
Levitating magnets

Stack ring magnets on a stick, so that they repell each other and "float".
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Force and Motion (grade 1)
Physical Science: Forces and Simple Machines (grade 5)
  • several ring magnets
  • a skewer that the ring magnets can fit over

Cap each end of a stick with 3 or 4 repelling magnets along the stick.
Students free play with their own stick.


Cheaper ceramic magnets break easily when students free play.

Grades taught
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5

Chromatography with coloured candy

Separate the colours in candy coatings using chromatography, to find out what dyes make up their colour.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)
  • candies with coloured coatings. Chocolate smarties work well, also skittles
  • water
  • paint tray or shallow container
  • skewers
  • coffee filter papers, white
  • scissors
  • dropper pipettes e.g. eye dropper from drug store
  • mini binder clips
  • plastic tub e.g. yogurt tub

Please note that in a class of students it is likely that one of them is at least partially colourblind (1 in 12 males are colourblind). As this is an activity distinguishing colours, these students will not be able to tell some colours apart and perceive some colours differently, although the activity will be no less interesting for them. The common red/green colour blindness means reds and greens (or colours containing reds and greens such as browns) look similar. More information at and

Add a candy and only a drop of water to a well of the paint tray.
Use a stick to turn the candy over and release the colour from its coating. Add one more drop of water if necessary, but keep the colour as concentrated as possible.

Cut a strip of filter paper the correct length to hang into the tub from the skewer with a binder clip. It's end should be about 1.5cm above the bottom of the tub.
Then remove the filter paper and add 1cm water to the tub.

Add a drop of candy dye to one end of the filter paper, at least one cm from the end, using the stick dipped in the candy juice.
Allow it to dry a little, then add another drop, allow to dry, then add another drop.

Attach the binder clip to the end of the filter paper strip away from the dye drop.
Slide the binder clip onto a skewer and lay the skewer over the top of the tub, so that the filter paper just touches the water, but the spot of dye is not immersed in the water.

Allow the chromatogram to run for several minutes, until the colours have moved most of the way up the filter paper.

The colours have different abilities to dissolve in water, and attach to the filter paper surface. All the coloured molecules move with the water, then stick on the paper, then move with the water again, but each different colour sticks to the paper or moves with the water to different extents. Hence the colours move at different rates up the paper and are separated out.

Try with different coloured candies to find out what colours make up each dye.
Compare different candies to see if the same colour is made up of the same component colours.

Grades taught
Gr 3
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Helicopter and launcher

Make a simple cardboard helicopter, and a launcher that spins it for take off.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Force and Motion (grade 1)
Physical Science: Forces and Simple Machines (grade 5)
  • one long pencil and two short pencils
  • tape
  • cardboard e.g. cereal box
  • scissors

Make sure the short pencils have good points.
As shown in the photo, lay the long pencil between the two short pencils, with the points of the short pencils above the end of the long pencil. Tape together.
Make a rectangle of cardboard.
Using the points of the short pencils, push holes in the centre of the cardboard rectangle. Use a pin or other sharp object to help if needed.
As shown, bend two opposite corners of the cardboard slightly, in opposite directions, to make crude helicopter blades.

To launch, hold the pencils upright, using the holes in the cardboard, rest the helicopter on the pencil tips.
Spin the launcher rapidly, by spinning the long pencil between two flat hands (look at the position of the hands in the two photos).
The helicopter will lift off the launcher and rise a little before spinning off sideways.

Play with the size of the cardboard, the angle and size of the bends in the cardboard.
How high can it fly?

The forces involved:
As it spins, the bends in the cardboard direct the flow of air downwards. The push of air downwards, results in an equal and opposite reaction (Newton's Third Law) pushing back up against the helicopter. This is the force of "lift", which keeps it up in the air.
Eventually as the spin slows, the lift is not as great, and the force of gravity pulling it to the ground dominates and it falls.


TEST FIRST - it can be tricky to make work reliably

Grades taught
Gr 4
Gr 5


Make a powerful shooter of foil balls, or coins, from a toilet roll and a balloon. Convert to a rocket launcher.
  • toilet roll
  • balloon
  • scissors
  • duct tape
  • foil, or other objects to fire. Coins are effective but dangerous
  • optional to turn into a rocket launcher: stiff tubes (e.g. poster, foil, cling wrap tubes, various diameters), flat cardboard or light styrofoam to make fins

For a simple (but very powerful) shooter:
Cut the neck off the balloon and fit it over the end of the toilet roll, leaving a pocket hanging.
Tape securely all around with duct tape.
To fire:
Drop the ammunition down the tube.
Grab the balloon pocket along with the ammunition.
Pull the balloon back, aim well, and let go.

Coins project fast out of this device, so only use with students that can be monitored closely, and who can obey rules around which way to fire and where to stand.
Foil balls still move pretty fast, but are not as dangerous.

The forces involved:
The balloon stores elastic energy as it is pulled back. As it is released it converts this energy to kinetic energy which pushes the ammunition forward. Air resistance eventually slows the ammo down, and gravity pulls it to the ground.

Convert to a rocket launcher/projectile:
Tape the balloon to a stiffer tube, and secure inside a long tube.
Add fins and a streamlined nose to the long tube.
Place the rocket over another long, stiff tube. Pull back the rocket so that the balloons is stretched. Release.

Grades taught
Gr 4
Gr 5

Flying Things

Dramatic activities on force, motion and energy, making things that fly by various means.
Curriculum connection (2005 science topic)
Physical Science: Force and Motion (grade 1)
Physical Science: Forces and Simple Machines (grade 5)
Physical Science: Chemistry (grade 7)

Do a selection of the activities.
Tie together with discussions on force and what makes them fly.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 4
Gr 5


Build a simple flying machine from a straw and cardboard, that spins as it flies.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Force and Motion (grade 1)
Physical Science: Forces and Simple Machines (grade 5)
  • 3-x-5-inch file cards, or equivalent thickness of card to cut up
  • scissors
  • tape
  • plastic straws, straight
  • optional: paperclips or modelling clay

As described on the Exploratorium website (
Cut the card into strips, about 1 X 5inches long.
Tape one piece into a loop, and another two into a larger loop (by taping them end to end first).
Tape the loops onto each end of a straw, lined up with each other.
Throw the hoopster like a spear. It will rotate and fly quite well.

Play around with variations on the basic hoopster, and compare how they fly (make sure to have several trials with each):
change the number of loops
change the orientation of the loops
change the length of the hoopster by adding straws (push one end into another)
add weight with paper clips or modelling clay
etc. etc

Discussions of the forces involved:
The forward motion is called thrust and is generated by our arm pushing it forward.
The air moving around the loops gives it lift so that it can fly for a while.
Air resistance eventually slows it down and gravity brings it to the ground.

Grades taught
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6

Water flow with temperature and salt variation

Layer warm, cold and salty water in a small tube, or plastic box, to find out which sink and float relative to each other. Use to model the flow of warm and cold air in the earth's atmosphere or the flow of warm, cold and salty water in the oceans.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Air, Water and Soil (grade 2)
Earth and Space Science: Weather (grade 4)
  • bottles that deliver single drops e.g. small food dye dispensers or dollar store twist top bottles
  • salt water, 1 teaspoon salt in 100ml water, plus 20 drops green food dye to colour
  • warm water, plus red food dye to colour (about 20 drops in 100ml)
  • microwave heat up warm water
  • sponges split partway through, to insulate the warm water bottles
  • iced water, plus blue food dye to colour (about 20 drops in 100ml)
  • ice in a container to keep the iced water cool
  • small clear tubes
  • tap or squeeze bottle of water to rinse small tubes after each use
  • waste tub
  • optional: red, green and blue coloured pencils for students to record their observations
  • optional for demonstration: large box of water tipped at one end, to show larger scale

Free experimentation in small tubes:
Instruct students to half fill a small tube with room temperature water. Then drop in one or more of the water types (salty/cold/warm). Watch whether the drips sink or float. Use coloured pencils to show observations. Then try adding different combinations of water to see where they settle.

In general, salty water will settle lowest, then cold water, then warm water will stay on the top (note that after adding salty water, the salt mixes in and will make the whole tube salty, so that cold water will stay near the surface, sometimes even above a red layer (that is warm but now has some salt mixed in). Students will get their own unique results depending on what order and how much of each water type they add. They should be encouraged to look closely and observe water flowing in the tube when they add each type.

Modelling world-wide ocean currents
The heating of the surface of the ocean, and freshwater flow into the ocean changes the temperature and salinity of the ocean. Warmer water is less dense than cooler water, and saltier water is more dense than less salty water. Denser water sinks below less dense water, so the differences in temperature and salinity causes water to move, driving ocean currents.
The thermohaline circulation of ocean water (called the ocean conveyer belt) flows around the world. Warm water from the Tropics is driven North by wind. In the North Atlantic it cools. Evaporation and ice formation in the North also makes the water more salty, making it more dense. The cooler, saltier water, sinks, displacing the bottom water, which flows south beyond the equator to Antarctica. These cold bottom waters flow around the globe and eventually mix with warmer water and move to the surface in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The cycle is completed when warm surface waters head north again.
Surface Ocean Currents: Gulf Stream (North Atlantic Ocean), Brazilian Current (South Atlantic Ocean), Agulhas Current (Indian Ocean), Kuroshio Current (North Pacific Ocean), East Australian Current (South Pacific Ocean).

Ocean mixing feeds the animals of the ocean.
Cold Antarctic surface water sinks, forcing the nutrient-rich deep water to rise (40 million cubic meters/second). The nutrients feed algae and other plants, which feed krill, which feed baleen whales, as well as penguins, seals, and seabirds.
Try this video on Antarctic krill - (The krill themselves cause vertical ocean currents as they swim on mass to feed on algae at the surface. Nutrients are drawn upwards in their current.)

Ocean currents are used by animals for migration.
Loggerhead turtles migrate from Florida to the open ocean (where the young are safer), then return as adults. Atlantic Leatherbacks travel from Caribbean to Nova Scotia to feed on jellyfish. Pacific Leatherbacks have the longest migration on Earth: they are born in Japan, migrate to Mexico to feed on crabs, then head back to breed, nest. The Green Sea Turtle rides the East Australian Current, though does not go out into the open ocean (Crush in Finding Nemo).

Modelling air flow in our atmosphere
Air is warmed by the sun, predominantly at the tropics. This warm air rises, and cooler air sinks (just as the warm water rises and the cool water sinks). This movement of air in our atmosphere creates winds.
In addition, ocean currents, caused by differences in temperature and salinity of the water, move heat around the globe.

To demonstrate larger scale cold, warm and salty water flow and layering in a clear-sided box
Fill the box with room temperature water.
Elevate one end of the box to make a sloped bottom.
Drip each of the water types (salty/cold/warm) in turn and watch them sink (salty/cold) or float (warm) in the water, and flow along the bottom or surface.


Primaries at Tyee only mixed warm and cold water, whereas intermediates also used the salty water.

When this activity is done in a larger box, try measuring the temperature of the warm and cold water layers.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Turbulence visualized

Use pearlescent soap and colouring to visualize the swirls and movement of water.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Air, Water and Soil (grade 2)
  • water
  • pearlescent liquid soap (containing glycol stearate or glycol distearate)
  • food colouring
  • white tray or clear sided bottle
  • optional for clean hands: chopstick, ruler, other items to move water around the tray

Mix 3:1 water:soap in a bottle or tray, gently to keep bubbles to a minimum. Add a couple of drops of food colouring.
Move the water around: tip the bottle back and forth or drag a finger through/blow on water in the tray.
The pearlescent particles show the movement of the water.
Watch the swirls (turbluence) in the water, and find the sometimes unexpected patterns that result from water flow.

For discussion on ocean currents:
In the ocean, tides and winds push the water around. Obstacles such as land or underwater mountains create turbulence as the water hits them. All this movement of the water, much of it turbulent and moving in complex patterns, both on a large scale (e.g. along a coastline) and small scale (e.g. around a reef) churns and mixes the oceans' water.
See “Perpetual Ocean from NASA” for excellent video of turbulence patterns in the world's oceans.
Water movement brings food to animals that can't move, and moves nutrients and heat around.
Some animals have a profound effect on ocean water mixing e.g. krill move en masse to the ocean surface to feed on algae, creating a moving current of water that brings nutrients from the bottom of the ocean to the surface. Phytoplankton (single-celled plants) at the ocean surface can then feed on these nutrients. When they die they sink to the bottom, cycling nutrients back to the deep ocean.….
Some animals use these ocean currents to migrate: Loggerhead turtles migrate from Florida to the open ocean (where the young are safer), then return as adults. Atlantic Leatherbacks travel from Indonesia to Nova Scotia to feed on jellyfish. Pacific Leatherbacks have the longest migration on Earth: they are born in Japan, migrate to Mexico to feed on crabs, then head back to breed, nest. The Green Sea Turtle rides the East Australian Current, though does not go out into the open ocean (Crush in Finding Nemo).

For discussion of the movement of air in our atmosphere:
The turbulence patterns in the tray are the same as the turbulence patterns made by air flowing in our atmosphere (as both water and air are fluids, so behave similarly). When air flows past islands, mountain ranges or other obstacles, turbulence patterns are created. Visual of atmospheric turbulence patterns shown by clouds:
Live interactive map of Earth’s winds across the surface:…

Attached documents

The bottle is less messy, but you have less control over the patterns, and they are not as interesting. Tray recommended if the set up/clean up can be dealt with.
This activity from the Exploratorium:

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2
Gr 3
Gr 4
Gr 5
Gr 6
Gr 7

Magnifiers and sun makes fire

Burn things by focusing the sun's energy with a magnifier.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Earth and Space Science: Stars and Planets (grade 3)
Physical Science: Properties of Objects and Materials (grade K)
  • safe outside space to burn stuff e.g. pavlng stones
  • the sun
  • magnifier
  • paper, dry grass, other stuff to try igniting

Focus the sun's energy on one point with a magnifier.
Test different materials to see if they can ignite. Do not stare at the focused spot of light for long - it will hurt your eyes.
(Dried grass ignites but printer paper does not.)
The magnifier focuses the sun's energy to a point, which is hot enough to ignite things that are really thin and dry.


Try with sharpie and water lens: #2 in start at 32 seconds.

Grades taught
Gr 3
Gr 5

Projectiles free play

Free play exploration with provided materials, with challenge to build devices that project themselves or a missile.
Science topic (2005 curriculum connection)
Physical Science: Properties of Objects and Materials (grade K)
Physical Science: Force and Motion (grade 1)
Physical Science: Properties of Matter (grade 2)
Physical Science: Materials and Structures (grade 3)
Physical Science: Forces and Simple Machines (grade 5)
  • an open space where students can safely project small objects away from others e.g grass or gravel field
  • rubber bands, various sizes
  • paper clips
  • paper and card stock
  • masking tape
  • straws, drinking and bubble tea sizes
  • chopsticks
  • skewers
  • small binder clips
  • popsicle sticks
  • round toothpicks (they are stronger than the flat ones)
  • scissors
  • optional: balloons
  • optional: foil
  • optional:cardboard tubes: paper towel rolls, kleenex rolls

Show the materials to the students.

Tell them that they will build their own devices that can make itself fly, or shoot a small object made from the materials, in a safe manner.
Introduce the idea of elastic potential force - the energy stored in a stretched elastic band or balloon can be used to fire. When the elastic returns to its original shape, it loses energy, and the energy is transformed to motion energy of the projectile.

Support original ideas, constant modification, while guiding to make the design better.
Encourage device development if necessary by breaking down the components of the device: what will produce the power (e.g. elastic band, balloon), what will be the structural strength (e.g. chopstick, possible stick, straw), and projectile (e.g. balled up paper, toothpick).

There are an infinite number of possibilities as to what they can build.


Inspiration from "Mini Weapons of Mass Destruction" by John Austin, though often the designs in this book, being limited to office supplies, need to be modified as they are not so strong.

Grades taught
Gr 4
Gr 6