - 1 per student
  • pipe cleaner, cut to an appropriate length for a bracelet (allowing for twisting the ends together) one for each student. If time, bend the ends over to avoid scratching skin with the cut end
  • worksheet (attached and pictured), or other place that students can find the stage of the water cycle that corresponds to each bead colour/shape

Each student makes a bracelet with coloured or shaped beads. The beads are threaded in an order that represents the stages of the water cycle.
With with smaller pony beads we repeated the cycle four times and with large shaped beads we used one of each bead shape.
Once made, an adult can secure their bracelets on each student's wrist. By tucking the pipe cleaner ends inside the adjacent beads, an unbroken circle of repeating bead colours represents the endless cycling of water on earth.

If using the worksheet and small coloured beads:
Cut a short length from each student's pipe cleaner before class.
Distribute the short lengths of pipe cleaner and one set of the 6 bead colours, to each student.
Students thread the beads on the short piece, in the agreed colour order for each water cycle word. Tape the short bead sequence on the worksheet next to the water cycle words. This key shows which colour represents each stage of the water cycle.
Then students use their longer pipe cleaner piece and more beads to make their bracelet, in the correct bead colour order, and repeating several times.
(Alternatively, coloured pencils/markers can be used to show the bead colours of each water cycle word on the worksheet).

If using the worksheet and larger wooden bead shapes:
Draw the bead shapes next to each water cycle word.
Then make the bracelet in the correct order of bead shapes.

Attached documents

If you have colourblind students in your classroom, use this tool to choose bead colours that are distinguishable to colourblind students:…

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3

States of matter: acting them out

Students model the molecules in three states of matter.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Properties of Matter (grade 2)
Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)
  • Space for the students to move around in (classroom or outdoors)

Optional: start by reviewing the states of matter, while asking students to find examples in the classroom. Solids have a fixed shape and are hard. Liquids can change shape, but always take up the same amount of space (same volume) as they flow in their container. Gases change shape and fills the space they are in (so change volume). Some students might mention plasma, the 4th state of matter.

The particles (molecules or atoms) are arranged differently in different states of matter. Tell students that they will model the particles in each of the three states of matter. They are each a molecule. Ask them to stand in an open space of the classroom.
In a solid the molecules are packed tight, held together by strong bonds. Ask students to model a solid by linking arms with their neighbours, so that they are packed tight together in a group. The individuals can jiggle a little, but the group maintains its shape.
As a solid gains energy the molecules gain energy and can move around more. They are still bonded to each other, but more loosely. Ask students to model a liquid by spreading apart and moving around more, but always touching at least one other student with an outstretched arm. The bonds between molecules break and form continuously, so that the group stays together but can move and change shape, like a liquid.
As a liquid gains even more energy the molecules gain enough energy to move completely apart and evaporate. Ask students to break all bonds with each other and move around the room, spreading out to fill the room. Students can be asked to lose energy and become a liquid again (condensation), then a solid (freezing).

For younger students, simplify the language:
Stand up close together, arms linked. Stay still. You are not moving. You are stuck together, so you cannot change shape. I can see what shape you are. Which state are you? Solid.
You have a bit more energy. Now you can move around a little more. Walk around, but always stay touching at least one other person. So you can change shape but stay the same size. Which state are you? Liquid.
Now you have even more energy. You can now move around even more, let go of each other. You now can change shape and size. Which state are you? Gas.

Videos of educators/students acting out states of matter:

Image of particles in the three states:
Longer cartoon video of the particles in solids, liquids, gases at

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6

Mixtures with a focus on colloids

Mix materials to discover different kinds of mixtures, then focus on colloids.
  • materials in the activities
  • optional: transmission microscope, slides and coverslips, pipette to look closely at the particles in colloids

Discover and define different kinds of mixtures with the Making Mixtures activity.

Optional: Look at the colloidal particles in milk under the microscope (see photo), by making a slide of a milk drop. Under 100X power you can see the fat droplets, and at 400X power you can see that they are variously-sized. They are all small enough to stay in the milk, and not settle out as a separate layer.

Then make colloids, butter is recommended as there are three colloids in its making (cream, whipped cream and butter).
Alternatively, make oobleck or flubber, which are also colloids.

Optional: Set up a transmission microscope for small student groups to visit. Make a slide of whole milk to see the fat particles of varying sizes at high power. Make a slide of oobleck to see the cornstarch particles, with a different appearance from the milk.

See attached files for summary of mixtures including colloids.

Attached documents
Grades taught
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Ice cream

Make ice cream by shaking cream next to salted ice to freeze it.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Life Science: Animal Growth and Changes (grade 2)
Physical Science: Properties of Matter (grade 2)

For each student:

  • 2 small ziplock baggies
  • 2 tablespoons (30ml or 1/8 cup) whipping cream
  • 0.5 teaspoon sugar
  • 2-3 drops vanilla essence
  • a spoon

For each pair of students (or one each if enough materials):

  • large yogurt/sour cream/etc container, about 500ml or 650g, with a lid
  • 2 tablespoons/30 ml of salt or rocksalt
  • about 10 ice cubes

Each student: open a small baggie and add 2 tablespoons whipping cream, 0.5 teaspoons sugar and 2 or 3 drops of vanilla essence. Seal. Double bag the mixture by fitting this bag neatly inside a second baggie. Hang the baggies down the inside of a large container (500/650 g/ml) and fold the ziplock top over to the outside of the container. The bottom of the baggies should be hanging near the bottom of the inside of the container. Two students can hang their bags on each side of the same container.
Each pair of students: add 2 tablespoons of salt and about 10 ice cubes to a the container. The container should be about 2/3 full.
Snap the lid on the container over the top of the baggie.
Holding the lid on, shake the container for 5-10 minutes (yes, it takes a while), until the cream turns solid. (Double bagging ensures that punctures of a baggie by the ice cubes do not go through both layers.)
Eat out of the baggie with a spoon - quickly before it melts again!

Ice cream is frozen cream with air pockets that make it light.
The air is added as the cream is shaken.
The temperature is reduced enough to freeze the cream by adding the salt. The salt lowers the freezing temperature of water, so that as the ice melts, liquid water lower than zero centigrade surrounds the cream, causing it to freeze.


The ingredients include cream, which comes from cows, so this activity can be used in a unit on food from animals.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5

Native Plant Scavenger hunt, iSpy or Bingo

Scavenger hunt, Bingo or iSpy game to hunt for and recognize native plants.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Life Science: Characteristics of Living Things (grade K)
Life Science: Plant Growth and Changes (grade 3)
  • bingo sheet or iSpy sheets (see attachments) or printable native plant cards (from here)
  • optional: pencil each

Visit a forest, park or other area with native plants. Teach students the native plants (and animals) for the area.

Scavenger hunt:
Clip one copy of each card to its respective plant before the lesson.
At the lesson, give each student a card, ask them to find the same card pegged to a native plant.
They can stack the cards and peg them together, before getting another card, or helping others find theirs.

Give students bingo boards (each a little different from each other). Students call Bingo! when they have found all the plants on their sheet.

iSpy cards can be the same for each student, and the group can work together to spy each of the plants.

Optional discussion on how native plants are used by Indigenous cultures:
fern: young leaves for food (called fiddleheads - look for them in your food market)
red flowering currant: berries for food
salmonberry berries: for food
salal: berries for food, leaves for a cooking flavour
skunk cabbage: leaves for lining berry baskets
cattail: leaves woven into mats and seeds for pillows and wound dressings
moss: for bedding and pillows
iris: leaves braided into snares for catching large animal prey
fir tree: wood for fuel, and for making spear handles and spoons and other tools
cedar tree: wood for canoes, houses, totem poles, arrow shafts as well as fuel; cedar bark for baskets, rope, mats and woven with wool for clothes; roots for baskets and ropes.

Hand out Doulas fir cones to look at and retell Indigenous story about Douglas Fir cones:
Long, long ago there lived a mouse in the forest. The mouse was fearful all day and all night, for the sly fox always tried to catch him and eat up him. The mouse was very clever and was able to hide from the fox for a long, long time. But one day, he let his attention wander, and before he knew it, the fox was right there! The mouse was very scared and ran off as fast as he could. But he knew the fox was faster, so frantically he searched for a place to hide. He spied a cone that he thought was big enough to hide him, so he scurried inside. Well, he was hidden well enough that the fox couldn't find him, but really the cone was too small. And to this day, you can see the hind legs and the tail of the mouse sticking out from the Douglas-fir cone, where he is STILL hiding from the fox!
Students can find their own Douglas fir cones until time to go back to school.

Bog information:
Bogs are a valuable natural resource. They store water, which prevents flooding by slowing the water entering streams and rivers. They are a carbon sink, as the plants in them do not decay. They are natural filters.
Bogs have unique ecosystems - they are low oxygen and acidic - bog plants are adapted to live in this environment.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 4
Gr 5